All items and guidance for obtaining 100% achievements! The Ring of Truth is a short walking simulator with a total of ten achievements. In order to obtain all achievements, you have to: Find all 10 items. Watch both vistas. Use all four interactable stairs. Find and arrange all 10 records. 100% Walkthrough First Floor Bucket –…
Category: Guide

Etherborn: Complete Level Walkthrough
Here is video solutions to all levels of Etherborn except Birth. Introduction This guide links to a video with a playthrough of all puzzle levels of Etherborn except the tutorial level (Birth). Below the video you will find time stamped video links for each individual level. Spoil at your own risk 😉 Video with…

Ravenfield: Multiplayer Mod – General Guide
This is a general guide about the ins and outs of RFMP. If you have any questions or any topics you would like to add, please let me know in the comments. Joining Your First Game In order to play Ravenfield Multiplayer, first ensure that you have bought regular Ravenfield on Steam. If you…

Flipping Death: Missable Achievements
Quick and easy guide for not story related achievements. In Chapter 1, you can already get three of these, all related to the ability to make feel different emotions to the characters using the specific actions of the characters when they are possessed. Pursuit of Happiness To achieve this you don’t have to be fast but…

Each vehicle has different characteristics. If you do not have vehicle knowledge, it will be difficult to use effectively. Here we describe the abilities of the vehicles available to the player. Tanks Blacker Equipment: Ranger(4.1 & E1 only),Air Raider(Other than 4.1) Boarding: All classes It is a standard tank. The moving speed is sufficient…

Tales [PC]: 100% Achievement Guide
Guide to getting every achievement in Tales PC. Introduction It’s recommended you do separate playthroughs for all the achievements. Don’t worry though, the second is very short. First Playthrough (22 of 24 achievements) Standard playthrough with several things to note: 5 achievements require you to solve a puzzle in the first attempt. PROTOTYPE303 has…

VR Flush: 100% Achievements Guide
This is a simple guide to explain how to get all of the achievements in this game in case anyone missed them or wants to know what to look for before playing. There’s not a whole lot to this game so I won’t worry about spoiling anything, but I recommend playing it through first if…

Garry’s Mod: How to Deal With Toxic Fanbases
This guide will teach you how to deal with multiple different toxic communitys comment suggestions and I will review and release Primary Toxic Fanbases FNAF Toxic fanbase These guys are tough but still beatable Recomended Supplies AR-15 Grenades Hazardous Enviorments Suit MK 5 or HEV for short Water Fazbear Head ———– High Ranking Note…

The Scroll Of Taiwu: English Mods Collection
My suggested mods for English Players. All mods compatible with each other. All mods works with base game v0.2.3.0/ Unity Mod Manager Scroll of Taiwu does not currently support steam workshop, all mods has to be loaded with unity mod manager v0.12.2 English mod itself Base resource mod v1.0.14[] This is required by…

Love is Dead: Secret Exit Guide
How to unlock the secret exits in Love is Dead. You only need to unlock one of these for the achievement, but they are potentially useful for speedrunning the game as they allow you to skip large numbers of levels. Level 1-2 In the third section of level 1-2, the first secret exit in…

Mulaka: Hidden Achievements Guide
Simple guide to unlock secret achievements and those not very clear. 4+2 Achievements Hidden Achievements: PETA’s been informed of your behaviour The first of the secret achievements you can get right in the first chapter, you just have to hit the pheasant after he’s asked you not to hit it. Light Feet Sprint for…

Queen’s Quest 5: Symphony of Death – All Collectibles
Guide showing location of all collectibles in the game. All collectibles in order 1. Our Home 2. Garden 3. Throne Room 4. Town Square 5. Sheriff’s Office 6. Upper Town 7. Crime Scene 8. Mouse Den 9. Doctor’s Office 10. Entrance to the City 11. Silverclaw Manor 12. Behind the House 13. Entrance Hall…