In CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION, materia Fusion allows Zack to fuse two Materia together to form a new Materia piece. Later in the game, the player can earn the ability to include items in the fusion as well to give the new Materia enhanced stat bonuses. Many rare Materia can only be acquired through Materia Fusion.
Mechanics Materia
There are a few general guidelines:
- When Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder materia are fused with a status materia, they result in a “Dark-” version of the Magic Materia.
- Example: Poison + Fire = Dark Fire.
- When a Command Materia is combined with a magic or status materia, it will take on the latter’s element.
- Example: Poison + Power Attack = Poison Blade, or Fire + Power Attack = Fire Blade
- Combining two of the same materia will result in a version of that materia with a higher stat boost.
- Example: Cure (VIT+1) + Cure (VIT+1) = Cure (VIT+2)
- Combining a more advanced version of a magic materia with a more basic version will result in a version of the more advanced version with a higher stat boost.
- Example: Thunder (MAG+1) + Thundara (MAG+2) = Thundara (MAG+3)
- Combining two of the three basic elemental spells (Thunder, Blizzard, and Fire) will result in a materia of the left over spell.
- Example: Thunder (MAG+1) + Blizzard (MAG+1) = Fire (MAG+2).
- Combining anything with a Barrier materia will yield only a stronger Barrier materia.
Obtaining the Item Fusion Tome by completing mission 7-2-1 allows the player to combine items with the fusion, augmenting the resulting stat bonus. The stat boost of the resulting materia can be changed depending on the type and number of items used.
As the stat boost on an item increases, certain stat boosting items will have no effect. For example, five LCK Mako Stones can be used to increase LUK by 1 in a fusion, but if the LUK boost on a materia exceeds 40, adding more LCK Mako Stones to the mix will have no effect.
Stat boosts
Fusing materia can be used to give Materia excellent stat boosts. ATK, VIT, MAG, SPR, and LUK max out at increases of +100 on a single materia piece, while HP, AP, and MP max out at +999% per materia piece. When fusing two materia, the equation for the stat boost on the resulting materia is as follows, where X is the higher stat boost between the two materia and Y is the lower
value:X + Y(1/2) = Boost
Thus, for example:
Fire (MAG+4) + Fire (MAG+2) = Fire (MAG+5)
Fire (HP+40%) + Fire (HP+80%) = Fire (HP+100%)
If items are used in the fusion, regardless of what boost the items give, the resulting boost will be higher than it would normally. If the boost that would be granted by the items is higher than the boost of the two base materia, the resulting materia piece’s boost is changed to that of the items. The base rules on which value is higher between the two materia as explained above still apply.
For example:
Fire (MAG+2) + Fire (MAG+2) + 10x Hero Drink (ATK+1) = Fire (ATK+13)
Fire (MAG+6) + Fire (MAG+6) + 2x Hero Drink (ATK+1) = Fire (MAG+11)
If two materia are fused that have different stat boosts, the resulting materia will increase the stat that had the higher boost from the two base materia.
For example:
Fire (LUK+4) + Fire (SPR+6) = Fire (SPR+8)
In the event the two materia had a +% boost and a +# boost, 10% = 1 for purposes of determining which stat boost is higher and thus what stat boost the new materia will have. The above rules all still apply if items are used in such cases.
For example:
Fire (HP+40%) + Fire (VIT+10) = Fire (VIT+12)
Fire (HP+80%) + Fire (VIT+4) = Fire (HP+100%)
Fire (MAG+4) + Fire (ATK+8) + 3x Mythril (SPR+1) = Fire (ATK+13)

The player must choose two materia to fuse, and the type and number of an item to include in the fusion (the player can also choose to include no items). When the player selects the fuse command, a cost estimate will be given, showing what the product will be, what stat boost it will have, and how many Soldier Points the fusion will cost in factors of both of the materia used to fuse the desired result, and the amounts of items that are to be used in giving that materia its statistic bonus (the player cannot fuse materia if they do not have enough SP). The player may then either cancel the fusion, or confirm it to complete the process and acquire their new materia.
The game uses grade to weigh the “value” of one materia against another. Grade 1 materia are the lowest, grade 8 are the highest. Grades determine what the resulting materia from a fusion will be, with the highest grade taking priority. For example, fusing a grade 2 materia with a grade 5 materia will result in a grade 5 materia. Items can also determine the resulting grade, as items have grades. If a materia is mastered, it adds +1 to the grade level of the resulting materia. If both materia are mastered, the resulting materia will have +2 grade.
Materia grades
Materia in bold/italic are the base grade of that particular Materia.
Item Grades
Materia means “matter” or “substance” in Latin, Spanish, and Italian; it also means “subject” in Italian and Spanish, and is the ascendant of Portuguese “Matéria”.
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