For Wingspan players, this guide will will try to help you with getting all the achievemnts and explaining the strategy on how I got them myself.
Hopefully this guide will be helpful to you. If you find any misstakes or have any suggestions to improve this guide, let me know 😉
For this you need Common Raven or Chihuahuan Raven in combination with Frankli’s Gull or Killdeer in the Grassland. So by one action you generate eggs, cards and food.
You can also use Crows instead of Ravens but they will only generate one piece of food at a time.
It is really is the MVP combo that will help you get most of the achievements easily.
If you can get it out in the first rounds of game you are pretty mutch set up for a great succes ! To achiev this early in the game you can reset/start new game for atleast one of the piece in your starting hand and try to find the other by drawing it asap (Killder or Gull is better as you can start generating cards with them right away and try to find Ravens). Or even better – you can get lucky and get both pieces in starting hand right away.
Super Drawing Engine
You can make a drawing engine in the Wetlands which itself draws you cards and in combination with 2-3 birds that draws even more cards you can get yourself a quick full hand of cards to choose from.

You can also combine this with cards such as Hummingbirds that will generate you food meanwhile you are drawing and helps you play out cards in time, before the game ends. Or even use a “pink ability” bird in different habitat to generates you eggs also.
Helpful tip
Or you can also play without bots and change them to players that you will control – so you can benefit yourself even more.
When trying to do these achievements you can always add Hard dificulty automata so you can also get the achievement for beating it “Pheasant Diversion”
ILL EAGLE + Fly Like an Eagle

Quite an easy achievement to do, you need to play 5 predators in a game. Predators are cards with the skull icon on them. To find 5 of them you can build the Drawing Engine in the wetlands to find them easily. Having 1-2 in starting hand helps too.
Another super easy one. Succed on 10 predator hunts. Get atleast 2 predators in one habitat and activate it over and over until you succeed 10 times. With “tuck a card” predators you have around 50-66% success rate so these are better than the “food remain” ones.
Owl of a Sudden

For this one you need to chain atleast 2 cards that allows you to play another bird in the same habitat. So get all the resources food+eggs needed to play these 2 birds and than another random one after that.

This Present Caw-st a Fortune

Better Luck Nest Time

Quite a tricky achievement to get. But you can sort of cheat and play a game with 2players and some bots (bots are always great as they can generate you free stuff too). You need to set up one of the players with Raven+ Gull/Killdeer combo. And score 80+ points on the other players board. As you play with 2 players, you can also help eachother, draw more cards for the combo player and generate free resources with cards like Hummingbirds etc. to help the other player to score 80 points.
Investing in the Stork Market

You need a bit of luck for this one, buts its not that hard. You can reset the game until you get to choose one of these bonus cards (Fishery Manager or Wetland scientist) at the start. Then simply try to find birds that allows you to get more bonus cards and hope for the other one to show up.
Build the wetlands to fulfill the conditions of both bonus cards meanwhile you search for the “bonus card” birds.
Clutch Performance

Wake Me up Before You Dodo

Once again you need to draw a lot of cards for this one – so use wetlands drawing engine or the MVP combo. You need to play 5 “bonus” birds – Birds that allows you to get more bonus cards.

Attempted Murder

Once again – draw a lot of cards to get the right birds. Its a bit tricky as there is only 4 crows and 3 ravens in the deck. So before you start searching the deck like crazy, make sure you have atleast one in the starting hand to make it easier.

What the Flock

There is few ways to do this achievement. One that I used myself is a simple one in Wetlands -Use a bird that tuck cards in combination with a bird that repeats one of this habitats brown power. So each action allows you to draw 2 cards to tuck both under the bird – in 13 rounds it is done.
The other combo you can use is to combine bird with ability to discard certain food and tuck 2 cards from the deck in combination with a bird that generates that exact food required.
A Bird’s Best Subject? Owl-jay-bra

This one is a bit hard and requires a lot of luck. Scoring few points from bonus card can be hard by itself, but scoring 30+ ? Thats another level. So you need to find “bonus” birds for more bonus cards and not only that, you need to fulfill them too. You need to get a real good combination of these cards that benefits eachother and shares the same birds.
It will take few tries but you will eventuly get it after few games.
Here is my setup that I achieved 33 bonus points with.
And all the bonus cards I had that game.
Quacking under Pressure

This one seems hard but is actually an easy one.
Makes sure you dont complete any bonus cards as they will increas your point count.
Than you need to do following action at last round of the game – play a 0 or 1 cost bird in slot that requires 2 eggs to be spent so you will have -1 or -2 points by this.
Or take an action with a bird that discard eggs for resources.
Wild Goose Chase

Reset the game until you get to choose a Omnivore bonus card at the beggining.
Then search for atleast 8 Omnivore birds to complete this achievement.
Havíng a Raven + Franklin’s Gull really helps as they are both omnivores and allows you to get resources and cards.
Other great combo for this is Hummingbirds in wetlands – so you get to draw a lot of cards and get resources also.
Beak Performance

120 points ? Yeah that doesn’t happen often.
But there are few tricks that can help you.
One of them is the MVP combo again with combination of tucking cards and playing High Value birds.
Always play with bots and hard automata ( you can get the beat automata achievement while doing this). They can generate you resources and cards so you can focus more on building points or trigger your pink powers. Automata also triggers pink powers from time to time.
The other trick is to not play with all AI players but adding few players that you will control so you can really benefit yourself by playing on more boards by always generating foods and other goodies to only focus on scoring points.
It can take a few tries, I had many close tries.
A Real Know-it-owl

This is the last achievement that you should do and focus on. As you will play many games you will play most of the birds anyway so it is useless to do this one before completing the other achievemenets.
In the menu you can find a bird gallery. Those cards that are faced down are yet to be discovered and need to be played.
You can find these birds easily by starting new games and wait until they show up in the tray of cards to choose from or in the wetlands.
Or you can also make a drawing engine and search for them.
Here is a gallery that should help you find any birds that you are missing.