For River City Girls 2 players, this guide will show you how unlock a recruit named Kebako by finding all secret rooms, let’s check it out.
(I recommend Kunio because his is better vertically which skips the wall jump part)

Special aerial for Kunio is called Jump Hurricane kick (Don’t hold)
Special aerial for Misako is called Lightning RiderYou also need to have unlocked Sanwakai Tower which is why I recommend beating the game first.
Your map should sorta look like this.

And these are the things you’re looking for in secret rooms.
Collect them by pressing your attack keybind.
You start at Mall Entrance and go inside the mall. Once at the Mall Lobby go to the right and enter the closest door. This will take you to Mall Second Floor. Walk all the way right and enter the Carousel.

(Route highlighted from nearest bust stop)Once you’re there, a golden horse will appear in the carousel.
Enter it by holding whatever your attack keybind is.

You start at Toy District near the bus stop, walk up to enter the Basement and walk right to enter the Pawn Shop.

(Route highlighted from nearest bust stop)Once you’re at the Pawn Shop, get on top of the shelf and enter the vent

You’ll start at Downtown shopping and go left. Go straight left again at West Tunnel. Once at Back Alley, go straight down. You’ll have to walk on a rope in order to get in the secret room.

(Route highlighted from nearest bust stop)Getting up to walk on the rope is the difficult part (As Misako).
As Misako, position yourself in front of the door and wall jump then special aerial to the right. Do it Correctly and you’ll get on the roof. (Hold jump while wall jumping to go higher)
After all that, walk on the rope to the other side and enter the door that says exit.
As Kunio, just spam his special aerial to the left near the rope.
Yeah that’s pretty much it.
There’s also another secret in West Tunnel. Enter the wall that has a star and you’ll enter a shop that sells two powerful expensive items.
Start at Campground and walk down to enter the Waterfall area.

(Route highlighted from nearest bust stop)At this point just use Kunio since it makes everything easier.
As kunio, Enter the waterfall and go as far right and down possible. Then just spam his special aerial to the left. Make sure to have plenty of stamina. Once you bump on the wall to the left, you should stop and enter the room.
This is what you should see when you’re standing at the entrance of the secret room.

As any other character, you also need to go as far right and down possible inside the waterfall.
Then you want to go all the way to the left. You’ll bump into something. Get on top of that something. Then jump without running to the right. You’ll land on something else. Then jump without running to the left and there, you’re in the secret room entrance. Try not to move as much when you’ve landed otherwise you’ll fall of.
Ocean Heights
(You can only take the boat route if you’ve defeated the boss at Flatirons)

Person you talk to in Waterfall area to get to Ocean Heights
Once at Sand Castle, you get on top of the giant sand castle and break whatever the thing blocking the entrance is to enter the secret room.
There’s two ways to get there, the short route and long route.Short route starts at Technos Lobby going through the vent on top of the Double Dragon screen. Keep going right to pass the Heating Vent, Cooling Vent and Air Vent, then go down to the Robotics Warehouse and go right to the VR Room.
(Route highlighted in Red)
Long Route starts at Technos Lobby, go right to Technos Campus, enter the door on the right side of the bar to Cubicles, go all the way right to Mech Factory, go all the way right to the Atrium. Climb the vines all the way to the top and go right to the Robotics Warehouse, right again to the VR Room.
(Route highlighted in Yellow)
(Routes Highlighted from nearest bus stop)
Once you’re at the VR Room, punch this bathroom (I’m pretty sure that’s what it is) to the right of the Cantina and a key should pop out. Pick it up.
(key doesn’t appear for me cuz I already picked it up)
Then enter this bathroom on the left side of the Cantina.
(A Cantina in a nuthsell is basically the Meixcan version of a bar, common in Spanish speaking countries like Mexico.)
Sanwakai Tower
You start at Sanwakai Tower, enter the building to Tower Lobby, and go left to Mao Sushi.

(Route highlighted from nearest bus stop)In order to get up there, get on top of the conveyor belt that’s above and wall jump on the right side while holding up. (Hold jump while wall jumping to go higher). Once you’re on the top, go all the way left and get on top of the shelf with pots.
While on the shelf, walk holding left (This prevents you from falling off the shelf) and enter the room.

You can also just spam Kunio’s special aerial to the left until you get on top of the shelf.
Explaining this is long, you start at Checkpoint screening, go left to the Cafeteria, left to the School Gym, left and bottom to School First Floor A. Go right to Fighting 101, right to First Floor B, up to Cell Block, get past the metal detectors to propaganda class and finally go left to Solitary.

(Route highlighted from circled area)Once you’re at Solitary, you’ll find this yellow door that keeps opening and closing.
There are two ways to enter it.
You can wait for it to stop slamming and quickly enter the room
You can use your invincibility frames to enter the room. In other words, let yourself get hit by the door and roll get up towards the door to quickly enter it.

Kebako Location

If you’ve been here before you’ll know that this room was locked, but not anymore.
Once you’ve entered the room, you’ll be greeted by this girl running past you in the Memory Field.
I have no idea who she is but all I know is that you can’t hurt her with any attacks.
Do not question why my first instinct was to attack this child.
Anyway, follow the girl and you’ll find Kebako herself who you can recruit for $25.
(in game currency)
Kebako Stats
Well she is unique, unique enough to explain how she works.
(I don’t know if recruits get stronger the higher your level is, but these results are from a Max level Kunio and no accessories that buff recruits equipped.)Cooldown: 50 seconds
Pretty sure she’s the recruit with the longest cooldown.
Kebako has three different attacks, each being completely random.
I will put them in order from weakest to strongest.
Pac-cat attack
(I’m not sure if that’s the actual name but I’m calling it that)
This attack is the weakest.
It shoots out one pacman with cat ears that deals 25 damage.
Attack has long range and knocks over opponents.
Stun Flask attack
This attack is ok.
It shoots out one flask, bottle, whatever, that deals 50 damage and guaranteed stun.
Attack has short range and splash damage but projectile is slow.
Mini gun attack
This attack is the strongest.
It shoots out 6 bullets, each bullet dealing 15 damage.
Attack has medium range and does not knock over opponents.
I couldn’t find any special animations that she has or anything so that’s about it.