Key Items in Shenmue 3 are special items that are used to unlock or advance through certain quests or the main story. Key Items can be found on specific areas of a Location or are given by NPCs. This guide will indicate a list of all the Key Items in Shenmue 3 which includes their description and usage. Name Description Location Forklift A capsule toy taken…
Category: Guide

Mindustry: Hotkeys Usage Guide
Usage guide, and tips & tricks, for the block selection hotkeys added in Mindustry 5.0 build 100. Number Hotkeys Press a number key to select a category. (e.g. [3] switches to distribution.) If you quickly press another number after that, you’ll select the appropriate number block. (e.g. [3,1] selects conveyor.) For blocks after the 10th one, you can…

Survive the Nights: All Item IDs
This is all the items I have found by typing /give. If I have missed any or you find anything new before me, let me know 🙂 Weapons & Ammo 1001 – ARG 15 1002 – Bateman 1003 – Clinchester 1004 – FRKS Shotgun 1005 – R-6804 Hunting Rifle 1007 – Lola and Garry…

Drift86: How to Drift
Drift86 is a indie racing game. here are some points to guide you how to drift. if you have any problem. you can leave your comment at the end of this post. Drifting is mostly about feeling it, which you can only learn by trying sadly. However, there’s a few general points: – use…

Noble & Knightess – Episode1: Syntax Error Fixed
Here is a guide to fix syntax error when you are starting Noble & Knightess game. Starting the game Upon running the game you’ll probably get this error. —————————————————————————————————————————————- —————————————————————————————————————————————- That’s because the game cannot read your system’s unicode. To fix this, you’ll have to change your system locale to Japanese. Don’t worry though,…

Otaku’s Fantasy: Uncensored Patch Guide
Here is a quick English guide to Otaku’s Fantasy Uncensored Patch. This patch modifies the CG in the game to their uncensored variants, although there are still mosaic censors due to Japanese laws. The CGs are still censored in the Gallery thumbnails. You have to click on them to view the uncensored version. Download the…

Devil Slayer – Raksasi: How to Select English
Devil Slayer – Raksasi is a top-Down action game with procedurally generated dungeons, profound roguelike elements, and intuitive soul-like fighting. It’s a fair and challenging game, dodging, timing, striking, you need to master them all to fight your way out of this cursed world. if you want to select English language, here is the guide….

Devil Slayer – Raksasi: Character Guide
Here is the information and upgrades on all characters. Warning: unlock spoilers Byleth Stats Weapon Longsword HP 160 Spirit Armor 100 ST 130 ST Recovery 20 MP 100 MP Recovery 10 ATK 30 MS 38 Dodge 18 Shield 0 DR 0 Skill Berserk Consumes 50 MP to enter a berserk state (juggernaut, ATK +50%,…

Kritika:REBOOT – FAQ with Issues Fixed
FAQ+List of technical issues and possible fixes.[Has 3 sections here] You can use the comments bellow to ask people things or to answer. 🙂 Questions: Should I play this game? Is it worth? When should I start? Is it pay2win? How do I get food for my pet? Answers: Prologue: As you may realize…

Kritika:REBOOT – XboxOne Controller Setup
Here is a guide to setup an XBoxOne gamepad on Windows 10 Kritika Reboot. Intro Hello. Some people, like me, like to play all games sitting on a couch far from the monitor/tv while using a controller pad. As an old gamer from the 80’s, I have done all of my gaming using gamepads,…

The Room Syndrome: How to Start
Here is a guide on how to begin the actual time-travel and gameplay, without spoilers. Controls WASD – Basic movement, we have dideways, sownward, am going left, and wupward. SHIFT – When held down, movement speed is doubled E – Interact with objects when facing them SPACE- When in the interaction menu with an item,…

The Room Syndrome: All Endings Guide
Here is a guide on how to get every ending. Paradox Ending This the easiest ending to get. This guide assumes you already know the basics of how to time travel. Ignore David, don’t even talk to him. To begin, unlock the radio (outlined in my earlier guide). Time travel to frequency 101.9, and walk…