Besiege v1.0 is now available on Steam, this guide will show you how to build a very basic flying machine step by step, so you can learn how to reproduce it, and upgrade it, tweak it, play with it how you see fit
This is intended to very beginner players who are looking into learning how to build their own flying machine, without spoiling the game for them too much.
The base
Very simple base, nothing complicated : We’re looking for practicality here, not good looks.

Reinforcing the structure
Reinforce the structure with Braces, it also helps balancing the machine. This step is very important, otherwize it’ll snap in two right off the bat.
The Front Rotors
Starting off by putting two wheels where the front rotors will be. This is very used, and this row will enable us to steer left/right. The set-up is the same for both wheels.
Then, add a second row of wheels. These will make the machine go down or up together with the back rotor. The set-up is the same for both, they just have are inverted.
Then we’ll finish the two front rotors with spinning blocks (same set-up just inverted), and propellers. Don’t forget to rotate the propelers on the inverted spinning block.

Then, add a second row of wheels. These will make the machine go down or up together with the back rotor. The set-up is the same for both, they just have are inverted.

Then we’ll finish the two front rotors with spinning blocks (same set-up just inverted), and propellers. Don’t forget to rotate the propelers on the inverted spinning block.

The back rotors
The back rotor is composed of a wheel, and two spinning blocks.
The reason we use two spinning blocks here, is because when we move our tail up or down, one of them will stop. Furthermore, only one rotor would slowly push the rear of the machine to go left or right. (So it’s for increased stability)
The reason we use two spinning blocks here, is because when we move our tail up or down, one of them will stop. Furthermore, only one rotor would slowly push the rear of the machine to go left or right. (So it’s for increased stability)
Wheel :
First and second spinning block :
The finishing touches
We’ll add wings, for better stability (and so it can fly better whut), as well as a standard weight in front (I find the center of mass was too far at the back)

Then, after flying it a bit, I found it tend to go too much to the right when i’d slow down (using the down key). Therefore, I added a flying block to compense that on the back
Of course, to make sure the machine is balanced you’ll have to add another one on the left too, just set it to nothing
By DashSora
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