For Police Simulator: Patrol Officers players, this is an ultimate for parking with pictures, all test and bugs are explained, let’s check it out. Parking Meter Expired This does not applies to HANDICAP CAR Taxi – Havent tested yet Correct examples Wrong examples : Fire Hydrant As the title speak. You just need…
Category: Guide

Knockout City BLM Player Icon Codes
For Knockout City BLM Player players, this guide contains codes that can be redeemed for Black Lives Matter player icons in-game, let’s check it out. Codes This code unlocks all BLM Player Icons 59N6-E5TT-EGN3-KB9P-C8KM The upcoming Codes unlock specific BLM 2021 Player icons Use those codes if you dont want to have all of the…

Tower of Waifus 2 Solution for Level 8 (Hint)
For Tower of Waifus 2 players, the level 8 is actually a tricky level and this guide will provides the solution hint for level 8 with multiple images, let’s check it out, Tower of Waifu 2 is a sokoban puzzle game. Conquer the tower, solve the puzzle and rescue your Waifus. Hint That’s all…

Hidden Through Time Custon Maps Guide
For those curious about Hidden Through Time custom maps, this guide might motivate you to re-install the game, or possibly even get the game and try them out. The editor for the game is relatively easy to learn and mapping is very much fun. AEons Japonesque One afternoon I wondered how difficult it would…

Metaverse Keeper Hero Tier List Guide (June 2021)
For Metaverse Keeper players, the heros in game is not well balanced, and knowing the tier of heros is important, this guide provides the Hero Tier List of June 2021, let’s check it out. Hero Tier List – June 2021 Metaverse Keeper is a dungeon crawler with roguelike elements where four heroes join forces…

GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- How to Use Ultimate Edition and Survival Mode Colors
For GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- players, this guide is about how to use the colors that are console exclusive or game mode exclusive, and other people can see it as well. Tool Download this tool created by HAWGT You will need to launch this before you launch Strive each time. It can be closed…

GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Invulnerable Move Guide
For GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- players, through pain and struggle, I found a pretty easy way to counter the overhead kick with Invulnerable Move, let’s check it out. Guide with visuals It goes like this; Block the first attack, dodge the second, and do your DP (dragon punch). To visualize this better, take a…

Going Medieval Advanced Character Creation Guide
For Going Medieval players, this guide provides list of all aspects related to character creation and discussion on perks. Let’s check it out. Intro I have made this advanced character creation and perk guide to aid explaining and showing all the possibilities currently available in the game. So far this would be the first…

Going Medieval List of All Perks, Modifier, Backstory & Pseudonym
For Going Medieval players, this guide provides the complete list of all Perks, Modifier, Backstory and Pseudonym in game, let’s check it out. List of Every Perk NOTE: Currently this only lists perks with a percentage or integer modifier, this will be updated soon along with perk icons. Ascetic Austere Benevolent Bloodlust Brawler (+3 Melee, +10%…

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Graphical Fidelity Settings Guide
This is Improved Graphical Fidelity Settings for Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2. This guide will alter settings in an Autoexec.cfg file in order to achieve better graphical fidelity in the game. These settings will require appropriate PC hardware in order to achieve the intended results. Therefore, it is recommended that your system requirements…

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Aggravated Assault Event Guide
For Police Simulator: Patrol Officers players, this guide is to guide you through Aggravated Assault event. Let’s check it out. Steps By Steps Handling Injured Questioning Witness Arresting Suspect Handling Injured When you arrive at the scene. Go to every injured person on the floor, and call ambulance for each and every injured person…

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Traffic Accidents Guide
For Police Simulator: Patrol Officers players, this guide will help you through when encountering the event of traffic accidents. Introductions This guide is to help new players to know what to do in the event of accidents Arrival Tips Taking Picture of Evidence Interview of Witness Signs and Follow up Submitting Reports , Arrest…