All unlocks for the three forge categories and how to get them. Help Needed I’m still short a few weapons and armour drops. If anyone knows where they are, please leave a comment below. Also, if you know of other enemies that things drop from, let me know that too! Thanks! Weapons One-Handed Swords…
Category: Guide

Port Valley[DEMO]: Walkthrough and Achievements
A walkthrough to help you get 100% achievements in the Port Valley demo. Introduction This is a guide to help you get 100% of the achievements in the demo of the game Port Valley. I’ve never actually made a guide that wasn’t nothing but pictures before, and I’m not actually sure that I’m ready…

Victory At Sea Pacific: Ships Guide
My recommendation in going up against the different type of ships. Ships and how to go up against them. In this section I will talk about the ships you will encounter in the game. How to go up against the Ships is your choice but I will be putting my suggestion on here. I…

Downwell: Upgrade Tier List
A list of all the upgrades in Downwell, sorted by usefulness (in my opinion). Intro This guide assumes that you are familiar with Downwell’s mechanics, upgrades, levels, and so forth. I’ve considered the usefulness of upgrades from the perspective of a combo-oriented playstyle, so this tier list probably won’t help you if you play…

Into The Gloom: All Endings Guide
1st) Condemned – To get this, simply let the red shadow creature touch you. Done. 2nd) Awakening- To get this one, you must NOT let the Kinfe dude out of the prison. Keep him locked up. Then, later on when you’re forced to hang yourself, you’ll get this. 3rd) Vanish – FREE the knife dude…

Into The Gloom: Guide for Beginners
This guide will be as spoiler-free as possible, however, it’s recommended to check on it if you’re completely stuck and/or played through the entire game. The achievements are in the order they can be obtained in. The walkthrough will be written as I progress in the game. The achievements will be written once they are…

Garden Paws: All Easter Eggs
For the Spring event in Garden Paws, heres the location of all 20 eggs! Egg 1: In the wood bush past the gate next to Charlie (Found by Kurzidan!) Egg 2: In a fern bush near the Easter area. Egg 3 (Rare): Behind Abby’s stand. Egg 4: In a water bucket inside Mr.Jones’s chicken…

Imperator: Rome – How to Colonise Quickly
This is a guide on how to colonise or colonize in Imperator Rome faster than normal. Through the use of slavery and mass migration, it is possible for empires to quickly grab large amounts of land. Requirements To colonise quickly you’re going to need to move the following units in a province adjacent to…

Imperator: Rome – How to Transport Units
Since Imperator Rome got released a lot of people have struggled with how to transport troops across water. The reason for this problem is that this mechanic has changed compared to previous Paradox titles. This very short tutorial will show you why you are struggling with the new boat mechanic and how you get units…

Wall Street Tycoon: 100% Achievements
A guide to obtaining every achievement in Wall Street Tycoon. Walkthrough Start by pausing the game. This (obviously) stops the flow of time so your money won’t change (usually for the worse) while you’re trying to use this guide. Place a medium desk, as per the screenshot. Under the drop-down menu, select Investors. Go to the…

Killing Floor 2: All Perks Guide
This guide is intended to be useful for people new to a specific perk or new to Killing Floor 2 in general, but that being said this isn’t a basic gameplay guide. This is written assuming you have a basic understanding of the game. I write this guide with nearly 900 hours total experience, having…

Garry’s Mod: DarkRP Guide
This is a in-depth and serious guide on how to: – Play DarkRP correctly – Develop your roleplay character Requirements Well. If you are new to DarkRP and thought this was REALLY going to be a serious guide, dude. You got baited. Now, i am going to have to present you the requirements to…