For NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection players, this is a Guide to unlocking all the costumes in the ninja gaiden collection. Let’s check it out. Shinobi Shozoku Purple Shinobi Shozuku that Ryu starts with only on your first playthrough. ————————————————– You will lose this suit at chapter 3 and you can’t get it back….
Category: Guide

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Red Crate Locations
For Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis players, if you are collecting the red crate, this guide will provides the red crate locations for you, let’s check it out. Start (This probably won’t be a complete guide, but I’ll add as many as I can) After completing the main story, head to the Command Center…

Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami All Items Locations Guide
For Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami players, this is a guide to items and files location in game. Let’s check it out. Why make this guide? I am aware of there being a video guide, but most of those videos I saw were hours long. When I’m looking for one thing or another that…

Phoenotopia Awakening Complete Secrets Guide
For Phoenotopia Awakening players, this is a complete guide on all secrects and titbit that you might have missed even after completing the game! Introductions This page aims to put together all the many obscure secrets players have found throughout the game, from things you may have missed even after obtaining all the…

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis BP Gates Guide (Voiding Skill Tree Traps)
For Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis players, this is a guide on why those BP Gates even exist and why the game isn’t nearly as complicated as the forum would have you believe. Introduction This game is actually much less grindy and much more straightforward than the base pso2, and the BP gates are…

Surviving Mars How to Fix Audio Stutter Issues
For Surviving Mars players, if you have the problem of stutter in game, this guide will explain how to fix audio stutter issues, let’s check it out. How to Fix Audio Stutter Issues A few people have been having audio stuttering on this game. I fixed this myself by opening task manager, finding…

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Multi-Weapon Guide
For Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis players, this guide seeks to explain the basics of the new Multi-weapon system introduced in New Genesis. From my experience, many of the details involved in this system are not adequately explained by the in-game tutorial, leading to a number of fundamental questions left unanswered for new and…

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Fastest Way to Level 20 Speedrun
For Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis players, this guide is about the fastest possible way to level to 20 now in the game without Emergency quests. Edited : Updated with Global location names Routing Level 1-5 Do tasks and main story and unlock Mt Magnus(830 power) Level 5-10 Mt Magnus Bloat power…

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Dolls Hunter Guide
For Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis players, this guide is about the insight on the Hunter class weapon on early release and here will be change on later winter update. I’m playing partisan so… partisan section will be long. Bear with it. Hunter weapon Hunter weapon is revolving around WA and photon art…

GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- How to Remove the Weird Blur / Bloom
For GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- players, this guide is mainly about the weird bloom / blur effect removal, and some recommended settings for smooth online play and clarity. If you just want to get rid of bloom, Just set “EFFECT QUALITY” to BEST. If you want to read more about on my recommended settings,…

Muck Complete Guide to All Elements in Game
For Muck players, this guide provides every element in game, all elements like woods, ores, generated structures, enemies and foods are listed below, let’s check it out. Woods Tree First tree you will chop down. A rock is needed to chop it down. Used to craft a workbench, bark, and wooden tools.Birch Second tree…

GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Low End PC Optimization Guide
For GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- players, if you are using a low end PC this guide will explain some quick steps you can follow to get some much needed fps on lower end PCs. The idea Strive shares a lot of ini files with Tekken 7. We’re essentially going to apply the same tweaks to…