This is a guide about the game’s weapon that you can pick up, giving info. about them and when are the best times to use them. NOTE: This guide is only about the Soldier’s weapons, not from other DLC robots. Also, this guide does not give A LOT of info, only quick and basic info….
Category: Guide

Rust: Electricity Guide for Beginners
This guide will teach you the basics of electricity in RUST, and will demonstrate the practical uses for it. Create and test your circuits using the electricity simulator Introduction ELECTRICITY IN RUST Welcome to what I hope to be a helpful lesson or tool in Rust’s electrical system. Over the years Rust has gone…

Shelter 2: Guide for Beginners
All you need to know when taking on the world of Shelter 2! Tips, tricks, raising strong healthy cubs, and more! Introduction Hello, my fellow Lynx Mommas! Today, I’m going to be showing you some bad-a$$ tips and tricks to being successful in Shelter 2! Please Keep in mind that some of these tricks…

Tower Unite: Summer Character Spawn Locations
This is a guide for Tower Unite that explains where, with screenshots and descriptions, the different summer character spawn locations are. This may not be all of them, but it will continue to be updated. I’m absolutely sure there are more, so please write a comment if you know of more. Project 12 Our…

Cowpocalypse – Episode 1: Walkthrough and Achievements
Walkthrough and guidance for obtaining 100% achievements! Introduction Cowpocalypse – Episode 1 is a short point and click adventure with a total of seven achievements. All of them are story-related. Walkthrough Take the blanket from your bed and the knife which is in front of the door. Combine knife and blanket. Go on the balcony…

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – Generals Guide
Honestly I don’t like the typical mass combat, I just want to win battles with generals alone if I can, because that minimizes my casualties. And this is a guide on how to optimize your play for that goal. Stats and Equipment The official help and guides are actually quite misleading in terms of…

Angel Light The Elven Truce: Walkthrough and Secrets
Preface Before we begin lets look at the Preface. This guy is Verion and he is the main badguy. Right now he is giving a rousing speech to his bois about how much he wants war. Here are his bois and it appears they like it. First Objective: Find Thormentor When you begin you…

Angel Light The Elven Truce: Controls Guide
Here are the controls. And this is what they do WASD- Moves (obviously) Shift- Raises Shield (Keep the Shield up at all times while in combat) Q- Does this jumping slam attack (Good for escaping sticky situations, get into battles from far away,as well as moving fast when stamina runs out.) R-Runs (Never thought of…

Draugen: All Achievements Guide
Complete guide for getting all achievements in game Storyline & Endings You’ll get these achievements when you complete the game. You won’t miss it “Knock-knock” “Blue skies in Norway” “Home alone” “Everything changes” “I am not alone” “Awakening” “Goodbye to all the things” I think there’re two achievements for endings. I haven’t figure out how…

DiRT Rally 2.0: Optimal Graphics Settings
Finding the sweetspot between nice looking graphics and fast-enough framerate can be a chore. This is my findings and optimal settings The goal is to get a stable framerate of 60+ fps. while making the picture quality as pretty to look at as possible. I’m tweaking on the following hardware (which i consider avarage these…

Light Fairytale Episode 1: How to Change Keybindings
People have asked how to change key bindings so here’s a guide to show you how! Huge thanks to Geheimen for showing me this. How to change keys Step 1. Open the configuration tool Step 2. Go to input Step 3. Scroll all the way down Step 4. Double click the binding you want…