This guide is for the type who doesn’t read quest objectives, then wonders what to do. Just read this and you will be set to blow things up. Oh, wait…
Chapter 1: Necromancy is bad, mkay?
You wake up near a giant wall, you don’t remember anything, yet there is this flying drone blabbering stuff about a resurrection and some city. You are in pain, barely able to speak, but on the run, thanks to this drone making too much noise.
“My Guardian” it says, yet you feel like a slave, it speaks for you, it decides on things without asking you, it doesnt care if you are in pain or not, you can be “resurrected” after all. What a way to live…
(We both know you will pick it up)
With New Light, there are some changes to the game, like the introduction mission, where your master resurrects you and brings you to your new home.
There isn’t much else to say about this part, everyone-old player or new- starts at 750 power and if you never played destiny 2 before, most planets will be locked until you gain experience.
Chapter 2: Rise of the Freeloaders

*Blondie with tattoos:
Amanda Holliday
Let me put a brief summary of characters:
Too much talk, too little action. This guy has to titan up already.
Extra Gear of Bureaucracy:
Not really useful, but you have to drop by every other week so she doesn’t blow up half the tower.
Master Louis and his pet human:
Look at those talons’ gripping power, he trains 24/7. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Vex-y boi:
He is quite vexing.
Lord Shaxx:
44 memory wipes…
Lots of screaming…
Now you know where the name comes from.
Lord Saladin:
Since Jerusalem is no more, he is teaching newbie guardians the art of conquest
Mysterious Stranger:
Some say his first name is Lou, but this guy is your local dealer. Don’t forget to get your weekly fix.
Schizophrenic Skynet:
It is living on a planet with 3 hostile races and a planet destroyer in orbit. Do you still think it is just an AI?
The Adoring Fan:
After the abuse during his oblivion days, he lost his eyesight. He is also adoring someone else in this era.
The camgirl:
Did you ever wonder why Rasputin is so generous with her? One piece for every javelin , if you know what I mean.
Perverse Sugar Daddy:
Appears every once in a while, gives lavish gifts to you and you do what he wants. Simple , yes?
Prince of Persia:
Don’t ask , we don’t know why he is here either.
Miss tiredface:
Her face is still tired and she chose a bad vacation spot.
Cayde’s ex. just in case you didn’t know.
Part I. Way of the Homeless
Calus’ favourite pet rebels and banishes the poor guy. After that the pet tries to take your home away from you. What is this pet’s name? Gary.
Part II. Adventures of the Adoring Fan
The fanboy wants you to save find his hero.
Part III. Home Alone: the Great Hunt
You are trying to protect a home, which isn’t even yours.
Chapter 3: to pay or not to pay

We can just divide the game between 2 parts for simplicity: pre-forsaken and post-forsaken. Free part includes all pre-forsaken stuff and basic post-forsaken content. Let’s be honest, game is getting older, and almost all pre-forsaken content is outdated. If you are here because of watching new trailers, you will probably be disappointed unless you buy the new dlc.
Destiny 2 is not the greatest competitive game ever, but if you are into min-maxing, interested in competitive pvp, new raids or new exotic quests, you might want to buy one or both of the dlcs. After all, one third of supers and some very cool weapons are behind that paywall. Otherwise, just be happy with what you get, until it is time to move on 🙂
We have much to discuss

– Turn on auto opt-in to local and team chat. There are always useless chatter, but it is necessary to communicate with other players.
– There is no global chat. Either find a clan , or create one. At the very least you will get a pseudo-global chat(clan chat)
– Even a small clan can get advantages : weekly clan activities has rewards every clan member can collect from the lady with the bird.
– If you create a casual clan , just keep it open so anyone can join. Personally, I check the roster often and give others permission to invite players, too. If you find empty spots, you can join my clan, too.
– Create three characters of different classes , even if you are going to play only one. If nothing else , you will get a free eververse engram per season per character class.
– There are 2 important buttons: <F1> and <U> , you can learn about other shortcuts later
– Kinetic weapons do a little more damage to enemies without shields.
– Energy weapons destroy shields faster. If you match the colour , shields explode when depleted.
– Impact should give you an idea about a weapon’s damage, but half impact bar of a scout rifle and a half bar of a sidearm does NOT mean that both will do the same damage.
– Items with yellow outlines indicate masterworked gear , mw armour allows better modding capacity and mw weapons drop orbs on multikills
– Your overall power level is the average of all equipped gear.
– Even if you are NOT wearing your best items , they affect your max power level and your item drops.
– Ships are purely cosmetic
– Weapon telemetry ghost shells are pretty useless (did they fix it yet?)
– Instant summon sparrows are nice, once you try them, others will feel bad.
if you are that desperate to get an exotic instant summon sparrow , try mars.
– You can get more shaders from your collection after you get the first one.
– Learn how to trigger heroic public events.
– If you feel like collecting stuff , collecting these boxes can help you jumpstart planetary material and glimmer reserves while clearing unnecessary icons from your map.
– If you google stuff, remember: game is getting old, content may have changed, so older articles may be misleading.
Shard this, shard that…What about the Crucible?
I don’t really like pvp quests much , since they usually make you compete against everyone, even your teammates, thus leading to extra frustration.
Only advice I am qualified to give on pvp stuff is that you should check out iron banner and mayhem modes. Iron banner for the armour set and weapons and mayhem for the pure chaotic fun combined with faster matches.
Want some new boobs, guardian? Maybe a new look?
Jokes aside, most of the customisation items including ghost shells , sparrows , ships , shaders and transmat effects involves this gal and her inventory. In the past , there was a pseudo leveling system which rewarded you with eververse items. Now we have a seasonal artifact system instead. We will see if it is better or worse.
At the very least, if you buy something once, you can get another copy via collections tab without paying(eververse currency).
on shaders:
Try shaders on your gear, they may or may not paint your gear the way you think.
Also, usually event/activity/eververse shaders look better than planetary stuff.
First three are from planets , fourth from raid , fifth from activity
First should be from new year event , rest eververse
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