For Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider players who want to know how To obtain all S rank, this guide will show you how to get it easily.
How To Obtain All S Rank Easly
1) Obtain Bloodlust and Soul Eater Chips (there is already a guide) and equip them. They give you Health and Energy after a kill.

2) Obtain The Void Tentacle Special Move. It will be very useful to one shot enemies and kill faster the bosses.
3) To Obtain All S rank you need to :
-Be fast ! You can jump enemies if you can and finish under 10 min the level.
-You have to finish the level not dying once.

3) To Obtain All S rank you need to :
-Be fast ! You can jump enemies if you can and finish under 10 min the level.
-You have to finish the level not dying once.
That’s all we are sharing today in Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider How To Obtain All S Rank Easly, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author ShinobiZero
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