Photos of the final product

The in-game ship menu values the completed build (including about 50,000 credits in weapons) at 275,000 credits. So expect to spend around that to complete the build as described.
The parts used in this build also require the player to be able to pilot Class C ships (so 4 points in Piloting) and 2 point in Starship Design.
The build uses mainly Stroud Eklund parts for the habs, mainly because the cockpit is the Stroud Eklund Kon-Tikki B-300 Bridge, and I wanted the rest of the ship’s interiors to match Stroud Eklund’s internal aesthetic. The only exception to this are the two Taiyo Astroneering 3×1 habs that form the top and bottom of the ship’s center. But honestly, you are free to use whatever hab pieces you wish. It’s really the external structures/cowling that give the Ebon Hawk its iconic look.
Lastly, I made this design with practicality and usefulness in mind rather than purely aesthetic look. This means I wanted this ship to be able to fulfill whatever I needed for my various playthroughs, so I tried to ensure that the layout of the ship made sense for a player to use regularly. Put simply, the less confusing hallways and ladder systems the better. I want to use this ship as much as I used the Ebon Hawk in Kotor.
This is somewhat hampered by the fact that the Kon-Tikki B-300 Bridge only allows players to enter it via a ladder from the bottom rather than a freaking door. But until modders fix this, it is what it is.
What follows is a shot by shot recreation of my Ebon Hawk build which you can follow along with to recreate yourself. Let’s get to it.
Part One: The Main Body
Part Two: The Central Body and Cockpit

Part Three: Cowling the Port and Starboard Wings

Part Four: The Undercarriage

Part Five: Weapons
Part Six: Paint Color
And here is the color setting for the grey-ish color for the rest of the ship:
Lastly, here is the black used for the engines:
Part Seven: Painting Multiple Pieces at Once

You can then paint these pieces however you want:
Using this trick will help paint everything much faster.
Part Eight: References Photos
That’s all we are sharing today in Starfield Build Your Own Ebon Hawk, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author Charles Foster Ofdensen
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