You will find the following features in the guide:
- Dugong basic features & things to know about the submarine
- Dugong room and module overview & basic electrical junction overview
- Available Dugong upgrades, their impact and cost.
Dugong basics
Max Horizontal Speed: 22 km/h
Max Descent Speed: 12 km/h
Fabricator: No
Deconstructor: No
Medical Fabricator: No
Research Station: No
Cargo Storage: 8 Crates
6 slots railgun shell rack
10 slots ammunition shelf
75 slots in Medium and Supplies cabinets
20 slots in Toxic cabinet
30 slots in Medic cabinet
15 slots in Armory cabinet
20 slots in secure locker
Total: 160 slots
Turret Hardpoints: 1
Large Turret Hardpoints: None
Coilguns: 2
Electrical Discharge Coils: 1
Dugong individual room features
The electrical box wiring connections will be inspected after the basic overview.
There are two main blind spots on the Dugong, directly behind the engine blades, and directly infront of the submarine nose. There is 1 small blindspot near the docking hatch, meaning wildlife can break in moderately easily.
Bellow we find the default wiring in the electrical room junction boxes. Highlighted are key components that should be kept powered ideally.
Additionally, here we can see there electrical device positions within the sub – red lines represent separate submarine rooms. This image is taken from the status monitor aboard the submarine.
- Dugong default reactor is weak, causing outages quite often. Recommended to upgrade it early on (more about upgrades in next section).
- Captains quarters is easily flooded – if driver is uncareful, he can easily drown.
- Airlock door, due to its positioning, can be confused for a standard door – this can cause flooding accidents.
- Stock Hull is weak to impact, crashing into walls at medium to high speeds will case high damage to area of impact.
- There are 2 Fire extinguishers on Dugong: 1 beside reactor, and 1 beside the suits locker.
- Electrical coil covers the area where a 3rd gun would be placed, allowing minimum protection while the 3rd turret slot has not been purchased.
Upgrades available

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