For Inscryption players, this guide provides you all the cards that you can find during the Act 1 and explained as well, let’s check it out.
Squirrel Kin
Squirrel is a basic resource card.
You can get the Squirrel head totem from the bottom-right puzzle box, which allow you to make Squirrel totem and give them sigil, which can be really broken.
There is an achievement which you need to beat your enemy with Squirrel, this can be done by giving Fledgling sigil to Squirrel with totem, or increase their power with card like Alpha.
Starter card, will talk and give clue on how to proceed with the story. You can still sacrifice him on thing like bone altar without any consequence.
Cat – Undead Cat
[Sigil] Many Lives – When this creature is sacrificed, it doesn’t perish.
[Unique] After you sacrifice it 9 times, it will become Undead Cat, will revert to normal cat after the battle.
One of the two card that bear Many Lives, triggering Undead Cat in actual battle is very unreliable so just ignore it, Cat has bad stats so it might be a good idea to give the Sigil to other card.
Warren – Rabbit
[Sigil] Rabbit Hole – Create a Rabbit card in your hand when played.
Warren is the card between a normal Squirrel and Black Goat since it provide total of 2 blood sacrifice. Overall is not that good as the game don’t really have many good 2 cost card, it is better to give the sigil to other unit due to it’s bad stats.
Also someone been saying the frame of Warren is different because its like the Boulder/Pelt which can’t be sacrifice. But that’s not true as shown in the picture that it can be sacrifice.
[Sigil] Sharp Quills – When struck, dealt 1 damage back.
Pretty solid card that can trade with enemy that has 2 hp, but overall it’s really basic and can be ignored for better card. Good against Mantis enemy.
[Sigil] Stinky – Opposing creature lose 1 power.
This card is really defensive but it is kinda pointless, not having any power really hurt the card. Also Stinkbug does it better.
[Sigil] Burrower – When enemy attack an empty space, this creature will go to that space and block the attack.
[Unique] If given Fledgling, will become Mole Man instead of the usual +1/+2.
I personally has never picked up this card, 4 hp are not really tanky and 0 power really hurt. If you want a defender Mole Man will be better choice, also for some reason I have seen more Mole Man than Mole on average.
River Otter
[Sigil] Waterborne – Submerges itself during opponents turn, enemy will attack owner directly.
Being 1 power really hurt this card, having this Sigil mean giving enemy Airborne, so if you don’t have enough power to deal with your enemy, you’re going to lose fast.
Raise its power with campfire and it will be really good, but then again any card buffed with campfire are always good.
Rat King
[Sigil] Bone King – Give 4 bones when dies instead of 1.
Really bad card just ignore, bone card are usually bad since it will stuck on your hand for the most part, this card help with that but the card itself require 2 blood, that’s a heavy investment for a card that support a card that you normally will not want in your deck.
Beaver – Dam
[Sigil] Dam Builder – When played, create a Dam on empty adjacent space.
Bad Card, most of the situation of this card will be not having enough space, 1 power is not good enough to get rid of the threat, Dam get stuck because no enemy coming for it, Airborne unit mess you up, not enough card for 2 blood sacrifice.
I think if you are ever in a situation where you need a Beaver to save you, it probably can’t because the enemy will get rid of the Dam in one turn and you will still be in trouble as you just spent 2 blood for a Stoat.
Give the Sigil to someone else, but hope it doesn’t stuck your board since you’re in Act 1 and don’t have access to almighty hammer.
Field Mice
[Sigil] Fecundity – When played, create an exact copy of the creature into your hand.
SSS-tier card, it’s a non-rare card that you rarely seen in the game but if you see it pick it right away.
The card itself is not broken, but the Sigil is broken. Best card to use it on is Geck or any free cost Death cards, since it just become an infinite resource once you draw it.
Basic Card 2 (Split into 2 part because word limit)
A big body for a blood cost of 3. When it come to 3 cost card, always use it with Black Goat, visit backpack icon for item which give you Black Goat to utilize 3 cost card.
Great White
[Sigil] Waterborne – Submerges itself during opponents turn, enemy will attack owner directly.
Compare to other 3 cost card, the only usefulness of this card is being able to dodge Adder poison lethal attack, otherwise there is nothing good about this card.
While I generally dislike bone-cost card, Opossum get a pass since 2 bone can be gotten relatively quick and it just become a Geck and that is handy.
[Sigil] Airborne – Strike opponent directly.
Bad card, 4 bone is way too costly, unless you have a Squirrel bone-lord Totem, don’t pick it.
Rare – Amoeba
[Sigil] Amorphous – When drawn, replaced with random Sigil.
It is a better Opossum, and sometimes it does generate good sigil, good card but often I prefer other Rare card.
Rare – Mole Man
[Sigil] Burrower – When enemy attack an empty space, this creature will go to that space and block the attack.
[Sigil] Mighty Leap – Block an opposing creature with Airborne.
The most defensive card, however most of the time it is contest with other good rare card so I rarely use it for the most part.
Rare – Pack Rat
[Sigil] Trinket Bearer – When played, receive random item whe you have less than 3 items.
[Unique] If you have full item of 3, going to the backpack icon on the map will give you Pack Rat instead, making it the most accessible Rare card.
A very solid card, 2 cost is still a bit costly so give its Sigil to other low cost card is a good choice. Another thing with Pack Rat is that since you can get it so easily, you can get multiple copy of it and merge them with Mycologist to get big rat. However this cost a lot of action for only 1 card that you might not even draw it.
Rare – The Daus – Chime
[Sigil] Bellist – Create Chime at the empty adjacent space.
[Unique] Daus will attack enemy that attack the Chime, which mean Chime basically has Sharp Quills for 2 damage as long Daus is alive.
Basically the Beaver with offensive stats and can actually save you from sticky situation, it still contest the better Rare card.
You need Daus to active the retaliate which mean you can’t pass the Sigil to get the effect, this limit the card and making it the non-popular pick.
Rare – Amalgam
[Unique] This card is treated as all kin so it benefit from any Totem Sigil.
Not a good card, 3 3 stats line for 2 cost is decent but rarely matter, it does have the benefit to become any kin and benefit from totem but for the most part it’s useless.
The only time I find Amalgam useful is when I have Unkillable Squirrel Totem and use it to brush up Ouroboros stats.
Some said Amalgam can be use for Squirrel Achievement.
Also if you visit Wood carver enough time in one game you can receive a free Amalgam. ( I think it is around 7 time, if you have Squirrel and Insect head totem at the start then probably 5 time could do the trick )
Rare – Urayuli
Its a strong card for sure, 7 7 is the best stats line in the game but getting it out is hard without Black Goat.
It is useful for making a broken death card.
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[Unique] Become a random card when drawn.
A rare card that you can found randomly during the game. Although it is a unique card it really doesn’t do much most of the time and just become a random trash card.
Wolf Kin
Stunted Wolf
One of the Three Talking Card that you get near the end of Act 1, replaced the starting Wolf.
Really good offensive card early on, get a little bit expensive and under performance later on.
Wolf Cub
[Sigil] Fledgling – Grow into more powerful form after 1 turn on board.(If there is no other form, gain 1 Power and 2 Health)
One of the best card early on, it’s basically a 1 cost Wolf.
[Sigil] Guardian – When an opposing creature is placed to an empty space, move this creature into that opposing space.
I find this card a trash and never pick it.
This card move in front of enemy before enemy attack, so most the time what you can expect from Bloodhound is that it just died to random enemy without doing much. And you spend 2 blood for it.
Good offensive stats line but 4 bone is way too costly, bad card.
[Sigil] Leader – Give 1 Power to adjacent card. (Including card that has no power such as boulder,pelt,etc…)
Great pick for its Sigil, main body is bad as 5 bone is really expensive.
I hate the Alpha Raven Egg Totem Stage.
Reptile Kin
[Sigil] Mighty Leap – Block an opposing creature with Airborne.
You always get one Bullfrog in your deck at the start of the game. Bullfrog is a really mediocre card that suppose to block Airborne unit but bad at that.
Most Airborne unit just tear through its 2 health, and even Sparrow, then weakest Airborne unit, can defeat Bullfrog if Sparrow get the first strike.
Usually what I do with Bullfrog is pass its Sigil to Stinkbug, or increase its Health with Campfire, or just Mycologist it with another Bullfrog since I get them very often.
Skink – Wriggling Tail
[Sigil] Loose Tail – When this creature get struck, move to the right (or left when there is no space) and create a Tail in its place.
[Unique] The Tail is a 0 2 stats unit and can gain the same amount of bonus from Campfire boost and also any other Sigil the bearer has.(And probably Mycologist buff)
Skink is a good unit and can easily be powerful as it benefit greatly from Campfire and Sigil passing. The Tail start as 0 2 regardless of its bearer stats, Urayuli’s Tail will still be 0 2 without any Campfire boost.
I find the best Sigil to pass onto Skink is Unkillable, this make Skink spawn an Unkillable Tail which when it perishes, come back to your hand as a free cost unkillable resources.
(Untested) The Tail should be benefit from Mycologist buff, so a Mycologist Urayuli’s Tail should have 7 9 stats line.
Tail Feathers – Wriggling Leg – Furry Tail
These are the token create by certain creature when they have Skink’s Sigil Loose Tail.
Tail Feathers were from Bird creature.
Wriggling Leg were from Insect creature.
Furry Tail were from Elk creature.
Wolf creature seem to produce basic Wriggling Tail. I didn’t test every unit so if you found something else you can tell me.
River Snapper
Bad unit, due to how damage work in this game, you generally want high power unit instead of high health unit.
[Sigil]Touch of Death – When damages another creature, that creature perishes.(Work with Sharp Quills)
[Unique] If Adder get eaten by Campfire, the people there will died and you can enjoy 4 free upgrade every time you visit other Campfire on the same run.
Adder by itself is a bad unit, the Sigil is good to pass onto unit like Mantis and Porcupine.
But the biggest usage of Adder is as a Campfire Killer, which can easily break the game. (Other campfire killer are Ring Worm and Long Elk)
Creature that cost 6 bone or higher are pretty much 3 cost version of bone. Unless you have some Sigil or Boon to work with, don’t pick it.
Rare – Geck
The power of Geck come from being the only Free-Cost card in the game that you can work with Campfire and Sigil passing. (We’re not counting the Death card you can make)
The potential of this beast is tremendously high. Give unkillable, infinite resource, or even better give Fecundity, infinite resource and board.
How to work with Geck is up to your imagination but it is definitely a good rare card to get.
Rare – Ouroboros
[Sigil] Unkillable – When perishes, create an exact copy in your hand.
[Unique] Every time this creature perishes and return to your hand, get permanent +1/+1. The bonus last for the entire game itself. (Unless you clear the data)
[Unique] Count as a ring for the final trial.
It’s Ouroboros, the best boi.
Game winner, OTK creature, money maker, cheating device, whatever you call it, and all it need is a bit of training.
The easy way to train Ouroboros during Act 1 is when you get the Unkillable Squirrel Totem, from there all you need is Ouroboros + Amalgam or any other Unkillable unit that cost blood.
Insect Kin
[Sigil] Stinky – Opposing creature lose 1 power.
One of the three talking card and starting cards, Stinkbug is really useful at only 2 bone and can deal with a lot of dangerous situation with Stinky Sigil.
Ring Worm
[Unique] Treated as ring during the final trial.
[Unique] If Ring Worm get eaten by Campfire, the people there will died and you can enjoy 4 free upgrade every time you visit other Campfire on the same run.
Seem useless at first but hold one of the most broken ability in the game, Campfire Killer. (Other being Adder and Long Elk)
Although it is treated as ring during the final trial, you will still need to draw it from the deck to get the boon.
Beehive – Bee
[Sigil] Bees Within – When attacked, create Bee card in your hand.(You get bee when you attack opposing Beehive too)
This card will be really good if it has base health of 3, 2 is just a little on the low side and usually generate as much value as a Warren.
The good upgrade will be Health upgrade from Campfire and Mighty Leap Sigil so it can also benefit from Airborne enemy.
You can get Bee as your resource card instead of Squirrel by completing the Picture frame quest 3 times, you will also get Insect Head Totem at the start.
Worker Ant
[Sigil] Ants – Power equal to the number of Ants on the ally side.
Unless you have way to generate more ant, this is just gonna be a 1 cost 1 2. Which is just a basic unit.
Ant Queen
[Sigil] Ant Spawner – When played, create a Worker Ant in your hand.
[Sigil] Ants – Power equal to the number of Ants on the ally side.
Even worst than Worker Ant, 2 cost for a 1 3. She does give a Worker Ant but since it ain’t free it really not going to do much.
Also you will not get a Mycologist Worker Ant from the Sigil even when you have a Mycologist Ant Queen.
[Sigil] Unkillable – When perishes, create an exact copy in your hand.
A very good card not because of its stats, but Sigil. There is a lot of card that can benefit from Unkillable Sigil with best one such as Skink, Geck and the Corpse Maggots down below.
You can also simply put Unkillable on good card such as Stunted Wolf, Mantis God or any other campfire boosted card.
Corpse Maggots
[Sigil] Corpse Eater – When a creature you own perishes by combat, this creature in your hand is automatically placed in its place.
Corpse Maggots are basically free to use when you have it on your hand, all you need to do is put a Squirrel or any other creature on the board and wait for the enemy to kill it.
But there is better way to use it, put the Sigil on something like Urayuli, Grizzly, Ouroboros and such.
Also Corpse Eater Sigil is a match in heaven with Unkillable. It literally make the creature with both of this Sigil…Unkillable. What will happen is when the creature perishes, it return to your hand and immediately placed back on to the board where it dies.
Mantis [2]
[Sigil] Bifurcated Strike – Strike opposing Left and Right space.(Doesn’t attack Front)
[Unique] If given Fledgling Sigil, instead of +1/+2, will become Mantis God.
Mantis is a really strong unit that you should pick up when you see it, 1 cost for 2 power and can greatly benefit from Campfire power boost.
The Sigil is also great when given to other high power unit.
Fledgling make it into Mantis God, but its probably for the worst since if it get the usual +1/+2, it can deal up to 4 damage instead of 3.
Rare – Mantis God
[Sigil] Trifurcated Strike – Attack opposing Front,Left and Right space.
One of the best Rare card in the game, 3 damage for measly 1 cost.
Mantis God is the greatest benefactor of Power Campfire, a simply +1 to its power make it able to One-turn Kill your opponent.
Even if you can’t find the campfire, you can just give its Sigil to card with 2 power or higher like Stunted Wolf.
Rare – Strange Larva
[Sigil] Fledgling – Grow into more powerful form after 1 turn on board.(If there is no other form, gain 1 Power and 2 Health)
A strong Rare card that can win you the game if you give it a little bit of time.
Too bad its health stay the same throughout the growing process make it hard to block enemy attack with it.
Rare – Strange Pupa
[Sigil] Fledgling – Grow into more powerful form after 1 turn on board.(If there is no other form, gain 1 Power and 2 Health)
Second stage of Strange Larva.
Rare – Mothman
[Sigil] Airborne – Strike opponent directly.
A creature with same highest power as Urayuli with Airborne, if this is on field you can easily win the game.
Also if your Strange Larva has unkillable, you can get this back into your hand as a 1 cost 7 3 Airborne if it ever perishes.
Bird Kin
[Sigil] Airborne – Strike opponent directly.
1 Power Airborne unit is bad, it doesn’t do much to the scale and it can’t kill enemy creature.
[Sigil] Airborne – Strike opponent directly.
[Sigil] Waterborne – Submerges itself during opponents turn, enemy will attack owner directly.
You know how bad this card is from the Angler boss fight.
However the Sigil is actually pretty scary when passed to strong and fragile unit such as Mantis God.
[Sigil] Hoarder – When played, search 1 card from your deck and take it into your hand.
[Sigil] Airborne – Strike opponent directly.
Superb card, if you played any card game you know how good the Sigil is, being able to search out any card raise the chance you have your winning card ready.
The only downside is the 2 cost for bad stats, but we can always pass the Sigil to someone else.
[Sigil] Airborne – Strike opponent directly.
Very good unit, can deal a lot of damage and tank some damage while at it.
But most likely you see this card on the other side and if you want some you better off using Raven Egg.
Raven Egg
[Sigil] Fledgling – Grow into more powerful form after 1 turn on board.(If there is no other form, gain 1 Power and 2 Health)
1 Cost for a very powerful Airborne unit.
Turkey Vulture
[Sigil] Airborne – Strike opponent directly.
Way too expensive to use, by the time you can use it the match is probably over.
Elk Kin
[Sigil] Sprinter – Move toward the space the sigil is pointing at the end of owner turn.(Will switch direction when it can’t go any further)
[Unique] If you give it Fledgling, it will become Moose Buck after 1 turn on board. Revert back to Elk after the battle.
Pretty good stats line for trading blow with enemy, however sometimes it just move to undesirable places.
Elk Fawn
[Sigil] Fledgling – Grow into more powerful form after 1 turn on board.(If there is no other form, gain 1 Power and 2 Health)
[Sigil] Sprinter – Move toward the space the sigil is pointing at the end of owner turn.(Will switch direction when it can’t go any further)
Really good unit with only 1 cost, basically all Fledgling Unit were good.
Black Goat
[Sigil] Worthy Sacrifice – Sacrificing this creature is counted as 3 Blood instead of 1.
[Unique] Sacrifice Black Goat to the Bone Lord will give you the Boon of Bone Lord which grant you 8 bones at the start of the battle, a good way to make card like Vulture usable, however getting Black Goat is pretty uncommon.
You can get a different Black Goat portrait by getting the Goat Eye after you stab yourself with the Dagger.
The card itself is pretty bad because hand size, the best way to use Black Goat is the Black Goat in the bottle.
[Sigil] Sprinter – Move toward the space the sigil is pointing at the end of owner turn.(Will switch direction when it can’t go any further)
[Sigil] Bifurcated Strike – Strike opposing Left and Right space.(Doesn’t attack Front)
Same damage output as Mantis and this one cost 2 and move around, really bad card.
Moose Buck
[Sigil] Hefty – Move toward the space the sigil is pointing and push any creature along the way at the end of the turn.(Will switch direction when it can’t go any further)
Way too expensive for only 3 power, unless you have a good way to get this out, don’t pick it.
Rare – Child 13 – Hungry Child
[Sigil] Many Lives – When this creature is sacrificed, it doesn’t perish.
[Unique] Every time you sacrifice it will make it change form.
[Unique] If you sacrifice it 13 times, it will become Hungry Child, which is the reference to the Demo version “Sacrifice must be made”.
A cat that has good Airborne stats.
If you put Fledgling on it the name will become Child 14, not sure if the sacrifice 13 times thing will be come 14 times though.
Rare – Long Elk
[Sigil] Sprinter – Move toward the space the sigil is pointing at the end of owner turn.(Will switch direction when it can’t go any further)
[Sigil] Touch of Death – When damages another creature, that creature perishes.(Work with Sharp Quills)
[Unique] It’s an Elk with really long neck, when you draw in to your hand in battle you can see it’s face.
[Unique] If Long Elk get eaten by Campfire, the people there will died and you can enjoy 4 free upgrade every time you visit other Campfire on the same run.
In term of the card itself, it is solid, if enemy has some big dude just drop this in and kill it since it doesn’t require sacrifice. However 4 bone is still quite costly unless you have the bone pig item.
Biggest issue with this card is that it is a rare card, there is always most often a better card to pick rather than a Rare Adder.
Due to being able to kill the campfire people, taking this card after the Inspector boss is a viable choice. (Other campfire killer were Adder and Ring Worm)
Tentacle Card
Card Tentacle
[Sigil] Card Counter – Power equal to the card number in your hand.
Really solid card, it is really easy for this card to have 2 attack for only 1 blood, this card get even better during boss stage because of the smoke.
Mirror Tentacle
[Sigil] Mirror R? – Power equal to the opposing creature.
Decent card, but fall off due to inability to affect the scale.
Bell Tentacle
[Sigil] Bell Ringer – Power equal to the distance toward the bell.(4 if placed at the far left, 1 at the far right)
Incredible card, in most case it was a 2 blood cost for a 4 3 unit, so it has a value of 3 blood creature.
Special Card
[Sigil] Repulsive – When this creature get attacked, that attack is canceled.
This creature appear at the start of your turn where you’re trying to draw a card but there is no more card in both normal deck and resource deck.
It spawn as a 1 1 , then another one as 2 2 the next turn, 3 3 next, and 4 4 etc…
I haven’t try it but you can probably kill it with Sharp Quills.
The Smoke – Greater Smoke
[Sigil] Bone King – Give 4 bones when dies instead of 1.
[Unique] Will become Greater Smoke after you extinguish the candle fire 3 times. (The candle next to the puzzle box, you can only do this once for every challenger)
You get one of this card for every lives you saved before the boss fight. You start at 2 lives so most of the times you only have 1 smoke, that lives can be raised into 3 by completing the frame puzzle 2 times.
Pack Mule
[Sigil] Sprinter – Move toward the space the sigil is pointing at the end of owner turn.(Will switch direction when it can’t go any further)
[Unique] When perishes, give you 1 Squirrel card and 4 random card, the random card seems never include 3 blood creature or 8 bone Vulture.
Special unit during the boss fight Inspector.
Gold Nugget
All your card on the field will get turned into this card during the second stage of the Inspector.
There is also an occasional rare event on the map where you mine the rock and get rewards.(I only found it once and get a Golden Pelt after mined a Gold Nugget)
Bait Bucket
[Unique] When perishes, create a Great White in its place.
Special card that is placed in front of each of your card during the second stage of the Angler.
You can win this fight easily with Airborne creature.
You can kill the Great White by striking the Bucket with creature like Mantis and kill it with creature that has 2 power or higher.
Strange Frog
[Sigil] Mighty Leap – Block an opposing creature with Airborne.
[Unique] When perishes, spawn a Leaping Trap in its place.
Special unit that you fight during the stage 1 of the Trader.
Leaping Trap
[Sigil] Steel Trap – When perishes, opposing creature perishes as well.(Add Wolf Pelt to your hand)
[Sigil] Mighty Leap – Block an opposing creature with Airborne.
Special unit that you fight during the stage 1 of the Trader.
You can save your creature by striking it on the side with creature like Mantis. However you only get the Wolf Pelt if the trap kill one of your creature.
The Wolf Pelt is used for Trader’s second stage, you can also use any Wolf Pelt that you originally have in your deck if you draw it.
The Wolf Pelt gained by the trap will be gone after the battle, the Wolf Pelt you have in your deck originally will still be there even when you use it.
The Moon
[Sigil] Mighty Leap – Block an opposing creature with Airborne.
[Sigil] Moon Strike – Strike all opposing creature. (Will not attack empty space unless there is no opposing creature).
[Sigil] Tidal Lock – At the beginning of its turn, pull all Squirrel into its orbit.(You can see Squirrel spinning around inside).
[Unique] If you trigger Starvation while The Moon is on the field, The Moon will gain 1 Power.
This is the final boss of Act 1, however it is kinda a joke boss, Stink Bug can lower its Power to 0. You can even just kill it with Touch of Death.
Death Card
[Sigil] Bifurcated Strike – Strike opposing Left and Right space.(Doesn’t attack Front)
[Sigil] Sharp Quills – When struck, dealt 1 damage back.
Amazing card, basically a Porcupine with Mantis Sigil.
[Sigil] Sprinter – Move toward the space the sigil is pointing at the end of owner turn.(Will switch direction when it can’t go any further)
[Sigil] Waterborne – Submerges itself during opponents turn, enemy will attack owner directly.
Combination of River Otter and Elk Fawn without Fledgling… bad card.
[Sigil] Sharp Quills – When struck, dealt 1 damage back.
[Sigil] Guardian – When an opposing creature is placed to an empty space, move this creature into that opposing space.
The card itself is kinda mediocre, however it only cost 1 bone, so just treat it as some kind of Squirrel… for sacrifice.
[Sigil] Touch of Death – When damages another creature, that creature perishes.(Work with Sharp Quills)
Good card that can work here and there, 3 health is good and can survive some battle here and there.
This card is NOT a campfire killer despite having Touch of Death.
Obstacle Card
Usually appear on enemy side of board.
Usually appear on your side of board, there is one on your side during first stage of Inspector.
Grand Fir
[Sigil] Mighty Leap – Block an opposing creature with Airborne.
Usually appear on your side of board to defend against Airborne threat. There is boon which fill all your board with Grand Fir.
Snowy Fir
[Sigil] Mighty Leap – Block an opposing creature with Airborne.
Appear at the third map.
Frozen Opossum
[Sigil] Frozen Away – When perishes, creature inside is released in its place.
Appear rarely on enemy side at the third map, you can normally get this with Item.
Caged Wolf
[Unique] When perishes, Wolf will appear in its place and also your deck.
Story-related item, you can get this card at the bottom-left side of puzzle box.
You can either let enemy kill this card on board, or sacrifice it to the bone lord, if you do the latter you don’t get the Wolf card in your deck.
Pelt Card
If you have at least 1 Mycologist version of the Pelt, all available card for that Pelt also become the Mycologist Version.
It doesn’t work for the Double Mycologist Version, you still only get the Normal Mycologist version.

Rabbit Pelt
Trade for normal creature card, you have 8 card to choose from.
Wolf Pelt
Trade for creature card that has been imbue with random Sigil, you have 8 card to choose from.
Golden Pelt
Trade for Rare creature card, you have 4 card to choose from.
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potresti spiegare la storia di child 13\14 e di hungry child please (anche il riferimento alla demo)
this is so help full, THANK YOU
do you have act 2 or 3?
Thanks for de help breh
Bad card… Bad card… Bad card…Bad card… Huh? What card is good then? I only get cards that are considered garbage.
Lol, yea. I disagree with a lot of the author’s points. For example, Black Goat is essential to any 3-blood decks. Sure, the bottle is better but why have a goat in a bottle that you can only have one of when you can have an unkillable goat in your hand? Bad opinions in my opinion. 😛
Thank you for this, I’m making these by hand to play with my family and this has helped me a lot.
May Allah bless you & Guide you, this page is extremely helpful.