A comprehensive walkthrough for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 8 – Kreuzberg Headquarters Introduction The plan to wipe out London with the V2 rocket is still fresh in the minds of Wolff and his Russian comrades. The launch site is still unknown but a few select locations could be the key to discovering…
Category: Guide

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Mission 7 Walkthrough
A comprehensive walkthrough for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 7 – Karlshorst Command Post Introduction The final high priority target is Wolff. Unfortunately his location is still unknown. A Special Operations Command Post controlled by the Soviets could be a potential clue as Wolff may have been in contact with them. You will…

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Mission 6 Walkthrough
A comprehensive walkthrough for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 6 – Tiergarten Flak Tower Introduction Your target Muller is within your sights. You will need to access The Flak Tower in order to get one true shot at his Command Tower. With the Russians still baying for blood you will need to head…

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Mission 5 Walkthrough
A comprehensive walkthrough for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 5 – St. Olibartus Church Introduction The command of the Tiergarten Flak Tower has been assumed by Muller according to recent intel. Seemingly HQ have discovered his location and recommended a strike point for you take him out. Unfortunately for you the supply drop…

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Mission 4 Walkthrough
A comprehensive walk through for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 4 – Opernplatz Introduction Having pitted the Germans against the invading Soviet forces near Museum Island, you head to Opernplatz where Schwaiger is being held. Despite orders to kill him, your intel has suggested there is more to target than initially suggested. The…

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Mission 3 Walkthrough
A comprehensive walk through for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 3 – Kaiser Freidrich Museum Introduction Intel on Schwaiger has reached you. It is imperative he is found, however the Russian encroachment into Berlin means a much more difficult liberation. With the German forces also holed up on Museum Island this meant even…

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Mission 2 Walkthrough
A comprehensive walk through for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 2 – Mittelwerk Facility Introduction The discovery of the V2 rocket production facility means your mission is simple. Get in, destroy the facility and get out alive! Points of interest: Gold Bars: 10 Wine Bottles: 5 Achievement: ‘Front and Center’ (Get a scoped…

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Mission 1 Walkthrough
A comprehensive walk through for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered – Mission 1 – Schoneberg Convoy Introduction Prevent a top priority target from continuing research of the V2 rocket. Dr. Gunther Kreidl is an essential cog in the Nazi war machine. The mission is to stop Kreidl from getting V2 documents to his colleagues by…

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Walkthrough for Prologue
A comprehensive walk through for Sniper Elite Remastered – Prologue Introduction Berlin – World War 2. With the Nazis spreading throughout Europe, it will be your duty as Karl Fairburne to deal with the Axis threat accordingly. Dropped into the German capital your mission is to put an end to the Third Reich once…

Legend of Grimrock 2: Clues for the Puzzles
This guide is intended for people who don’t want to spoil the experience or the challenge of Grimrock 2 by looking at a walkthrough, but still need a little help to progress. It won’t tell you directly how to solve any puzzles, but with these minor hints & clues you should get just the push…

Conan Exiles: Advanced Graphics Settings Guide
Advanced graphics options to tune Conan for both visual and performance benefits. Settings I had wanted to do a nice table but Steam formatting cannot handle it, instead, just to get this published I screen-captured what I had gathered and summarized for my own notes when tinkering around with the console and config files…

Awesomenauts: Specific Nauts Tips and Tricks in 2019
An up to date (May 2019) guide containing some tips and tricks for the game in general and for some specific nauts. Meant for players who understand the basics, advanced players and players who spent half their lives in this game. Note: specific Nauts I will update later on. For now, enjoy the general tips…