Before you refund EDF 5 try fixing your problems first. These steps helped solve my terrible performance. Turning on FPS counter 1. Right click on the steam icon on your system tray or open up the steam overlay and select settings. 2. Go to the In-Game tab and enable the FPS counter. This will…
Category: Guide

Little Nightmares: Shadow Improvement Guide
This guide explains how to modify the game configuration files by yourself to improve the quality of the shadows in the game. Requirements The game should work without problems on your system at maximum graphics quality settings. Choose the “Ultra” option for shadows separately or use the “Ultra” preset for graphic quality. Necessary files…

Remnant: From the Ashes – Bell Puzzles and Monolith Puzzle
The followin guide is going to explain and reveal the solution of different puzzles you’re able to find ingame. Monolith Puzzle (Rhom) You may find the solution of the steporder on the backside of the Monolith. Sometimes 🙂 Pan Bell Puzzle (Yaesha) The solution to this bell puzzle is as follows (bells numbered from…

Remnant: From the Ashes – Bicc Boi Crit Build
This build focuses on three aspects which are: CRITS, CRITS and more CRITS! (…and survivability, although that’s boring.) We are aiming to be as tanky as possible so that we can avoid getting one-shotted by attacks in higher difficulties, but the meat of the build still lies on the DAMAGE OUTPUT. This build is viable for both solo and co-op play. Long…

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition – Cleric Guide
Welcome to SteamAH. here is a ultimate Cleric guide in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. this guide is still work in progress. hope this guide will help you. we will update this guide as soon as possbile. Fighter Cleric Coming soon Finesse Cleric Finesse Cleric ————– Intro: A light armored Cleric for close combat. Use Human…

Alchemy Story: Garden Guide
Made a small guide for what grows in the garden! Might edit later when I have more data on the farm and more proper pictures 🙂 – Maple Leafs – Chamomile takes 2 days to grow, and a chance of giving you Butterflies. – Hazelnuts – Lavender takes 3 days to grow, and a chance of giving you…

Rogue Heist: How to Increase FOV
Here is a temporary way to increase FOV until the devs add a slider. Guide Navigate to this area in your PC: C:\Users\[YOUR PC NAME HERE]\AppData\Local\RogueHeist\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor Open the Engine.ini folder with any text document. Below all the line already present in the document, add these with a space: [/script/engine.localplayer] AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV It should look like…

Temple of Aluxes: Hint Guide
Here is the hint guide for Temple of Aluxes. this guide just tells you where to scan for clues. Guide Basic hint: no room requires back-tracking to solve. 1. Tutorial room. Use the scanner on the pedestal 2. Dial and pillar room You can open books You can rotate the pillar sections You can…

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition – All Votes for Kingmaker
Simple guide for Kingmaker module describing how to get all 9 votes in the election, including why you probably wouldn’t like to do so. Avoiding Alias ‘Alias is a nice girl.’ This impression won’t last long and you will quickly find out that she is not a girl, but hi-speed helicopter. And no, this…

Domestic Dog: How to Get the Fat Stacks Achievement Easily
A guide that will show you how to get the Fat Stacks achievement easily. you can get the Fat Stack trophy with only two steps. Step 1 – enter Debug Mode How to enter Debug Mode 1 – In your house, go to your computer until a white paw appears. 2 – Hold C and then press Spacebar to enter…

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Lore of Light Spell Guide
Here is a guide on how to use every spell in the Lore of Light. Lore of Light Spell Guide SCRIPT BELOW Welcome to my guide for the Lore of Light. This is part of a new series that will go over the different Lores of magic and all their spells including any that…

while True: learn() – Gold Rush Achievement Guide
Timestamped video guide detailing all of my gold solutions (at the time of version 1.1.76). Includes RL tasks but not startups. Gold Rush Walkthrough Video Balancing of levels is ongoing all of the time, so if your outputs/inputs are slightly different you may have to improvise a little bit. Some Notes: – If you’re…