For The Callisto Protocol players who are collecting achievements this is a complete guide for getting all achievements in game, let’s check them out.
Only Grim Reaper can be missed. If going for a 100% run, play the game on Maximum Security difficulty and follow my Grim Reaper achievement guide below.
This is a completely hand written guide. Any item / collectable you need can be found by using CTRL + F and entering what you’re looking for in the text box.
This is a work in progress and will be completed within the next few days!
Story Achievements

Find the Outer Way boarding craftStory related, cannot be missed.

Elias gives Jacob a shivStory related, cannot be missed.

Print a weapon for the first timeStory related, cannot be missed.

Activate the SHUStory related, cannot be missed.

Uncover the mystery of KallipolisStory related, cannot be missed.

Take down a security robotStory related, cannot be missed.

Take down the two-headStory related, cannot be missed.

Survive the pipeslideStory related, cannot be missed.

Get thrown back into original cellStory related, cannot be missed.

Return to the crashed shipStory related, cannot be missed.

Reach the Hangar flight deckStory related, cannot be missed.

Restore power to the old facilityStory related, cannot be missed.

Find the sourceStory related, cannot be missed.

Beat the game on any difficultyStory related, cannot be missed.
Combat / Upgrade Achievements

Fully Upgrade One WeaponSimply upgrade any weapon fully. You’ll probably get this just by playing.

Print a weapon upgradeUse a reforger to print an upgrade for a weapon. Can be done right after you print your first weapon if you have the money required.

Stab five blind enemies in the backYou’ll encounter blind enemies as you play. Simply sneak up behind them and press the prompt to stab them in the back.

Perfect dodge five timesPerfectly dodge an enemy attack 5 times. You’ll probably get this while playing..

Use melee or ranged weapons to take both arms off a living enemySimply shoot both arms off any enemy. This is almost unmissable.

Kill ten enemies with environmental hazardsYou need to push or shoot enemies into hazards such as traps, machinery, explosives, etc.

Use GRP to kill an enemy by throwing them into an environmental hazardSame as above achievement. Use your GRP module to throw an enemy into an environmental hazard.

Grab twenty-five enemies with the GRPSame as above achievement. Use your GRP module grab an enemy. Do this 25 times.

Kill an enemy via GRP and a melee comboSlow an enemy with your GRP module, then finish it off with a melee attack.
Grim Reaper

Harvest and read all implant biosChapter 1: Cargo
1 Jacob Lee – Jacob’s Job – After gaining control of Jacob, enter the first door on the left marked “Unlocked”. You can find the Bio inside the locker beside the bed.Chapter 2: Outbreak
2 Dr. Caitlyn Mahler – Mahler’s Appointment – Found inside Surgery M112, beside the door that leads to Medical Ward M105. This is just after you need to sneak past the security robot.
3 Elias Porter – Elias’s Anticipation – Found inside Elias’s cell after obtaining the Stun Baton and fighting through the area with 4 enemies.
4 Cpt. Leon Ferris – Ferris’s Lament – Found on top of the center table after the cutscene with Cpt. Ferris.
Chapter 3: Aftermath
5 Sgt. Eric Jane – Locked Door – Unmissable
6 Ofc. Pruitt Matos – Laundry – Just past the room with hanging sacks moving along a conveyor. Take the door to the right and go down to the laundry room. You’ll find the bio in the back.
7 Duncan Cole – Secret Room 1 – Now take the door opposite to the one you used to get to the laundry. Go down the ramp and continue straight, use the shiv to open the locked door. Go through the very long vent, follow the path, and jump down the hole. The bio is in the blue room at the end of the tunnel on the glass table.
8 Dr. Ewan Hayes – MedLab Outbreak – Just after making it to medical, the bio will be right in front of you.
9 Ofc. Dachs Symmons – Hanged Guard – After entering the room with the hanging corpses, the bio will be in your path.
10 Ofc. Kerry Brown – After talking the elevator, this bio will be in the basement area on the opposite side of the fan, near the crate.
11 Tadhg Song – Right after meeting up with Elias and crossing the bridge. To the left will be some platforms you can climb. The bio will be at the top. To further explain, the bio is next to 2 terminals you have to use fuses on. It’s almost unmissable.
12 Dani Nakamura – Right after the cutscene with Elias. The bio will be in the cell.
Chapter 4: Habitat
13 Dr. Caitlyn Mahler – Corruptors –
14 Ofc. Bruno Vorenus – Crosswired –
15 Dr. Jae Moon-Bell – Cocoons –
16 Ofc. James Reese – Suicide Guard –
17 Sgt. Bill Pekelo –
18 Ofc. James Reese – Security –
19 Ofc. Kyle Serra – Evacuation –
Chapter 5: Lost
20 Miranda Kristofich – Terraforming –
21 Richard Cids –
22 Dr. Caitlyn Mahler – Combustors –
23 Lt. Devon Wayne – Close the Gate –
24 Ofc. Aaron Taycho –
25 Max Barrow – Max’s Concern –
26 Sgt. Scott Dvitny – Eradication –
27 Dr. Caitlyn Mahler – Shipments –
Chapter 6: Below
28 Dr. Sheehan Yune – Field Log 1 –
29 Dr. Sheehan Yune – Field Log 2 –
30 Dr. Sheehan Yune – Field Log 3 –
31 Yannick Sage – Secret Room 2 –
32 Arden Jeddha – Arcas Evacuation –
Chapter 7: Colony
33 Alex Wang – Miner Log 1 –
34 Derryn Barr – Miner Log 2 –
35 Derryn Barr – Miner Log 3 –
36 Yannick Sage – The Mole –
37 Buidhe Reddwork – HighTown –
38 Ji-Kwan Park – Miner Log 4 –
39 Duncan Cole – Disagreement –
Chapter 8: Tower
40 Dr. Tala Ismene – Observation –
41 Dr. Tala Ismene – Taken –
42 Edward Bates – Experimentation –
43 Duncan Cole – Cole’s Triumph –
Misc Achievements

Beat the game on Maximum Security difficultyDescription coming soon

Take a photo using photo modeOpen photo mode via the menu while playing and take a picture of anything.
This is a work in progress! I will be adding to this guide as information becomes available! Thank you for your patience.
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