If you play Unfortunate Spacemen this is a tier list of every perk in the game based on my opinion, based of how useful it is for the spacemen, how useful it is to the monster, debuffs, certain situations, and how good they are for tasks.
22nd: Decoy

The reason for this ranking is because most of the time the spacemen are going to move around and, well, so will the monster, revealing which one is the real one.
21st: Action Hero

The reason for this is because Action Hero has way too many debuffs, and, it’s easy enough to find a weapon already, you don’t really need to start with an assault rifle. If you do not know what Action Hero does, it basically removes your gear slot, which is usually really helpful, and removes your keycard, which is also helpful. In return you just get an assault rifle and less spread with ONLY the assault rifle.
20th: Chitin

It was kinda a tie between Chitin and Decorpsinator but Chitin is only useful for less damage and stealth, as well as not being detected by tripmines. It’s basically “It’s not me so I’m good right?”
19th: Decorpsinator

Again, this is only good for stealth, but it’s good for disguising as other players. Most people have mics and use them ingame, but if they don’t have a mic and you kill them, ooooh, this can be helpful. Then again, it is hard to really do so.
18th: Void Beast

This perk is not used very often, but it’s only good for quick attacks.
17th: Spare Keycard

This can be helpful for Action Hero and Monster, this is basically the only time you should use Spare Keycard. There are so little opportunities when someone steals your keycard, that you shouldn’t really waste a perk slot on this if you are not an Action Hero or Monster.
16th: Blast Shield

This is REALLY helpful as the monster, because if you’ve stalled long enough for the rocket to appear but you don’t get it, this perk can save your butt if they hit you. Might not be used often, but DAMN is it good for surviving.
15th: Nictitating Membrane

This is useful if someone tries to prove you are the monster by stun grenades, or if you try to pick off easy targets if they are low heath. I really don’t understand why it reduces explosion damage, but hey, I ain’t complaining.
14th: Medical Nanobots

You ever just like, never want to find a health station? Basically what this thing does for you is gives you 10 extra hp and let’s you have natural regen. It’s perfect for when someone/yourself acidentally locks the door on you or someone decides to give you a little “love tap” and you don’t wanna use the health station.
13th: Acid Monster

Acid monster is good if you lay LOTS of eggs. It’s also good for attacking to lower the hp of a spacemen with acid spit. Instead of your eggs just slowly killing spacemen until someone shoots it off, it’s good for insta-killing them.
12th: Toxic Ink

If you are in a very crowded room and you just wanna strike, Toxic Ink is really good for doing that massive extra damage to them.
11th: Antibodies

Antibodies is really good for spacemen if you don’t like the colorblind virus, and you really want to prove yourself innocent, so then it is harder for the Monster to take your identity. It is also good for monster just in case someone injects you with health syringe.
10th: Nocturnal

This is just for if you like power outages, because you get SUPER BUFFED during them. Like, it’s nothing but AMAZING.
9th: Welder

The welder can repair doors, weld doors shut so that they have to be destroyed to get through, and repair cameras. It’s honestly really good.
8th: Intake Valves

This regens oxygen 3x faster, making it perfect for doing tasks, makes you immune to the fire extinguisher, monster or not, and also makes parasites kill you wayyyyy slower. Given, I still did die to a parasite because the crewmates are idiots, but gives you a much higher chance of survival.
7th: Magnetic Boots

They only help you not get sucked out of airlocks and E.M.Es but, like, if you are good enough you can avoid those on your own and, well, just make sure no one is nearby when you are shooting a sample/crate from the E.M.Es.
6th: Springy Step

In any game where you have to do tasks, being efficient is key. How can you get more efficient than Springy Step? Highly underrated. It also let’s you interact with most things almost instantly, making you the task manager of Unfortunate Spacemen.
5th: Posterior Claws

This just… let’s you be SUPER fast as a monster. You can be quick and agile because you move at a whopping 25% increased rate and jump a 3x higher! And if that wasn’t enough, you can dodge while airborn! this makes you a hard to hit monster of doom.
4th: Patience

Patience let’s you stay as a spacemen the ENTIRE game if you’re good enough and let chaos ensue. You get a +30 shapeshift energy boost and it stacks with the oxygen tank as well. Plus, if you take any damage at all, you can go to a health station and use it, which also replenishes your disguise meter! Honestly, the best thing if you want to hear everyone argue about who is it.
3rd: Titanium Claws

Titanium claws gives you a +2 claw damage boost and stacks with your monster level that increases when someone dies. Your claws also do a whopping 7x damage to doors, making those puny keycards and welders less useful. It also gives your claws a unique sound when you hit someone.
2nd: Janitor

Janitor has sooo many good buffs. So first, you start with a fire extinguisher, you can use this to check all your crewmates, (unless they have intake valve perk) making human’s lose a little oxygen, and making the monster lose disguise. If you use this enough on the monster, the monster will be forced to transform. Make sure others are around you though. otherwise you might die without revealing the monster. The fire extinguisher also puts out fires by the way. then you have the Stun Baton. This is crazy good for making the monster unable to attack you, or for stunning crewmates, transforming and eating them alive. There is also the ability to unlock locked doors using your own keycard, so if the monster is trying to run away with his keycard, he wont have much luck. And finally, you have the ability to clear landing pad debris by walking over debris. Combine this with Springy Step and you are basically the most efficient task person.
1st: Space Milk

That’s all we are sharing today in Unfortunate Spacemen All Perk Tier List (Worst to Best), if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to EatmyBirdz
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