This guide will detail how to complete Escape Room Factory in Escape First 2. Opening the Fuse Box When you first spawn in, next to a medical cabinet will be 2 rows of 3 red buttons. Enter in the the following: Top Middle, Top Right, Bottom Middle This will make Blue, Red, Green, and Yellow…
Category: Guide

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – Recipes & Hairstyles Locations
🌟Here you can find the Location’s of the Healing/Crafting and Hairstyle Recipes/Books 🌟Also the Valkyrie Set. ⚗️ Healing Recipes⚗️ 🌟Fine Healing🌟- Entrance 🌟Faerie Healing🌟- Garden of Silence 🌟Ultimate Healing🌟- Hall of Termination 🍉 Cooking Recipes 🍉 🌟Cake🌟- Dian Cecht Cathedral 🌟Cookie🌟- Livre Ex Machina 🌟Curry🌟- Forbidden Underground Waterway 🌟Drink🌟- Livre Ex Machina 🌟Fish🌟- Forbidden…

AEGYPTUS: Walkthrough and Achievements
Aegyptus is an adventure game which is a bit unique. Explore the open world map by solving puzzles to gain access to the pyramids and escape from the desert and traps. here is the AEGYPTUS walkthrough and achievements guide. Walkthrough ✦ Start a new game. Fresh wather Find first wather source 1. As soon as…

Courage for a Kiss: 100% Achievements Guide
All relevant choices and endings for obtaining 100% achievements! Introduction Courage for a Kiss is a romatic Visual Novel with a total of four different routes and 19 achievements. True Endings No Who else is taking part in the play? Agree Exhaust all remaining dialog options. Comfort her Didn’t care I don’t care either ✘︎…

My Friend Pedro: 100% Achievements Guide
This is a guide to get 100% in My Friend Pedro, i still didnt get 100%(working on it) but this guide WILL help you get this goal. Introduction (SPOILERS) Hello! In this guide ill show you the ways on how to achieve every single achievement! Ps: I still did NOT finish all those achievements,…

Europa Universalis IV: Development Cost Reduction Guide
This guide is about getting the maximum development cost reduction possible, so developing your provinces is cheap and nice for institutions. You will have to develop if you’re playing outside of Europe, if you want to keep up in tech. This guide will look at the best ways to achieve the maximum development cost reduction….

Escape First 2: Walkthrough and Guide
This guide will detail how to complete Psycho Circus 2 in Escape First 2. Spawn Room When you first spawn in go to this poster: At the bottom of the poster there will be a date. Take note of the date (11) and the year (1939). The day and the month do not matter….

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – Complete World Map
A detailed map showcasing the full world map with all its hidden secrets. This guide is focused on giving you the entirety of knowledge surrounding the map and its contents in a single image file, so that it can be copied and distributed easily outside Steam. Download it to your phone and check it…

Narcosis: Achievement and Collectibles Guide
This is a quick guide to collecting the I.D. cards and personal effects of the Oceanova crew. I will be using in-game screenshots and very little descriptions to help you along. Minor spoilers ahead. 1. Once in a Lifetime None. Enjoy the companionship. 2. Only Safe Haven 1. After the hallucination, turn around. 2….

LuGame: 100% Achievements Guide
LuGame: Lunchtime Games Club! is a short Visual Novel with a total of three different routes and eight achievements. Most of the choices have no significant impact on the story. Here is the guide on all relevant choices and endings for obtaining 100% achievements! Common Route – Choices don’t matter – Sleepy Beepy Woken the littlest robot….

Hopper Rabbit: Hidden Collectibles and Secrets Guide
If you want extra energy and a vaccine gun: Navigate straight to the end of the map without deviating from where you started. From here when you go right to the rainbow you can get diamonds each giving 10 energy and a vaccine gun (only in FPS mode) from the crate that can be used…

Get To The Orange Door: Gun & Equipment Commands
Guns (give #): 0: Laser Pistol 1: Pistol 2: SMG 3: Assault Rifle 4: Breach Rifle 5: Shotgun 6: Gunfighter (Full auto pistol) 7: Mini SMG 8: Driller (Double Barrel) 9: Revolver 10: Exploit (Explosive pistol?) 11: Heavy AR 12: Gemini (Lmg, increasing firerate) 13: Marksman Rifle 14: Grenade Launcher 15: L.A.W (Basically a spas-12)…