For Red Solstice 2: Survivors players, this image will explain how the ranks work for the discord, figured I’d also post it here for people that don’t visit the discord but might have the same question. Sequel to the best-seller The Red Solstice. Plan your strategy and infiltrate a real-time tactical battlefield – alone or…
Category: Guide

SCARLET NEXUS How to View and Complete Side-Quests
For SCARLET NEXUS players, if you want to see the info of Side-Quests in game, this guide is here to show you how to View and Complete Side-Quests in Scarlet Nexus Steps Step One: Open Menu Step Two; Scroll to the Story Tab With LB (L1) or RB (R1) Step Three: Go…

Red Solstice 2: Survivors Progression Between Campaign and Skirmish
For Red Solstice 2: Survivors players, who are curious on how you unlock things when switching between campaign and skirmish. Campaign Research Now this also only applies to the host in campaign, any others joining will carry over Skirmish upgrades. During your campaign you will have research that unlocks basically any upgrades to your…

Hmmsim Metro How to Drive Trains (Beginners Guide)
For Hmmsim Metro players, if you are new to this game, this is a guide that accounts for how to drive train in Hmmsim Metro. Let’s check it out. Basic Control Ready for Start First of all, We need to control the reverser. To control it, we should press DSD (Deadman’s Switch). By pressing “Space…

SCARLET NEXUS Mimi’s Secret Passwords
For SCARLET NEXUS players, if you are looking for the secret password of Mimi, this guide will show you with pictures, let’s check it out. Passwords. Initial password: CODE 1st password: Such a liar 2nd password(Maybe can’t enter it in yet): tell the truth That’s all we are sharing today in SCARLET NEXUS…

Legend of Mana Getting Started Beginners Guide
For Legend of Mana players, if you are new to this game, this guide will explain about how to get started for beginners, let’s check it out. Introduction When you first begin your game you will need to choose a character (male or female). Then you can choose which type of weapon you would…

Legend of Mana Optimal Artifact Placement Guide
For Legend of Mana players, this is a map guide to meet the requirements to get everything in the game (including the elusive Wimpy Thugling Event). Intro To be able to get all the Events, Weapons, Pets, Minerals and Orchard Levels you need to meet certain map requirements (This is specially tricky if you want…

Legend of Mana Blacksmithing and Tempering Calculator
For Legend of Mana players, this guide is providing an online tempering utility to test out recipes before you actually use them in-game. An absolutely must-have tool. Tempering Introduction There are 8 essences which all have an opposing element similar to a more complicated game of rock-paper-scissors. Wisp and Shade must be in balance at…

TAISHO x ALICE Epilogue All Endings and Achievements Guide
For TAISHO x ALICE epilogue players, this guide is about all endings of the game, and also, this guide is an achievements guide, as well, let’s check it out. Alice How will you comment on Cinderella’s cooking? > Tell him he’s good with his hands Tell him the food is good 💾 SAVE Have you…

Stardew Valley: Adventurer’s Guild Examined
This is a guide all about the Adventurer’s Guild. This guide talks about tasks, rewards, and requirements involving the Adventurer’s Guild. Also including costs and quests. The Basics First of all, the Adventurer’s Guild is a place where you can purchase things like boots, weapons, and rings. This place is located east of the…

House Party: New Achievement Walkthrough for V0.19.4
In this guide I will show you how to get the “Good Riddance”, “Against All Odds”, “Beyond the Call of Dude-y” and “Now It’s a Party!” Achievements. Prerequisites I suggest you make a save in which you have gathered all items already. this makes the following parts at least a little bit easier. THIS…

Rust: All Recoil Patterns 2021
With following this guide, You will know every single patterns of recoil to AK/LR/MP5/Thomi/SMG! Last Update: 25/06/2021 Assault Riffle Recoil Pattern LR-300 Recoil Pattern MP5A4 Recoil Pattern Thompson Recoil Pattern Custom SMG Recoil Pattern All the credits save to xTalius