Discusses each weapon in the game, its strengths and weaknesses, its niche, how it contrasts with other weapons, and which traits and mod packs work well with it. 9mm Pistol Better than nothing. Some of the best ammunition efficiency in the game at 14 damage per shot on a very common ammo type, but…
Category: Guide

Secret Neighbor Beta: Characters and Role Guide
Here is the guide about characters and roles in Secret Neighbor Beta game. there are some tips and tricks at the end of this guide to help you become a Pro in this game. Characters The characters are the following: Bagger The ability to store more items and after 120 seconds in game he…

Image of Perfection: Walkthrough for Happy Ending
This walktrough help you to get happy end. Happy End Opposite word of charm it’s a “strange” How to get happy end First at all you need to say two ghost 2 words Piro room : TRUTH After that go in Attic and say to other ghost another word Attic room : HEAVEN After…

Bloody Chronicles – New Cycle of Death: All Achievements Guide
WARNING: All achievements are currently broken and will be fixed this Monday – August, 5th – according to the developers. ✧ You can’t save during choices, save always before them. ✧ Use mouse wheel up to rollback. Eg: If you want to save before picking a choice. ✧ Click on to jump to next choice. ✧ Click on to access menu and…

KILL la KILL -IF: Fearless Achievement Guide
This is a slow but sure way of getting this 500 elimination achievement. Fearless – Defeated 500 units in Endless Brawl. Who do I pick? There are a LOT of viable characters I found that had the ability to do so, some good examples are: 1. Nonon Jakuzure 2. Nui Harime 3. Ragyo Kiryuin…

Super Life (RPG): Oregano and Golden Egg/Ticket Guide
Here is the Super Life RPG Oregano and Golden Egg & Ticket guide. hope you like it. Oregano Oregano Guide: On day 420 go to Smallgreens and buy at least 4 Oregano costs $50 each. Give them to Papa Jay who is behind the house on the very bottom left of the map which…

Streets of Rogue: New Achievements Guide(V.81)
Here is descriptions and strategies for how to get the new Streets of Rogue achievements. Introduction There are plenty of better guides for getting the rest of the achievements, so I’ll just stick with the 10 achievements that were released with v.81, since there aren’t a lot of them around. Note that this is…

Mighty Gunvolt Burst: All Rare Item Locations
Because the steam vesion don’t have some ability to find the breakable wall. so I think maybe someone need this. The items maybe change when you use difference character. city ——————– ——————– ——————– oil platform ——————– ——————– ——————– ——————– water works bureau ——————– ——————– need heat element to break ice block ——————– ——————– power…

Oxygen Not Included: Asteroid Spawn Seeds
Here is a guide to help you find the perfect asteroid for your dupes. Verdante Metal Rich, Geoactive, Geode, Buried Oil – LUSH-A-1891439552-0 Geodes, Geoactive, Subsurface Ocean – LUSH-A-1527267609-9G Metal Rich, Geodes, Volcanic – LUSH-A-227681179-9G Metal Rich, Geoactive – LUSH-A-1792056680-9G – LUSH-A-711186410-9G – LUSH-A-728382013-9G – LUSH-A-155604863-9G – LUSH-A-1416530935-9G Metal Rich, Geoactive, Slime, Subsurface Ocean…

Monster Boy And The Cursed Kingdom: AFK Money Farming Guide
Quick and simple showcase where to afk farm! Not the fastest way, but quick and requires no inputs once its set up- Requirements: Upgraded Knights Bracelet (we want the magnet effect of it) cleared the volcano / have acess to it Location: Make your way to the leftmsot room of the volcano! Setup: Place yourself to…

Stardew Valley: All Achievement Lists
Achievements are displayed on the player menu, under the “Collections” tab, on the “Achievements” tab found at the bottom left. If you own the Steam version, Achievements are displayed in Steam as well, including some extra achievements. Introduction Achievements can unlock specific rewards within the game. Steam achievements need to be unlocked only once,…

Beasts of Bermuda: Ancestral Plains Cave Maps
Couldn’t find any of these maps on the web so made my own. If you know any caves on this map, note me, I’ll go check them out. Mountain lake cave Waterfall bridge cave This is a complex one. There’s a creepy broken bridge inside. It looked like a trap, so i didn’t investigate…