This guide will explain some really neat mid and endgame tips and tricks that you can use to generate MASSIVE rewards! Infinite EXP, Skulls, and Bones What You’ll Need Necro Rod (Found in Skull Maze) Any Ranged Weapon (Ballista, Fire Rod, Bow, etc.) Any 3×3 Area of Water Optional – Combat Obelisk (Found in…
Category: Tips

Wushu Chronicles: Tips and Tricks for Newbie
Tips 1: Follow the Main Character Story-line – Discover your Identity (Which you will get Skill Point -To upgrade your Martial Art or Internal Art) Tips 2: Before any Fight for Mission/Quest Target, just Save Your Progress. (You will Die if your opponent overpower you, unless it a sparring match) Tips 3: Max Level your Internal…

SoulWorker: Tips and Strategies to Professional
General tips and strategies to help progress through Soulworker. Tips for leveling 1. Do yellow text (story line) quests first 2. Equip gear with exp stats. The blue text gear (valuable) give the highest exp boost. Exp boost stat doesn’t appear in rings. The level 16 weapon is the only weapon that gives an…

Soulworker: Tips and Tricks to Have Fun
Spamming Emote 1 – ESC – > OPTIONS – > CHAT – > CHAT MACRO 2 – Now type a Gestures/Emote that you want to spam 3 – Remember leave a open Blank Space after you typed your Gestures/Emote, like I show you in GIF above 4 – The macro key should be F7 as default…

Frostpunk: Tips and Tricks to Survive
It is not easy to survive the cold and ever-encroaching dread of freezing to death, but alas, all is not lost. With clever planning, beneficial use of scarce resources and some foresight you can get through all fine and dandy, no matter the circumstances. The game suffers a little bit from lack of proper information…

Fate/EXTELLA LINK: Tips and Tricks for Beginning
This guide will explain some stuff that i know/have experienced throughout playing this game. I’m by no means an expert of this game, but i’m glad to help others get into it or decide on buying it or not! Important things to take note for New Players. 1. Not all characters are available throughout…

Fate/EXTELLA LINK: Tips and Tricks for Multiplayer
Multiplayer Basics The multiplayer in this game thus far only has one game mode and it is a king of the hill game mode. Each match lasts for ten minutes or until one team holds onto the points long enough to fill their team gauge (thus winning the match for them) This section covers the…

Outward: Tips and Tricks for Beginners
1) In the start of the game pick up the bandage near the captain, you find a fish harpoon near the purifing machine, waterskin near the water fountain. A bedroll, pickaxe and lantern+some gear in Cierzo storage. And some other items like a pitchfork, axe, big axe and a lot of berries NOTE: before leaving…

ISLANDERS: Tips and Tricks to Plan Forward
Saving buildings in the inventory is fine, if there is no need to use them. Try to save the City Pack for as late as possible. High base scores mean it’s ok to place many close together (eg sandpit) if the main building will score higher, and it will save space. Sometimes it is ok…

Occupy White Walls: Tips and Tricks to Place a Mosaic
A guide on how to use mosaics and general tips and tricks How To Place a Mosaic on a Wall Joint This guide is targeted towards players who understand the basics of OWW and are familiar with building and mosaics. Do you want to make mosaics like this? But always end up with something…

The White Laboratory: Tips and Tricks to Be Professional
Some basic concepts to help develop a better strategy. Height Advantage Spheres(balls) have larger range when having height advantage over the target. So they are good for anti-ground (lower targets). It is quite challenging to do anti-air with spheres. You must have it above the flight level which is about 6 blocks high….

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Tips & Tricks to Be Pro
How to win regular game in 1 turn? In main menu create a new game and press Advanced Setup button. On below screenshot is set Rise & Fall ruleset but if possible change to Standard Ruleset. 1. Set any leader. There is a lot of specific leader achievements so you can get these in really fast way. 2. Set difficulty game….