Locate your PREY

There are 3 mini-bosses at the castle and 6 at the dungeons. Let’s hunt them all!

1. Probably the first one you find will be this goat head that is in the east tower.

2. At the back tower there is this… plant?

3. At the roof of the west tower there is this cloud. You’ll need the double jump to hit it.

4. Arachne’s Dungeon – Sun?

5. Nephele’s Dungeon – Big Crab

6. Skorpios’ Dungeon – Undead Horse

7. Gorgon’s Dungeon – Floating Ice

8. Kraken’s Dungeon – Big Bat
There are 3 of these but you only need to kill one.

9. Pyros’ Dungeon – Big Brain

And that’s all, folks! 😁

Thanks to Archeron for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.