100% guide to achievements So That We Might Live Better Literally just launch the game. Take It Boy Go to settings and turn on the difficulty slider. Akasan/Hidden Achievement You need to play as Aniki and there is a random chance that he will spawn with a baby head. Thomas Papillon Touch the Thomas…
Category: Guide

Record of Agarest War Mariage: Panina Honeymoon Guide
Hello I noticed there are not many guides I have decided to contribute to it. I chose Panina as my wife in Gen 1. Here are the questions and outcomes. I will mark the choices I made with a * next to them. Choices and Effects Each choice that accounts for 100 points towards…

A Hat in Time: How to Make Sticker Mods
This is a new-modder friendly guide on how to make sticker mods! it should take you through all the necessary steps to get your sticker on the workshop. Starting a new mod with the tools If you’ve never even booted up the tools before, This section will help! ( you can grab the modding…

Narcosis: Collectibles List Guide
A text list of Narcosis levels with its collectibles. Only Safe Haven ID – Phelan, Russell Andrew Item – Stella, Uzor (Camera) Step By Step ID – Benyamina, Isra From The Outside ID – Liang, Szu-Ching ID – Bae, Dong-Soo ID – Mital-Kinkaid, Pallavi Item – Phelan, Russell Andrew (Tin Flask) Item – Mital-Kinkaid,…

Meadow: A Guide to Crystals
Doctor Malcom’s guide to Crystals Introduction “Hello, I am Doctor Malcom. I have spent many hours studying the plants and crystals of the world, and wanted to share my findings. I’ve confirmed my results to the best of my abilities, but is always a chance for errors. Most of the plants are beneficial…but some…

MORDHAU: Knights Templar – Code of Conduct
This codex is intended to present the complete collection of standards and strategies used by the Knights Templar. Domestic Gestures Virtues ♰ Faith ♰ Hope ♰ Charity ♰ Justice ♰ Fortitude ♰ Prudence ♰ Temperance Titles ● Lord = referring to God and God alone ● Christ = referring to Jesus Christ and Jesus alone ● Father = referring to someone of a higher position ● Brother =…

A Hat in Time – Death Wish: Battle of the Birds Guide
A comprehensive guide to every Death Wish in the game, including the secret ones. Battle of the Birds Edition Introductions Welcome to my guide, thank you for checking it out. It’s my first one, so please do not hesitate to comment suggestions or the like below. I know there’s several out there already, but…

A Hat in Time – Death Wish: Mafia Town Guide
A comprehensive guide to every Death Wish in the game, including the secret ones. Mafia Town Edition Introductions Welcome to my guide, thank you for checking it out. It’s my first one, so please do not hesitate to comment suggestions or the like below. I know there’s several out there already, but I feel…

A Hat in Time: Death Wish – Subcon Forest Guide
A comprehensive guide to every Death Wish in the game, including the secret ones. Subcon Forest Introductions Welcome to my guide, thank you for checking it out. It’s my first one, so please do not hesitate to comment suggestions or the like below. I know there’s several out there already, but I feel like I…

Subterra: Controls and 100% Achievements
Controls Arrow keys = Move Shift = Walk Z/Enter = Confirm actions X/Esc = Cancel actions and open the Main Menu F12 = Exits to the title screen (so you may want to change the default screenshot key for Steam) F1 = Access the System options TAB = cycle through options Space = select F5…

STAND OUT : VR Battle Royale – Controls Guide
Movement Walking Movement in Stand Out is done via moving your trackpad/stick of your Movement-Hand in the direction you want to move. The angle/direction of your Movement-Hand also influences the direction and speed of your movement. If you selected Oculus-180 option in the settings the trackpad/stick of your Firing-Hand will be used for snap turning. Sprinting To move at maximum speed you need to do…

Altitude: The Ultimate Mouse Settings Guide
This guide will provide the proper mouse settings for the most optimal gameplay and take it to the next level. Intro Mouse is an easy control scheme to use and it provides an advantage over using full keyboard by being able to aim at players with the crosshair. Being able to just point where…