For Remnants players, this guide is designed to draw the attention of developers to the current exploits of the game, I’ll explain how to get free construction and infinite ammo. Free Construction It is enough to have only a building plan at hand. (Your inventory should NOT have the resources required for building. In addition…
Category: Cheat

Loop Hero Cheat Sheet Guide
I made a Cheat Sheet for myself, for easier access than always having to look through the encyclopaedia in game (yes I’m very smooth brain and can’t remember things) and thought I’d share it here 🙂 Cheat sheet Here’s the link[] to it! So far it includes what enemy drops what resource and how you spawn…

Mass Effect 3 Complete Console Commands 2021 Command Scripts List
Mass Effect 3 players, you can’t find any directly functional console commands since it’s locked in Mass Effect 3, and if you want to cheat, follow this guide and you’ll be able use console commands in game. How to Cheat in Mass Effect 3 binkw32 bypass The Binkw32 bypass dll hijacks the bink video…

Mass Effect 2 Complete Console Commands 2021 (Cheats List)
For Mass Effect 2 players, if you are bored of playing normally, this guide provides all console commands that works in Mass Effect, this guide will explain how to use console commands as well. Two years after Commander Shepard repelled invading Reapers bent on the destruction of organic life, a mysterious new enemy has emerged. On…

Mass Effect All Console Commands List 2021 (Cheats Codes)
For Mass Effect players, if you want to use console commands (cheat code) while playing Mass Effect, this guide will explain how to enable and provides a complete list of all codes. In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these…

Valheim How to Duplicate Items
For Valheim players, if you are tired of farming, this guide will explain how to dupe items with the world save and the character save, so you don’t need to farm again. World Save Method 1.1: Copying the world file To start, you first have to make a copy of the world file in which the…

Victoria 2 All Console Commands & Event Lists 2021 (How to Enable)
Victoria II is a grand strategy game played during the colonial era of the 19th century, where the player takes control of a country, guiding it through industrialization, political reforms, military conquest, and colonization. here are the full console command lists 2021. if we miss someone, please let me know. Victoria 2 Console Command…

Four Elements Trainer Cheats: All Console Commands & How to Enable
Here is a guide on how to cheat in Four Elements Trainer. you can get all console commands and how to enter in-game with this article. enjoy the game. Updated for December 2024 | We checked for new V1.1.1c How to Open the Console Note: Just remember cheats can break your game and it…

Wife Trainer Console Commands (How to Enable Cheat)
Here are all console commands for Wife Trainer game. if you do not know how to enable cheat. you can also follow our tutorial. How to Enable Cheat in Wife Trainer Game? You can extract RPA archives (using built in rpatool), decompile RPYC files (using built in unrpyc), enable the console and developer menu for Ren’Py…

HROT Console Cheat Codes Guide
For HROT players, if you want to enable some cheat in game, this guide provides a console cheat codes list and explained how to use them, let’s check it out. How to enable Load any level and open console with ~Then type a cheatcode and press enter Codes gott – God mode zizka –…

Lust Affect Cheats (Console Commands)
If you want to make the game easier you can cheat in the game. here are the console commands for the Lust Affect game. Cheats: Lust Affect Cheats ren=100 -Renegade par=100 -Paragon mon=50000 -Money ez=10000 -Ezo Influence samara_otn = xxx tali_otn = xxx susi_otn = xxx (susie = EDI) miranda_otn = xxx liara_otn =…

Haydee 2 All Items Unlocked Cheat(Mod)
For Haydee 2 players, if you want to get all items in the game, this guide will provides a method taht helps you get all items unlocked, let’s check it out. CHEAT All items added. Added all items necessary to pass to any premises in the game. Use at your discretion. To gain achievements, for…