For Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters players, this guide will tell you about achievements, how to achieve certain grindy achievements, ending requirements, Disc Development and general tips.
There are 3 endings to the game. Normal, Bad and True Ending. It’s possible to get all of these endings in a single playthrough. Only Bad Ending is missable towards the end of the game as you can go past it without knowing.
Tips for Achievement Hunting
First thing you should make a habit of is to destroy the wooden crates in dungeons, they will contain items related to completing quests.
You should also be on the lookout for treasures in the dungeons for the achievement Treasure Hunter.
Super Creator requires you to create 100 total discs. You can only create 4 discs at the same time and it will take time to create said discs. You should start making a habit of creating discs between cutscenes if you want to avoid having to wait it creating discs towards the end and be forced to wait.
B Game Studio requires you to make 10 B Discs, as far as I know there’s no guaranteed way to create B Discs. You want to avoid increasing the chance of making it a higher quality discs by avoiding adding Support Items and accepting the event when the Scout asks for more disc coins. Mismatching the Genre and the Scout’s Genre seems to be able to create B discs. You can also just not add a Scout when developing a disc altogether. Either way, just start creating discs and hope for B titles.
Big Name Producer requires you to use 100,000 Disc Coins, you will get coins from either picking up treasure boxes or from enemies. You will get a majority of your Disc Coins from enemies and using Noire’s Lily Skill Disc Coin + will give you 50% more Disc Coins when you finish the fight with the selected member. Thankfully you can spend Disc Coins pretty quickly by starting developing 4 discs then cancelling all of them.
Most enemies will give you 50-100 Disc Coins when you kill them, but certain enemies “stronger” enemies will give you 250-500 Disc Coins if you can find them, you can see how much Disc Coins enemies drop in the Enemy Directory in the Library in the start menu. There will be a good way to grind levels and Disc Coins at the same time late in the game if you’re going for them at Neptral Tower.
Ending Requirements and Shares
There is a trigger for the bad ending in Chapter 12, if you go past it you will miss the bad ending unless you have an earlier save. There is no achievement for Bad Ending so it’s optional.
After triggering the event where you lose communications with Anri in the Gamindustri Graveyard, the next event trigger will be Other Maho’s flashback. If you want to make a save for the Bad Ending, you should do it as soon as possible. The save file will be named “Communication Breakdown” so you will know that you’re not too far yet.
If you have 31% shares or more, you will go to the Normal/True Ending route after you defeat DoS Arfoire, where you can continue on with the dungeon.
If your shares are 30% or below, it will trigger the Bad Ending when you defeat DoS Arfoire and you will go to New Game+.
Have your shares 70% or higher when you defeat Maho/Grey Sister (Arfoire)
Have your shares at 69% or below (even 0% shares work) when you defeat Maho/Grey Sister (Arfoire)
Make sure you have your shares below 65% because winning the fights will increase your shares
There are different ways to increase and decrease your shares. Your shares will most likely increase naturally as you play the game, such as completing quests, winning fights, finishing disc developments and liking chirps. You will most likely sit at 100% shares and it won’t decrease unless you are looking to decrease it.
The quickest way to decrease your shares is to get party wiped, you can very easily do this by removing your teammates, get your character to low health then going into a fight, you will decrease your shares by around 5% every time you die. Then whenever you finish, select Prepare and Retry to win the fight and get out.
Liking red text chirps, getting KO’d but not wiped and cancelling disc development also lowers your shares.
Video has spoilers for a dungeon, just a fair warning.

Story and Progress Achievements
Clear Chapter 1. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 2. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 3. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 4. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 5. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 7. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 8. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 9. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 10. Unmissable.
Clear Chapter 11. Unmissable.
Get the Normal End after clearing Chapter 12. Refer to Ending Requirements.
Get the True End after clearing Chapter 12. Refer to Ending Requirements.
Assemble all the Goddesses and Candidates to your team.
Open the entirety of the map.
You just need to unlock every dungeon and the Neptral Tower, you won’t miss it.
Disc Development Achievements
Develop a total of 100 titles in Disc Development.
As mentioned earlier in the tips, you should start making discs as soon as possible because they require time to be able to be made, try creating discs before cutscenes and use up all 4 slots to make the discs.
Develop 10 B titles in Disc Development.
It seems random whenever you get B discs, either create the discs with only the Genre, or create with the Scout mismatching the Genre and do not give them more coins when they ask.
Develop 10 AAA titles in Disc Development.
You can easily get AAA discs by matching the Genre and the Scout’s Genre, give them a Support Item and then accept giving them more coins when they ask to increase the chance for AAA disc.
Consume 100,000 Disc Coins in Disc Development.
You will most likely not have 100,000 Disc Coins to use by the end of the game unless you grinded. A method to grind levels and Disc Coins at the same time is to go to the 20th floor of the Neptral Tower and kill the enemy there, make sure you have the party leader and Noire for Lily pairing to get more Disc Coins when killing the enemy. You will get 750 Disc Coins each kill.
I use Rom’s Twin Saw Solid Combo Skill to kill the enemy.
Battle and Stats Achievements
Get whomped by a Dogoo (LOL).
You can get this very early in the game, when you first get to Virtua Forest, die to a Dogoo there.
Deal over 1,000 damage in a single blow.
You can get this easily with an EXE Skill or Tactical Skill.
Deal 300 Hits.
See below.
Complete 30 Chains.
You can get Combo Master and Bond of Steel at the same time. Go to the Arena and select any enemy, preferable a big one, and put them in sandbag mode. You only need to get past the First Strike and into a Combo Skill to do a chain, continue doing chains until you get 30 and then continue attacking for 300 hits.
Guard Break an opponent.
Use Blue Breaker Combo Skills to Guard Break them.
Your character got to 1HP via poison. Woof.
You can get this by getting poisoned and not healing until you get to 1HP. In the Arena with the A1 fight, there is Fafnir who can poison you. Remove your teammates so they don’t heal you and then leave a lone Fafnir to poison you.
Inflict over 10,000 damage from one combo.
Use an EXE Skill or Tactical Skill, will most likely get this as you level up.
Defeat 100 enemies with melee attacks.
Defeat enemies with characters like Nepgear using her melee sword attacks.
Defeat 100 enemies with long-range attacks.
Use characters like Uni or long-range Combo Skills and defeat enemies.
Fight in 500 battles.
You will get this over time as you grind for level 99 or get it naturally.
Defeat over 2,000 enemies.
You need to defeat 2,000 enemies. Depending on how much you killed enemies throughout the game, you might end up with 1,000 or so already on your belt. The F3 Arena fight has 15 enemies and you can finish the fights in a minute or so with the method I used.
Jump a total of 300 times.
Just keep jumping when you’re in a dungeon and you will eventually get it.
Dash for a total of 60 minutes.
You will most likely get this naturally as you explore through the dungeons, otherwise just keep running around.
Guard 300 times in total.
Your teammates will count towards this achievement and they will guard by themselves, especially when their Strategy in Party menu is set to defensive. Otherwise you can just do guards yourself.
Step Dash 300 times in total.
While guarding, you can move in a direction to do a Step Dash to avoid attacks, there is a Disc Ability that allows you to Step Dash Cancel out of a Combo Skill.
Successfully complete 100 Symbol Attacks.
You have to attack an enemy in the dungeon exploration. You have to make sure they’ve not noticed you to make it succeed.
Acquire all the skills of all Goddesses and Goddess Candidates.
After getting all Goddesses and Goddess Candidates, you should start levelling them up to get the skills, most likely get this naturally.
Reach level 99 for all Goddesses and Candidates.
Using the same method mentioned earlier in the Disc Development section, you can put on Experience + discs on everyone to get 160,000 exp each fight at Neptral Tower floor 20 enemy.
Complete 30 quests from citizens.
There are a total of 47 quests, you need to complete 30 of them.
There are 4 different types of quests:
- Bounties – Defeat a specified enemy.
You can use Forbidden Twig item or return to the world and go back into the dungeon to respawn enemies. - Item Collection – Collect a specific item.
You have to find items in wooden crates, the game will tell you which dungeon area will contain the item. - Item Retrieval – Find lost items in dungeons.
You have to go through the dungeon and find a green treasure box if you don’t already have the items. - NPC Rescue – Search for lost NPCs in dungeons.
You have to look for an NPC in the dungeon, they will show in the map.
Find 100 treasures in the dungeons.
Find 100 of the blue treasure boxes in dungeons, you should be able to get this naturally as they show up in the map unless you skip the treasure boxes.
Obtain 100 items from destructible objects.
Destroy the wooden crates in dungeons, you should make this into a habit and you might be able to avoid grinding for certain items.
Earn a total of 1,000,000 credits.
Most likely get this naturally.
Spend a total of 1,000,000 credits.
Purchase a total of 1,000 items.
The accessories are cheap at 100 Credits and you can buy 99 of them, buy 99 of each accessory until you get the achievement.
Sell a total of 1,000 items.
After buying the accessories from Super Shopper, sell them right back to the shop.
Reach 100% share ratio.
You will most likely get this naturally as you win fights, do quests, like white text chirps and create discs.
Endgame Achievements

Unlock 50 Events in the Gallery.
Unlock 30 BGMs in the Gallery.
Unlock 5 Stills in the Gallery.
Spoilers for CG events.
Reach S Rank in the arena.
You have to rank up by beating the arena fights and then going for the promotion. Eventually you will get to S rank promotion and get the achievement after finishing that.
Reach the top of Neptral Tower.
You have to slog through 100 floors of randomly generated dungeons that already exists, this will take you a few hours depending on if you get a fast dungeon with a close exit. The enemies here are pretty strong, and you can’t save. You will get a breather every 10 floors and can save and then beat up a mini-boss to continue, but when you start a run to the next 10th floor you better be ready to spend around 20 minutes running through and looking for treasures if you’re interested.
You should go for treasures at floor 90 and above because they can give the best weapons and armor you can get in the game, unless you get unlucky and don’t get them at all. You can buy the weapons at the shop, but they cost 25,000,000 Credits, so unless you somehow have 25 million Credits lying around for one weapon don’t buy them.
The weapons are:
- Lean Edge for Nepgear.
- Vida Blaster for Uni.
- Staff of Truth for Rom.
- Staff of Virtue for Ram.
- Divine Purple for Neptune.
- Divine Black for Noire.
- Divine White for Blanc.
- Divine Green for Vert.
- Exorcist’s Wand for Shanghai Alice.
- Bloody Angel for Higurashi.
Acquire a total of 10,000,000 credits.
The weapons you get from Neptral Tower floor 90s cost 25,000,000 Credits, meaning you can sell them for half at 12,500,000 and immediately get the achievement.
Clear Hyperdimension Neptunia Sisters vs. Sisters!
After getting the last achievement, you should get this. And you’re done!
Hadn’t seen much for Neptunia Sister vs Sister trophy guide or even a good completed walk through until this one. Definitely a useful guide and i’ll certainly be using this during my platinum trophy play through.