#361 – BYEOL
Teleport to Palmaya and go to the most north/west map.
#362 – Mulcimer
Teleport to South Ignitia and go 1 map to the right.
#363 – Nivalis
Teleport to the Frozen Tundra and go 1 map to the left.
#364 – Tikala
Teleport to the Hidden Village and go 1 map down.
#365 – Petram
Teleport to Lateria and go 3 maps to the right, untill you see a cave.
I accidentally killed him the first time cause of those darn kids, i mean crits.
So i found him again on another spot, so ill post both places, same map.
#366 – Eurus
Airship is faster.

#367 – Bolzen
I don’t know if he can be found on any spot of the puzzle, just match up your screen with the picture below, that’s the only spot i’m sure off cause i found him there.

#368 – Ziegler
Teleport to Immortal Citadel and go 1 map to the right.
#375 – Darine
Teleport to Immortal Citadel and go 1 map to the right.
#376 – Titan
It’s the same as Ziegler.

#377 – Fane
Teleport to Immortal Citadel and go 2 maps to the right, then 1 down.
#378 – Protovados – Mission #536
Some people been having trouble locating this mission and therefore finding Vados.
I’ll put the spoiler effect on this one, so it’s on you for looking. ^^After ending the story, teleport to Lateria and head up towards the prison.
Go to your old cell and next to you is an old friend.

Now you need to find Vados and capture him!
Teleport to The Frozen Tundra and head up untill you encounter the tower.
Head inside and go to the top, Vados is waiting.
That’s all we are sharing today in Nexomon: Extinction All Tyrant Locations, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Draxaze
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Also I dont want to complain, but I want to mention that the place where you can catch the tyrant is much more random. Searched for hours at the places marked here and never found them, just to find them in complete different spots/areas. The only 2 where the places even remotely matched with the environment was Nivalis (which I catched near the start of the whole are) and Petram (which I catched in the tyrant graveyard).
All others were found in comeplete different places. Therefore people dont take this areas (besides vados which is quest related) with a big grain of salt.
i found multiple of them at the spots shown here or swapped.
i think its more random but this list helps.
Mulcimer -> Ignitia Maps, Including Caves
Eurus -> Drake Isles Maps, Not Including Lab Nor Cave
Bolzen -> Cadium Maps, Including Amelie’s Lab
Nivalis -> Frozen Tundra Maps, Including Bunker, Tower and Caves (Including Frozen Lake Cave)
Petram -> Desert Maps, Including Caves
Tikala -> Khan Woods, Including Caves
Byeol -> Palmaya All Maps
Fane -> Haunted Woods, Not Including Caves
Ziegler, Titan, Darine -> Any Wild Encounter All Maps