Game settings

Right click any non-blessed villager and afflict them with Psychopathy, the parameters do not matter.
Right click your psychopath villager and Trigger Flaw. This can work on any villager with an affliction, not just your psychopath.
Afflict a villager with Unfaithful and Trigger Flaw on unfaithful. The villager will move to flirt with another, after they flirt and drop chaos orbs you should be able to Trigger Arousal on the flirting villager.
Right click remove buff any non blessed villager.
First you need to click on any house/building and Store target.
Next form a snatch party by right clicking any movable object and select Snatch object, not seize object. The achievement is unlocked when your unit finishes moving the object so try to keep villagers away from them or wait until night when there’s only 1 or 2 villagers patrolling.
Very easy achievement. Right click any food and select Poison. This doesn’t trigger on potions, most villagers keep a pile of food in their house.
Use a destructive spell (such as earth spike) to destroy a resource pile. These can be located outside of mining caves or around villages, the item I destroyed was specifically called Stone pile.
Select this eye icon to store the intel.
Then store any villager. Finally, open Intel (4) from the top tab and right click your new intel. Select Share with and share the intel with your stored villager, the villager doesn’t need to have a reaction to unlock the achievement.
Build a Prison and right click Snatch villager. Villagers will fight back and you need to get the villager to the prison to unlock, so use seize villager to bring them closer to your prison or wait until night or when they’re alone so there’s less to fight back against you.
Torture your imprisoned villager over and over and eventually they will gain the evil trait
Brainwash your imprisoned villager until they are successfully brainwashed. This is easier after the villager is evil.
To get these 3 just cast these spells all on the same spot in paused time.
Splash water + Wind blast + Ice blast
Splash water + Wind blast + Ice blast + lightning
Splash poison + Wind blast
(credit to tbhamish for their elemental interaction guide)
Just start casting a destructive spell over and over on both a human and elf village, don’t worry about retaliation, we need that for the next achievement. All you have to do is kill one of both races.
After you reach 5 retaliation you will be attacked by angels. Build a Kennels and use on any of the angels and kill the rest. You can use zap on the one you want to capture to make it easier for your monsters to capture it.

The only real advice I can give you is to not play on x3 speed and get something you can listen to for a while.
(shoutout to The Grand Mugwump for their advice to me in the ruinarch steam discussions, their advice is what I used, and not the ruinarch discord server where I got ignored)