For Teardown players, in this guide will show you something I just found which can hardly be discovered but important while making vehicles
the ‘body’ code is shown below
I discovered this while manage to make a hinged truck—-tractor and trailer altogether
and I named the tractor as ‘body’ and the trailer as ‘trailer’, then the game crashed when I run custom level.
Then I deleted all other parts of code and it works perfect
haven’t figure out why
This can be a method to make vehicles which is made of several parts, even a train I think?
sounds weird, isn’t it?
The same, I found this while making the truck, I put some 6 voxel wide wheels but the skid marks is only 3 voxels
And when I managed to move it to middle of tire, it doesn’t work…
That’s all we are sharing today in Teardown Special Tips for Vehicle Makers, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to YuLun
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