For vivid/stasis players, this guide is about how to earn money in the game, let’s check it out now.
Very basic overview in my horrible words.
So far you can spend it in the songs shop, or the nodes in story. Well from my time in game, I have spent on this. The better you do in game with charts. You earn a higher score and earnings, So just get better. At the time of posting I have little in game time, But I have experience. Also I am bad at grammar also this is my first steam guide. So yeah just get good scores and do your best in the charts to earn a higher overall rating, score, and p.

That’s all we are sharing today in vivid/stasis How to Earn Money in the Game, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author Lush Produce