Currently, there are 25 characters in the game and more to come. I’ll add info sheets when I get the time. Valessa Ulric Fortaime Sovy Mylus Damek Shane Halin Gryz Zamira Airen Alex Spice Nada Lillith Carmen Triumvir Pro Vance Honor Guard Howl Grayson Kira Zorion Vivien Acheron Reiyo Keaton Written by Pierre Starts
Category: Guide

Winds of Change: All Achievements Guide
Welcome to SteamAH for Winds of Change achievements guide. here is all the achievements in the game. if you have any trouble in some of them. you can leave your comment at the end of this guide. Character Achievements This list is not in order of the character appearances. The Rebel Brawn – Have…

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone: All Weapons Upgrade Guide
Here is a guide to all weapons upgrade in Clone Drone in the Danger Zone. Weapons :Sword: The Sword is a basic weapon that can be struck downward, left, or right. It attacks fast and can do good damage. It can block other sword hits and even deflect arrows and spidertron bomb rays if it…

Remnant: From the Ashes – How to Skip Intro
Here’s a short and simple guide to disabling the intro videos of the game! Introduction Hello everyone, Here’s a short and simple guide to disabling the intro videos of the game! It’ll instantly jump to the “press any button” start screen when launching the game, and updates/patches to the game do not reverse this…

Garry’s Mod: Zombie Survival Weapons ID’s
This is some of the weapons that i found from the game file of zombie survival. Admin Weapons swep_construction_kit weapon_map_base weapon_zs_base weapon_zs_basefood weapon_zs_basemelee weapon_zs_baseproj weapon_zs_basethrown weapon_zs_basetrinket weapon_zs_sigilplacer weapon_zs_baseshotgun ZE Weapons weapon_zs_zeakbar weapon_zs_zeamigo weapon_zs_zebattleaxe weapon_zs_zebulletstorm weapon_zs_zedeagle weapon_zs_zeeraser weapon_zs_zeglock weapon_zs_zegrenade weapon_zs_zeinferno weapon_zs_zeknife weapon_zs_zem4 weapon_zs_zequicksilver weapon_zs_zesilencer weapon_zs_zesmg weapon_zs_zestubber weapon_zs_zesweeper weapon_zs_zetempest Pistols weapon_zs_battleaxe weapon_zs_deagle weapon_zs_eraser weapon_zs_glock3 weapon_zs_longarm weapon_zs_magnum…

Tower Unite: All 362 Achievements Guide
Includes information regarding every single achievement in Tower Unite. If an achievement isn’t quite working or your unsure on how to do one then this guide will have the information for it. If you have any questions or information we may have missed be sure to leave a comment for us. Achievement Overview 362…

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition – All Cheat Codes
Here is a compendium of all the Cheats that appear in AoE: Definitive Edition. To Enter Cheat Codes, simply go into a game (Single Player only of course), click ‘ENTER’, and type in the code. The codes are case sensitive. Codes BIGDADDY: Winsett’s Z car that’s very, very fast and has a deadly attack. Requires…

Deathgarden: BLOODHARVEST – How to Reach the GrandMaster
This guide shows you how to reach the GrandMaster rank in Deathgarden: Bloodharvest. This isn’t the only way but it works very well for me. As I’m always able to reach 6th place on the leaderboard Stalker Loadout Stalker has quite a different Arsenal then the other two hunter, being the only one that…

Elite Dangerous: Double Painite Mining Guide
In this guide, I will give you some tips and details on Mining Painite, Giving you the best spot to mine, etc At the moment, Painite is one of the best resources you can mine, without looking for Core asteroids. At average, you can sell Painite for 122,749, and with a maximum sell at 797,150…

Songbird Symphony: How to Sing
This guide will go over every song that you will encounter while playing the story. This is still Work In Progress, so it only covers about half of the main game. Song 1: Uncle Pea Uncle Pea is the first bird that you will encounter that sings with you, making him the easiest. Uncle…

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition – Civilisation Guide
This guide covers the stats and capabilities of all Civs in Age of Empires: Definitive Edition and their respective Tech Trees. Intro Hello everyone, and welcome to my latest guide. This one will aim to be a reference for anything you might want to know about each civilisation, starting with thier Racial architecture (there…

SpellForce: Platinum Edition – Console Debug Codes
List of debug commands to enter in the ingame console to fix some singleplayer based bugs. General Information The following quickfixes can be used in the ingame console to solve some bugs that possibly occur during the different story campaigns. You can only use the quickfixes listed here if you have exactly the described…