General tips and strategies to help progress through Soulworker.
Tips for leveling

2. Equip gear with exp stats. The blue text gear (valuable) give the highest exp boost. Exp boost stat doesn’t appear in rings. The level 16 weapon is the only weapon that gives an exp boost, but it can be quite expensive.
3. There is a title called ‘Repair King’ and ‘Big hands’ that gives 10.5% exp boost. It requires you to spend 300k denzai for repairing gear. If you have the patience for it, you can repeatedly die in district 6 to break your gear faster. It takes about 2 hours.
In the future, the Title Name may change, but the Title Number will always be 18. Thanks to ‘xD’ for noticing this.
4. Some guilds provide exp boosts
5. Don’t go back to lower level districts to complete the blue quests, they aren’t worth the exp.
6. When you can’t progress any further with the yellow quest, do the highest level district on episode 4, manic difficulty. Die to the boss so you only use half your energy, that way you get more exp/energy. Even if you do the green quests (daily quest), the exp/energy is still not as good. For example, killing all the monsters in ‘Nightmare’ with 80% exp boost gives 3 million exp. If you kill the boss, it gives 200k exp and 2.3 million exp from the green quest, which sums up to 2.5 million exp. To clear the dungeon, you must spend 16 energy, 8 energy for killing the monsters, and 8 energy for killing the boss. As you can see, the 3 million exp per 8 energy is more efficient than 2.5 million exp per 8 energy. Also, you can only do the green quest 4 times a day, so once you can’t do it anymore, killing the boss will only give 200k exp per 8 energy.
7. Partying up can give a bonus 6% bonus exp, but it’s not worth it in my opinion because people want to kill the boss, which isn’t efficient exp/energy. If you only have about 2 hours per day to play, then energy expenditure is not the problem, time is. In terms of time, it’s more efficient to party up, kill the boss, and complete green quests.
8. All these exp boosts are only for exp gained through killing monsters. It doesn’t apply for quests or dungeon completion exp.
Akasha Card Farming

There is a page that gives info about all Akasha cards: In this page, the names of the cards may not match with the NA version of the game, but the card effect matches, so it’s useful to know which Akasha card effects exist in the game.
Miscellaneous tips

2. If you’re low on energy, look for mats through the most popular channels in the 4 cities. These mats provide 1 energy per minute, and can last up to 60 minutes. A maximum of 4 people can sit on then
3. Dismantle all gear that you’re not using. You’ll get resources for upgrading gear.
4. Upgrade your weapon to +4 every 10 levels. Upgrading it past +4 gives a chance for it to break, losing the weapon forever.
5. You should sell unused yellow text gear (Unique) on the market for a good profit
6. The blue quests that are worth doing are as follows:
Thanks to Sakuzyo and sauni for bringing this up.
7. When investing skill points (SP) into new skills, put only 1 in. Test it out and see if you like it, and if you do, you can max it. It’s hard to reset skill points in this game, so be very careful with SP placement. Also, be very careful with putting skill points in extensions as the description may not reveal everything. For example, Lily has a skill called Die-phoon and has this extension:
Without the extension, the tornado is stationary. When using this extension, the tornado will move in a zig-zag motion, which is not mentioned in the description of the extension. I was able to find about the zig-zag motion in a skill build guide which helped me prevent from wasting my skill points in it. So I recommend doing some research on an extension before investing points in it.
8. If you die while you’re in a party and haven’t reached the boss yet, you can abandon the dungeon and go back to it without spending a Repsawner or additional energy.
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