This is an overall guide for the game Pummel Party, which covers the general Pummel Party 101, and goes into in-depth descriptions and strategy that were found whilst playing the game.
Before you read this guide, it is recommended that you and your “friends” play through the game first and find out things on your own. This guide contains additional remarks and findings on the usage and limitations of items, NPCs, and the board game map, as well as additional strategy that you may use during the game.
Game Overview
Pummel Party is a 4-8 player online and local-multiplayer party game. Pummel friends or AI using a wide array of absurd items in the board mode and compete to destroy friendships in the unique collection of minigames.
This game is essentially Mario Party, but allows multiplayer online. Your goal is to collect keys to trade for goblets/trophy while attempting to survive and outwitting your opponents through items and luck.
If someone is disconnected in the game, the host (unsure if other players can as well) can save the game, and remake a game (after everyone leaves the current game) by clicking Load Save after making a new lobby.
Note: The game only saves up to the last completed round, meaning anything a player did midway through the new round when someone is disconnected would be reset. This includes your rolls, any map changes, AND resets the minigames you have played so far, meaning there is a chance you will have to play them again.
Before the Game
Note: It is recommended to use the default settings if it is your first time playing the game, as you can figure out what you like and don’t like about the features first, then tailor the game to your liking.First and foremost, decide whether or not you want to play Board Game mode or Minigames mode.
Board Game mode allows you to run through the map and race towards goals, using items to demolish players and NPCs in your path.
Minigames mode allows you to play only the minigames which you have enabled.
Additional game mode customization are shown in the next section.
Game Mode
4 – 8
Escape the heat in this winter themed map!
Recommended # of Players: 4-8
Map Size: ?
# of Globets Available At A Time: ?
Look out for the Pummel Town Killer!
Recommended # of Players: 4-8
Map Size: Large
# of Globets Available At A Time: 2
Probably the funnest map, since there are zombies stationed at certain tiles and a killer that will come get you.
Note: You can damage the killer (not sure about the zombies) and it’s got about ~32 HP.
Set sail to a pirate themed map!
Recommended # of Players: 4-8
# of Globets Available At A Time: ?
Map Size: ?
Enter the Rusty Ruins of the post-apocalypse.
Recommended # of Players: 2-4
# of Globets Available At A Time: ?
Map Size: Small
Embrace chaos with randomised layout/spaces.
Recommended # of Players: 4-8
Map Size: Medium
# of Globets Available At A Time: 1
Note: As a player, I found the map fairly small, so you loop around quite often.
10-30 with an increment increase of 5
Note: 25 is the default
Unlimited (default)
1-7 with an increment increase of 1
Unlimited (default)
10-30 with an increment increase of 5
Pro Tip: If you want to get the most time out of renting someone through, set turn count and goblets to win to unlimited. You’re welcome. (;
Game Rulesets
This option allows you to further customize your game (e.g. adding more achievements or disabling mini games you don’t want to play).
Weapons Cache Enabled
Weapon Cache Respawn Turns
3 (default)
1-8 with an increment increase of 1

Shoots a lethal boxing glove in the targeted direction.

Aim and shoot at another player to inflict considerate damage.

Restores a significant amount of health.

Drop a beehive to damage other players.

Aim this magnet at another player to steal their keys or items.

A remote controlled explosive eggplant, move toward your target and then detonate.

Creates a portal underneath another player to swap your position with theirs, you cannot roll after swapping.

A wrecking ball comes from seemingly nowhere and takes out your target.

Ride this rocket ten spaces towards the goal taking out any other players in your path.

Wear a cactus disguise protecting you from the next damage instance and Swap Portals, cannot use other items while cactus is active.

Open this present to find out what’s inside, have you been good or bad?

Summon an ancient evil that patrols the map killing your enemies.

Atomize any player anywhere on the map with this item killing them in one shot.

Pour nuclear waste on another player bloating their hands and preventing them from using items and damaging them for multiple turns.

Challenge another player to a retro game using this arcade machine, the winner gains a goblet.
Note: see additional details in the Items section.
Player with the Most Damage Dealt at the EndGame.
Player with the Most Keys Gained at the EndGame.
Player with the Most Minigames Won at the EndGame.
Number of Players To Reward:
A # between 1-8.
Keys Gained
Keys Lost
Minigames Won
Minigames Lost
Damage Dealt
Damage Received
Challenge End Event:
Mid Game
End Game
Starting the Game
To start a new game, one person (the host) will create a new game.
It is always recommended for the person with the best internet connection to host the game. In the event that a player is disconnected, the host can save the game to reload the the game as a saved file.
Though you can search through the lobby to find the game your host has created, sometimes, the game will not show up, so there is a a faster method.
If you are friends on Steam, simple right click on their name, and click Join Game p/i].
After you join the game, you will still have to click Join to add yourself as a player for the lobby.
After you add yourself as a player, you can make some changes to customize your character if you wish.
Character Customization
Note: Try not to have both red and pink in the game, as it may be hard to differentiate between players in certain minigames.
Pro Tip: Don’t pick red or pink as your character, but don’t tell your friends not to pick it. (;

Gas Mask
Ice Cream
Irish Hat
Paper Bag
Top Hat
Beanie 1
Beanie 2
Capes are customization you can unlock by collecting trophies during the game. and redeeming them in the Unlocks page on the main page of the game. Otherwise, you automatically start with a rag cape.

This will be the name displayed during the game. It is defaulted as your account name (numbers not included), but you can also change it using up to 12 letters (English alphabets only, with the first letter capitalized and no spaces).
During the Game
At the beginning of the game, playing order is determined in order from the highest dice rolled down to the lowest.
After each round, players will play a minigame, and playing order for the next round is determined based on the placement of the minigame just played (also from highest to lowest in ranking).
NPCs (e.g. Pummeltown Killer and the bunny from the Dark Summoning Staff) will always go after all the players finish their round, but before the next minigame starts.
When it is your character turn, a dice will appear above your head and you will see a streak of gold light, which will always point towards the closest location of the goblet/trophy.
You are given the option to use items (unless your head is bloated) or to roll the dice.
Note: You are only allowed to use one item per round, only during your turn, and only before you roll.
After you use an item, you roll a 1d10 dice, which allows you to roll between a numeric value between 0 and 9.
Note: Generally, it is good to follow the recommendation by the streak of light, however, there will be times when it is not wise to do so (e.g. if an NPC that would damage you is nearby).
During the game, you can use items. Ideally, items are generally used to disadvantage (an)other player(s) and/or help you achieve your goal. Realistically, players use items on based on the amount of wrath incurred on a player, and more likely, revenge .
Items can be obtained during the game by the following means:
- Landing on an item icon.
- Placing first, second, and sometimes third in a mini game.
- Using a magnetic to randomly take an item from another player.
At the end of each round, a minigame will be randomly selected (unless someone selects a game through the Present item). All players are included in the minigame and will compete for placement.
Generally, first and second place will get an item, but sometimes third place will as well. All players get keys down to sixth place, at a decreasing increment (depending on the minigame played).
Pro Tip: If you are great at minigames and can control the outcome of the game, the big boy play is to be placed last, so you can destroy the players on your next turn.
Depending on the map you are playing, there are certain tiles and NPCs that may be included/excluded from the game.
Note: Players cannot pick up keys they dropped.
- If another player is closer to the goal, it might be good to choose another direction to take and wait for the location of the new goblet/trophy location, unless you have items that may help you out. This will generally put you out of the path of danger (e.g. Rocket Skewer).
- If you don’t have confidence on rolling like a baller or if you want to ensure you reach the goal first, even if you’re only two spaces away, you can use the Rocket Skewer to put you one space away from the goblet/trophy, and hope you don’t roll a 0. (Example: You are two spaces away from the goblet/trophy and you have enough keys to trade, but the first tile is a reverse tile, which would make you walk in the opposite direction if you land on it. So you use Rocket Skewer to move yourself one more tile to the goal. Even though you get off the rocket on the reverse tile, the effect does not trigger because you still need to roll.)
Shoots a lethal boxing glove in the targeted direction.
Player hit by the boxing glove loses all 30 HP and respawns at a random location. Keys will also be dropped, but based on the % of the maximum number of keys the targeted player holds.
Note: This is a skill shot, only one player can be damaged, but the user may also miss.
Aim and shoot at another player to inflict considerate damage.
This is a skill shot and the user inflicts 15 damage on the target player (one).
Restores a significant amount of health.
Restores ? HP.
Drop a beehive to damage other players.
There is a medium radius you can drop the bee hive, and you can damage multiple players, but no keys will drop from them.
Note: The bee hive will either disappear after an X amount of time or it may also roll off the map.
Pro Tip: Ideally, you want to use this when there are multiple players in one area. You will want to place the bee hive in between two tiles, which will affect players occupying tiles on both sides.
Aim this magnet at another player to steal their keys or items.
Magnets will steal from all the players that fall within a cone radius in relative to the user, it will take keys AND one item at random (if you have any).
A remote controlled explosive eggplant, move toward your target and then detonate.
After clicking use, you can move the eggplant on the map for about 10 seconds before it explodes. It will damage any player in a one tile radius, thus it is ideally used so all players in the area take damage and drop keys in the process.
Note: # of keys dropped will vary and be a % of the total amount of keys the target player currently holds.
Note2: More difficult terrain (e.g. elevated/lowered terrain) will also affect the speed the eggplant rolls.
Pro Tip: Ideally, you don’t want to place the eggplant in between two players occupying tiles next to each other, because unless they lose all their HP and are teleported to the respawn location, they will pick up each other’s keys since they will still be occupying that area. You want to use it on a user you will pass by since you roll after you use an item, but you want to position the eggplant in the opposite direction of where you want the keys to drop in relative to the player you are targeting. Otherwise, the keys may also fall off the map.
Creates a portal underneath another player to swap your position with theirs, you cannot roll after swapping.
If you swap with a player that is on the tile where the goblet is, you cannot gain the goblet (i.e. open the chest or free the soul) even if you have enough keys.
Note: Notice here that you CANNOT roll after swapping places.
Items (continued)
A wrecking ball comes from seemingly nowhere and takes out your target.
Note: The wrecking ball deals 10 damage and only hits the target you have selected even if the players are on the same tile.
Ride this rocket ten spaces towards the goal taking out any other players in your path. **
This rocket deals 15 damage to every single player that gets caught in the way, but not anyone who is not on a tile. It will stop one tile before the goblet/trophy (if the goblet/trophy is less than 10 spaces away) and you will be allowed to roll after you get off the rocket. Meaning unless you roll a 0 or don’t have enough keys, you should be able to trade and obtain the goblet/trophy.
Wear a cactus disguise protecting you from the next damage instance and Swap Portals, cannot use other items while cactus is active.
This item protects you from anything that will damage you, which also includes the Bee Hive and the NPCs (depending on the map you have selected).
Note: You can choose to use an item, but your character will take the cactus suit off and then use the item you have selected.
Open this present to find out what’s inside, have you been good or bad?
There are three things that may happen when you open this box:
- A blue aura with a flower border appears: You are instantly teleported to the tile containing the goblet/trophy and will be allowed to trade for you assuming you have enough keys.
- A golden glow is emitted from the box: You are given three minigames to choose, which will end up as the minigame the players will compete in at the end of this round.
- A dark aura is emitted from the box: The user gets pulled into the box and loses one round. Note: On the bright side, you can’t take any damage while you are trapped inside the box, but you will also not escape the box even if the box was attacked.
Summon an ancient evil that patrols the map killing your enemies. **
A white bunny will appear and take four (4) steps towards the closest goblet/trophy at the end of each round. The bunny will kill the first player in its path, but not anyone not occupying a tile, nor will it kills its summoner. The bunny cannot be damaged and will not disappear for the entire duration of the game.
Note: Only one bunny can occupy the map. If a second bunny is summoned, the first bunny will disappear, and a second bunny will appear in a random place.
Note2: If your character lands on the same tile the bunny currently occupies, it will not attack you.
Pro Tip: Good luck. If you’re the player closest to the bunny, but you’re really lucky, there is a chance another player that goes after you will roll onto the tile you occupy, thus pushing you off the path, and incur the wrath of the bunny. On some maps, there is a reverse tile, which will affect the direction the bunny goes in, so it would turn away from you even if you were about to be the target.
Atomize any player anywhere on the map with this item killing them in one shot.
For further specification, a global line of sight will appear, but will only atomize one target (this includes players and NPCs, except the bunny).
Note: Terrain elements (e.g. bush) may also deflect the laser, so make sure the laser can point all the way to your target.
[Image Credit: Pummel Party Major Update 20200326]
Pour nuclear waste on another player bloating their hands and preventing them from using items and damaging them for multiple turns.
This lasts for about three rounds and while taking damage, the player will continue dropping keys.
Challenge another player to a retro game using this arcade machine, the winner gains a goblet.
The user can choose any (one) player to play one of the two games:
- ? (essentially Frogger)
- ? (essentially
** : When you are not occupying a specific tile, you may be exempted from taking damage from certain items or NPCs (e.g. getting caught on a Rocket Skewer or the bunny created from the Dark Summoning Staff)
- If you die, you will be randomly spawned on the map, but you will not occupy a tile. Instead, you will be on the side of the map.
- If another player rolls and lands on the space you previously occupy, you will move aside, so that player will take your spot. Note: This also applies if you occupy a tile where the current player has to stop (e.g. at the fork where the current player has to decide on the direction to take.)
End of the Game
After you finish the game on your map, you will be brought to the end screen, where awards (if enabled) will be passed out to players as extra goblets/trophies you can receive to win the game.
The default awards you can receive at the end of the game are:
Most Keys Gained
Most Damage Dealt.
Most Minigames Won.
Note: You can customize the awards in the Game Rulesets page in the main menu. [/]
After the awards, you can run around, jump, and punch players. You will find that the player in last place will be held captive in a cage, but they will also be able to punch you as you would to them.
Pro Tip: I find watching my body die over and over again quite gruesome, so I would hide behind a pillar, which covers me entirely at the right angle, and allows me to be undetected while the rest of the hooligans beat the crap out of each other.

Start your first game
Note: You have to be the host to get this achievement.

Get your first goal

Win your first game

Win your first minigame

Place first in every minigame

Place last in every minigame

Accidentally blew yourself up in the ‘Strategic Shockwave’ minigame

Steal the last gift in a players pile in ‘Grifting Gifts’

Collect 40 keys in ‘Morphing Maze’ minigame

Get a double kill in ‘Barn Brawl’

Survive in ‘Breaking Blocks’ for 60 seconds

Get launched off screen in ‘Tunneling Tanks’

Get a 5 player kill streak in ‘Speedy Sabers’

Control over 50% of the area in ‘Elemental Escalation’

Score over 5 in ‘Bouncing Balls’

Find the treasure in ‘Sandy Search’

Complete ‘Slippery Sprint’ without falling in the water

Survive for at least 50 seconds in ‘Sorcerers Sprint’

As the lightning holder kill every other player in ‘Thunderous Trench’

Knock off 5 players in one game of ‘Snowy Spin’

Win ‘Magma & Mages’ without taking damage

Got hit by the train in ‘Temporal Trails’

Score over 10 in ‘Altitude Attack’

Died in ‘Acidic Atoll’ without throwing a barrel

Complete ‘Rusty Racers’ without falling off the track

Take no damage in ‘Searing Spotlights’ minigame

Hit three players with the remote control eggplant

Skewer three players with the rocket skewer item

Complete ‘Gift Grab’ without collecting coal

Survive for 50 seconds in ‘Bullet Barrage’