For Total War: ROME REMASTERED players, this is a short and simple guide for transferring saves from the orignal Rome:Total War to the remastered version.
This is my first guide, so it may be a little sloppy (hehe) I cannot guarantee that all saves will work with the Remastered version, nor can I guarantee that they are fully playable from start to finish without crashing or breaking the game. If the transfer is completed and you can successfully load and play your save, you’ll only be able to play using classic configurations as I don’t think you can change them after a game is already started, so you won’t have any access to the newer features (like merchants or balance changes), bear that in mind.
Replays cannot be transferred as trying to load an old replay in Remastered will instantly crash the game, I tested this multiple times on multiple different replays.
Finding and Copying the Original save
Note: Most people’s Steam folder is located in the “c: Drive”. If yours is located elsewhere, replace “c:” with whatever letter your drive usesc: Drive

Program Files (x86)
Rome:Total War Gold
Right click the save you want to transfer and copy it, once that is done, proceed to the next step.
Moving/pasting the save to the Remastered folder
Note: Replace “c:” with whatever letter your drive uses. Replace “UserName” with your PC user name (may not be the same as system name)c: Drive

This folder will be named whatever your PC user name is
The folder you need to access here is normally hidden, which you can reveal by first clicking on “View” near the top of the window and then checking the “Hidden Items” box on the right side.
Total War:Rome Remastered
This should be the only folder here
Paste save file
Paste the save you copied earlier here
Load and Play
After you’ve completed the above steps and copied and pasted the folder to the new destination, launch Rome Remastered and load the save just as you would any other. If all goes as planned, the game should load in and let you play, Congratulations, you’ve successfully transferred your save from the Original version to the Remastered version, if you’re able to successfully complete the game using an old save, please let me know and provide screenshots too!
This should also work for Barbarian Invasion and Alexander though I currently haven’t tested either, if you want to transfer saves for those games, you’ll want to use their respective folders instead of the Rome one.
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