relive the lost summers of your youth by filling out a scrapbook containing what few friends you have Scrapbooker Helper Want to know how to be one of the cool kids who have the second rarest achievement in the game? Cool. Here you go. Scrapbooker, as you’d expect, needs you to fill in your…
Category: Guide

New Frontier: How to Build Your Own House
This is a guide to make it easier to understand how the Land Deeds and the base building works in New Frontier. Placement Howdy Partners! Today we are bringing you a tutorial on how to build your own base with a showcase on the different features. Our first tip is to find a place…

Insurgency: Sandstorm – Optimal Settings for High-end PC
Guide for people with high end PC who has trouble playing this unoptimized mess. 1.Preset First of all go to C:\Users\”username”\AppData\Local\Insurgency\Saved\Config\WindowsClient and delete engine.ini and game.ini Dont worry as it will auto create itself when you launch the game. 2. ingame option Use SMAA T2X Put foliage and shadows to low, (for visibility and…

Immersive Poetry: Walkthrough for 100% Achievements
Here is full 100% walkthrough with screenshots and descriptions in Immersive Poetry game. Introduction Immersive Poetry is a walking simulator where with almost every level the gameplay changes a bit. The game is relaxing, also due to the VERY slow movement speed, even if you “run”. It will show you poem lines here and there and…

Cute Things Dying Violently: 100 Achievements Guide
Welcome to SteamAH. Cute Things Dying Violently is a game all about hapless Critters, and the Critters need your help! 100% achievements can be roughly divided into three steps: Step 1: Play through all 48 levels perfecting all of them Step 2: Clean up the miscellaneous achievements Step 3: Grind the remaining deaths Achievements unlock…

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition: Champion (Nature / Warfare) Build Guide
Pet build with melee support using the Champion (Nature / Warfare) class Introduction Remus, Sire of the Capitoline Wolf Mastery: Champion (Nature / Warfare) Build: Pets with melee support This build is for those who want to have pets play a big role but also get their own hands dirty. Wolves offer good permanent pets…

Steam: How to Upload Workshops Larger Than 2 MB
Allows you to upload animated workshop images without the 2 MB restriction, as well as broken image icons. Instructions This new method allows you to upload animated workshops that are larger than the old 2 MB limit. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ Visit this link in a browser: Right click anywhere, inspect elements, and go to the console…

Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor: A Sanidrone’s Guide to Success
Are the food prices becoming overwhelming? Does the daily grind bore you? Do the goddesses frown to your favor? If this is true for you, fear not! This guide will help you turn your life around, and get you off of that filthy planet. Before We Begin This guide is based almost purely off…

Overcooked! 2: All Chefs and How to Unlock Them
This guide compilates all Chefs of Overcooked! 2 and all its DLCs, along with short explanations about how to unlock each of them. Introduction You can get new chefs through four different ways: 1. Just buying Overcooked! 2, when some basic chefs are automatically unlocked. 2. Acquiring some DLCs of the game, which automatically…

Crusader Kings II: AGoT Useful Commands Guide
A list of some of the most useful commands, including some events, to use if you want an added boost in your AGoT games, or you want to construct the world to your liking before you begin. Beginning Welcome to this guide on AGoT Cheats. Below you will find a list of useful commands…

Angel Express [Tokkyu Tenshi]: Achievement Guide
Angel Express [Tokkyu Tenshi] is a cutesy game, but you might want to need this guide as the achievements themselves are either vague or completely bugged. The guide is completely spoiler-free. Important notes (read before playing) Angel Express [Tokkyu Tenshi] is a very buggy game for achievements. Here’s a sort-of guideline to work around these bugs,…

If you are facing problems with stuterring during your gameplay in PES 2020 this guide may help you. PES 2020 | POTENTIAL STUTTERING FIX (Nvidia) 1- Open your Nvidia Control Panel 2- Go to 3D Settings 3- Go to Program Settings, click on Add Program and select your Pes 2020 4- Finally search for…