Welcome to the world of RealRTCW, where stealth and strategy are key to unlocking every achievement. In this guide, we will share a save game to allow you to obtain “Infiltrator” achievement immediately.
Infiltrator Achievement Save Game
Author: ₡yberbob ☠ ₩arrior

Once you have it installed, enter the game and select the file “AchievementINFILTRAT” and start the game, just wait a few seconds for the box to lower and that’s it.
Once the file is downloaded, go to the following path and put the file in the “save” folder and that’s it, just go into the game and do it!.
D:\User\Documents\RealRTCW 4.0\main\save
Make a back-up of your original files, and then when you finish unlocking the achievement, put your original files back.
File Size: 299 KB
Download Link: Google Drive
Final Word
The “Infiltrator” achievement in RealRTCW is a badge of honor for those who have demonstrated exceptional skill in the art of stealth. By following this guide and utilizing the provided savegame, you will achieve this easily.