For Unturned players, this guide will show you all the special steam Unturned cosmetics. All from Achivement items to “needing to mail Nelson” , to secrets, to owning a virtual reality.

- Owned by those who
- the Early Access.
- The game was released out of
early access
- on July 7, 2017.
- Not
- anymore! ❌
Experienced Beret -
- Owned by experienced players with
more than 2,400 hours
- in-game.
- It is automatically given to those with 2,400 hours of playtime.
- obtainable
- ✅
Crimson Beret -
- Given to those who
- Unturned before it was released on Steam.
- Not
- anymore! ❌
Gold Beret -
- Given to those who
- the Gold Upgrade before the game was released on Steam.
- Not
- anymore! ❌
White Hat -
- Given to those who find a security flaw. (Anti cheat flaw..).
- Not
- anymore! ❌
Debugger’s Beret -
- It was given to those who have
- hunt down troubling bugs. It is no
longer rewarded
- to players in most instances, due to the disruptive behavior by some players attempting to obtain the Debugger’s Beret.
- Not
- anymore! ❌
Permanent Gold Upgrade
Buying the Permanent Gold Upgrade will give you access to several new options that are unavailable to normal players. This includes:

- Gold username.
- More character customization options.
- More UI options.
- Access to use Premium Gold servers.
- Gold Difficulty for on Classic.
- Four additional character slots, for a total of five.
- Gold-exclusive cosmetics.
- Gold-exclusive skins.
Crossover Event
- The korek Machete was avaible during the Dying Light x Unturned crossover event
- Event lasted 10 days from April 1 – 10, 2020 and it’s not obtainable anymore! ❌
- Dying Light x Unturned Event
Achivement Items

- Owned by academically achieved individuals.
- This was awarded for completing the
Educated achievement.
- Finish the
Festive Touque -
- 1. Change Launch Options to following:
- 2. And then load in
- singleplayer map
- 3. Go to this location:
- You can type
/teleport beach
- in chat to get teleported here
- 4. Start from this position and
- the lines
- You have to do this in the correct order, otherwise it will not work.
- 5. Open the gift and collect the
- .
- 6. Nearby you will find heaps of snow that you have to dig up to get some
- 7. In total you will
- x12 Snowball
(ID: 1132)
- x10 Metal_Scrap
(ID: 67)
- x2 Pine_Log
(ID: 41)
- x4 Carrot
(ID: 329)
- You can spawn items with
- by
- /give yourname id/quantity
- 8. This will unlock the achivement
- and upon
- the game give you the item
Festive Touque
- .
Festive Bandolier-
- 1. Keep Launch Options to following:
- 2. And then load in
- singleplayer map
- 3. Go or teleport to
- , and go under the Seattle tower on this
- 4. From here you can either mine crystals with
- or spawn them with
- .In total you will
- x2 Chemicals
(ID: 75)
- x4 Metal_Scrap
(ID: 67)
- x5 Ice_Crystals
(ID: 1707)
- 5. From there pick up the blue canisters and
- them at the bottom of
Festive Bow-
- 1. Keep Launch Options to following:
- 2. And then load in
- singleplayer map
- 3. Go or teleport to
- , and go under the deck to the
Sous-Chef Roman
- 4. Start quest
Gingerbreadbread Army
- and
- the recipe:
- x1 Flour
(ID: /)
- x1 Chocolate
(ID: 83)
- x1 Eggs
(ID: 470)
- 5. Mix → place cookies → put them in the oven → wait a few second to cook and eat a cookie.
Festive Belt -
- 1. Keep Launch Options to following:
- 2. And then load in
- singleplayer map
- 3. Go or teleport to
- on this location on the map:
- 4. Pick up four presents by the sleigh and
- them to the specific locations (all locations are in
Whitehorse city):
- Hockey Stick → Deliver to the
Hockey Ring
- Fire Axe → Deliver to the
Fire station
- Daughnut → Deilver to the
Daughnuts Store
- Cobra → Deliver to the
Police Station
- 5. After delivering all the packages, Return back to the Sleigh and
- the reward.
Offbrand Hoodie -
Virtual Reality HMD

- The HMD resembles a HTC Vive Virtual Reality headset.
- Was obtainable by playing
Unturned VR Version
- Still obtainable by buying and playing
- Or
- Note
- .You do not need to own VR headset. Just launch any of these two games and you should get the
- vr goggles
Unobtainable & Rare Cosmetics and accessories
- The Early Access T-Shirt is a cosmetic item that was gifted to players whom played Unturned while it was still in early access on Steam.
- The game was released out of
early access
- on July 7, 2017
Shiny Screenshot Contest Sweater -
- Given to those who have had some of their
screenshots added
- to the game as a loading screen.
Twitch T-Shirt -
- Given to popular streamers of Unturned
- This item is still obtainable as of today.
If you’re a notable Twitch streamer ✅
Platinum Monocle -
- This is a one-time joke item, Please do not take it too seriously!
- Obtainable by
- Nelson a letter with a joke and your steamId64 in it.
- Nelson’s Mailing address:
Smartly Dressed Games
# 1618
246 Stewart Green SW
Calgary, AB, T3H-3C8Double Experienced Beret -
- It is
- given to players that have 5,000 hours of playtime in Unturned.
- There are also
Triple Experienced Berets
- any maybe even more, for more hours but i won’t be including those since they’re still just
Experienced Berets
- , just with more hours.
Biohazard & Chef Zombie Plush -
- I think you could get them by buying real life Zombie Plush’s but i don’t know for sure
Dev & Mod’s Items
- This shirt was made exclusively for the developer of Unturned, Nelson Sexton, hence its name. This means that it is impossible to obtain this shirt as a normal player.
Ban Sledgehammer -
- Owned by
- forum
- Note: Does not actually ban upon contact.
Mod T-Shirt -
- It is given to all of the game’s
Golden -
- It appears to be a custom gold weapon. Else is unknown
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