For Starcom: Unknown Space players, this is a basic trading guide with a few example trading routes, let’s check it out.

This guide discuss races you may not have met, or you may not know that you can trade with.
This is a very basic trading guide with some example trading routes to get you started.
Prices are dynamic in Starcom: Unknown Space which means if you buy or sell a lot with a race the price will get worse. You need to watch the buy and sell prices to make sure the trade route is still profitable.
Also, the game is in early access so all of this may change when the game is updated. I’ll try to keep the guide up to date when possible
How to read a trading screen
In these example pictures, we look at the Ermyr, who use Copper (Cu) as their base currency.
If we want to buy something from them we need to pay Copper, or sell them something worth the same amount of Copper as the thing we want to buy.
Once you unlock some early research, you’ll be able to see how good buy/sell prices are with each race.
Prices for each Race
- This spreadsheet shows prices I found when I first encountered a trader. Prices will change if you trade with them
- These are only the races I met so far. If you want me to add a race I didn’t trade with let me know in the comments and maybe give me a picture of their prices
I didn’t include the Asteroid Traders because they have terrible buy and sell prices on everything. I might add them in future for completeness though.
This sheet is not just good for finding profitable routes, it will also tell you the best place to buy something if you need it for a ship upgrade.
Example Trade Routes
- How long is the route? Getting to the Island Traders means a long journey through the void
- Can you reliably find the race you want to trade with? Or do they just show up randomly or when plot needs it
- Depending on your choices in the story you could end up at war with some of the races. So if you find a good trade route maybe take advantage of it while you can.
And before you buy or sell make sure it’s still profitable. If not, maybe go do some exploring and come back to the route when it’s recovered back to normal.
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