This is an achievement guide for Metal Unit. Most achievements will unlock naturally as you play. Information will be provided to explain how to get everything. You’ll need 4 playthroughs to get all achievements: New Game, (New Game+1 and +2), Challenge 4: Hardcore Mode (1 life). Challenges 1, 2, 3 and 5 are not required for achievements. The initial playthrough unlocks the NG+/Hardcore/Challenge options. Hardcore uses a separate save slot, so your original save data is not lost on death.
There may be spoilers depending on where you look. Images used are from in game screenshots.
Here’s some basic information about how the game plays.
Complete the tutorial level/Episode 1’s boss of Stone King to save your initial progress. Afterwards you’ll be in the Sun Tail Base map. Game progress is saved every time you return here. If you choose “Return to base” from the menu during a mission, it counts as a death. You’ll lose your inventory and coins, but you’ll gain CC based on your performance. Any items you found will be unlocked for deployment from your armory, though you can only take 1 of each item type per group. These items can earn mastery experience but cannot be sold for coins, used for synthesis or used for crafting. Initially you’ll only have access to common tier items. Gain mastery experience to unlock rare, epic and legendary items for use. Master items by equipping them and killing enemies.
CC (Crystal Cores) are mainly used for permanent character upgrade progression. You’ll earn CC from killing bosses, opening random chests and dying during a run. They can also be used as currency in Sun Tail Base to buy items.
Coins are used to buy items/trade during a dungeon. Shopkeepers carry 4 items. Coins are earned from defeating enemies or selling items.
Synthesis combines two items to make a new random item. The quality of the input ingredients affects the outcome. Two common tier items have a high chance of producing a common item, with a low chance of producing a rare item instead. Potions are an exception. Combine two potions to get a higher quality potion!
Crafting uses various specific items to produce specific items. Recipes are unlocked as you progress through the story. Sometimes it may be quicker to craft a new item instead of waiting around for it to randomly drop/synthesis. A few recipes convert 2x common items into 1x rare (for example: two pebbles into one better pebble).
Dungeons consists of 15 map areas and 1 boss. There can be rest areas as well to buy/sell/synthesis/craft. You can choose to rest for full HP, or take on a bonus room for a treasure chest. Dungeon maps can be random. Some maps may contain chests or secret areas. The minimap can reveal hidden areas. Sometimes you may need to explore higher up in a map to find hidden exits or chests. Hidden exits often contain bonus loot/enemies/puzzles.
Dodging is your tool for survival. If you can’t avoid an attack, you can dash right into it to negate it completely with good timing. Most attacks can be nullified this way. The telltale !!! warning attacks should be avoided completely.
Editor’s Notes
To do:
[currently in challenge run (1/2/3) on Episode 4. Need to finish to access more information]
Check for typos/formatting.
Add a few missing boss drops. Add in Episode 5 first boss, Green Portal boss attacks/name.
Finish crafting recipe list with names.
Make Ancient Temple map more pretty. I forgot about a couple of rooms as I was making it, leading to space issues.
Add solution for Lights Out puzzle, the 3×3 3-color one. Need to find it again in a run.
If there’s anything you’d like me to add, let me know and I’ll see about working on it.
Walkthrough/Boss Summary
From game start to first boss is fairly easy and straightforward. There are a lot of HP potions to find, including some in hidden areas on the map. Look at the minimap to easily reveal these areas for bonus items.==Stone King==
Stomps to make rocks jut up from the ground in a line.
Tosses blue orbs around him.
Sprays a line of orbs that spins slightly at a medium distance.
Can teleport (does not deal damage). Can combo with ground stomp.
After defeating Stone King you’ll be in the Sun Tail Base map. You begin in Joanna’s room. The first room has the VR Console to practice using items on enemies. Enter it, pick up any weapon and equip it. Head to the lower right and attack the training dummy for an achievement. Exit with any green door. The next room has the armory, set bonuses, skin changer and storage. The armory lets you take 1 of each item. The armory consists of pretty much every item/weapon you’ll find in your dungeon runs. As long as you’ve found something once, it’ll appear here for future use. You can master these items, they just can’t be sold for coins, used for synthesis or used for crafting.
The set bonus machine gives you a passive depending on which set you pick. Initially you only have Cadet unlocked, so you’ll start with bonus HP potions in your inventory if you die. The skin machine lets you change your player skin model which is cosmetic only. The storage area is found below. You can store items here that will be saved even if you die. These items can also be used for crafting during a run, saving you inventory space. You unlock more storage as you progress in the story.
In Sun Tail Base there are shops that require CC as currency. These shops are meant for late game when you no longer need CC to upgrade your character. Head to the right to find the mission portal. If you ignore it and go further right you’ll find the museum. There’s a chest inside for 2 CC. Double jump and dash to get up the cliff. Falcon’s Health Scan and Assault Mode upgrades are good early grabs. Health Scan shows enemy HP. Assault Mode gives you another item slot to equip things. Metal Unit’s Power of a Giant gives you access to many secret areas in Forestia. Pick that up when you can to get more treasures per run. Head to the portal to begin Forestia.
==Forestia: Episode 2==
==Blue Dragon==
Summons 1 black egg enemy.
Stomps with it’s front leg. Several swords pop up from the ground after from blue marked locations.
Opens mouth and releases two circles with many red projectiles.
Opens mouth and charges two lasers, top and bottom. The lasers swap places as they move.
At 50% HP or less:
Mouth lasers increases to 3.
Red projectile circle increased to 5.
Summons 3 black egg enemies.
Drops: CC, Bakuta, Dragon’s Scale Fragment, Heart of the Lightning Dragon, Blue Synthesis Gem.
After defeating the story mode boss, a replacement boss will appear for future runs of Forestia.
There is also a miniboss that can appear. Proceed to Snowland when you feel comfortable. You should grab the Joanna upgrade Cat Walk, as some secret areas require it to access them.
==Forestia: Miniboss==
==Stone Golem==
Swipes with left arm.
Swipes with right arm.
Slams left arm down, getting it stuck in the ground.
Slams right arm down, getting it stuck in the ground.
Slams both arms down.
Pulls both legs together and charges a ball of energy. Two vertical lines are marked in red. Lasers appear here after a short delay.
Drops: CC, Black Crystal Core, Opal Core, Pebble (common), Pebble (rare).
==Forestia: Replacement Boss==
==Lightning Prince==
Can throw a fan of horn projectiles.
Can throw 5-6 horn projectiles in a line.
Can shoot out a ground lightning spike that travels towards the player.
Can charge forward if the player is too far away.
At 50% HP or less:
Ground lightning spikes increased to 2 in a row. They travel faster.
Marks massive red circle area that explodes. Two energy ball pillars appear after and move towards Lightning Prince. If the player is too far away, he will charge forward with the lightning ball pillars following him.
The horn line projectiles are stronger and purple.
Drops: CC, Dragon’s Scale Fragment,
Double boss battle for Episode 3. Shion tends to be the more immediate threat with her quick giant laser attack. Be ready to evade Adam if he starts using teleport strikes. Keep distance from Adam when he has the swords out.
==Snowland: Episode 3==
Makes 4 large swords appear around him. These slowly rotate and Adam slowly approaches
Teleports and attacks with a quick blade strike. He’ll do this multiple times in a row.
Throws out a stream of small lightning balls towards the player. They explode into lightning bolts if they contact the ground.
Stabs forward once.
Marks a big horizontal line and unleashes a laser.
Stabs the ground and summons slow moving meteors.
Drops: CC, Black Core Fragment, Alien Material Fragment, Purple Synthesis Gem, Nightblade.
After defeating the story mode boss, a replacement boss will appear for future runs of Snowland. Seek out the optional Snowland secret area Hidden Temple if the map appears for another boss and new items. The map has a small pyramid poking out of the snow with a hidden entrance below it.
Proceed to Deeplava when you feel comfortable. Metal Unit’s Burn Resistance upgrade will help to negate residual damage, as lots of enemies here use fire attacks.
==Snowland: Replacement Boss==
==Immovable Gary==
Can periodically chain the player, prevent use of dash.
Can summon 2 flying robot enemies.
Can fire a swarm of seeking missiles.
Lifts top turbine: fires a multitude of orbs.
Bottom turbine moves forward: ! warning indicator before it fires a red laser, knocking the player back into the ice spikes. The top turbine shoots out a ring of projectiles at the same time.
At 50% HP or less:
Red laser ! warning attack now alternates three times. Usually bottom, top, bottom.
Gary can pause to heal a moderate amount of HP.
Drops CC, Alien Material Fragment, Alien Part (rare), Mysterious Item, Purple Synthesis Gem.
==Snowland: Hidden Temple Boss==
==Eye of the Ancient==
Summons 4 large diagonal red lasers that spin. These knock the player back on contact. The direction they spin can alternate between uses.
Summons 4 large diagonal red lasers for a second, then quickly swaps to 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lasers instead for a second.
Summons several red circles that explode.
Throws out a multitude of projectiles.
At 25% HP or less:
A skull appears in the center. This does ???
Drops: CC, Guardian Carapace, Guardian Cube, Guardian Plan, Guardian Armor, Guardian Shield, Guardian Greatsword.
Large enemy boss for Episode 4. You have to target Lava Ruler’s 3 eyes when they open. You’ll need to destroy them all multiple times to win. Having weapons that can shoot up/auto target will help here, as Lava Ruler’s eyes are above you constantly. Clear out the falling boulders and enemy spawns to limit enemy projectile count.
==Deeplava: Episode 4==
==Lava Ruler==
Summons skull enemy.
Drops giant rocks from above. These release a circle of projectiles on landing. They will periodically release more projectiles if not destroyed.
Smashes both arms together and releases two blade waves that travel along the ground in opposite directions.
Marks many yellow lines in many directions that unleash lasers after a short delay.
Drops: CC,
After defeating the story mode boss, a replacement boss will appear for future runs of Deeplava. Episode 5 is different from the others. There’s no maps to explore, just boss fights. Bring lots of potions. You’ll enter a boss fight immediately on entry. You get a safe zone hub to craft/synthesis/buy before the other bosses. These shops use CC as currency. Shops restock after every boss. If you defeat a boss and die, progress is saved.
Walkthrough/Boss Summary Pt.2
==Twilight Guide Caladbolg==
Burrows and fires a multitude of orbs around.
Burrows and throws out large boulders.
Burrows and makes multiple red marks appear on the ground, then swords thrust up from them.
Unburrows and jumps, changing into a saw blade before burrowing somewhere else. It causes a sword shockwave on landing.
At 50% HP or less:
Movement is increased. When it exposes it’s skull face it is vulnerable to attack.
Marks massive red pillars that summon massive lasers.
Drops: CC, Gold Synthesis Gem, Ancient Magic Stone Fragment, Fire Storm.==???: Episode 5==
<insert entry boss information here>
==Green Portal:==
<insert boss information here>
==Red Portal: Slime Emperor==
Shoots out large flaming balls. These explode with a flame shockwave. Dash into them to destroy them before they can explode.
Fires a large laser horizontally.
Summons green healing slimes and black bomb slimes. If the healing slimes are left alive, Slime Emperor will vacuum them in and heal itself. The bomb ones explode after a short delay. You will take damage every time the Slime Emperor uses its vacuum attack.
Drops: CC, Gold Synthesis Gem.
==Blue Portal: Black Dragon==
The orb pillar will periodically disable your dash. There’s lava hazards on either side of the field.
Flies into the background. Fireballs bounce in from one side. Flies back into play.
Moves to one side, then opens its mouth and fires a laser while strafing to the other side. Jump over this attack or stand near the very edge of the far platform.
Releases several large red/black orbs.
Little lights appear on it’s shoulders. These release a multitude of tiny red orbs.
Drops: CC, Amethyst Core, Heart of Flame.
==Giant Door: Eve==
Marks a massive red beam. Small lasers appear from the middle to the outside of the red area.
Marks a red horizontal beam. Eve’s giant hand sweeps by after a short delay.
Marks numerous vertical red beams. Lasers appear in all red marked areas after a short delay.
At 50% HP or less:
Eve’s attack speed is increased. Attacks can overlap.
Cutscene and another battle.
Marks a red massive area. A massive laser appears after a short delay.
Marks two red horizontal areas. Lasers appear after a short delay.
Fires a multitude of small blue orbs.
Can teleport and go invisible, but can still be attacked.
At 50% HP or less:
Eve-Yuna is marked with a skull and can only take damage when visible. Her attacks can now overlap.
Marks multiple red diagonal areas. Lasers appear after a short delay.
Marks multiple red vertical areas. Lasers appear after a short delay.
The orb attack is now red with larger orbs.
Defeating Eve-Yuna gives the Negateve achievement. You also unlock New Game+ for your save slot. Yuna’s Room in Sun Tail Base has a new Challenge Mode unlocked.
New Game+ and Challenges are unlocked when you finish the game. Challenges are found in Yuna’s Room. Any number can be activated at once.
These challenges use a separate save slot but upgrade your original save slot with the rewards. So you can freely attempt Hardcore Mode without losing your original save data. There’s 5 challenges and you can activate as many at once as you want. You’ll begin the game starting at Episode 2. You can abandon your challenge progress to return to your normal playthrough by revisiting Yuna’s Room.
Unstable Armament: Your items randomize every map transition. Tier will stay the same. Type will stay the same (example: blue guns only randomize into blue guns). Reward: Mystery Gun.
Super Enemy: Enemies attack faster and can’t be interrupted. Reward: Heat Generator.
No Potion: Potions are unavailable. Potions obtained will become Pebbles. Reward: Life Elixir.
Hardcore: One life. Death resets the challenge run. Reward: Sentinel Mode.
The Hunt: Joanna is being hunted. Finish levels quickly to escape. Reward: Metal Bike.
Mystery Gun: Every time the gun reloads it switches into a new gun.
Heat Generator: After a successful dodge, increases damage dealt and received by the player.
Life Elixir:
Sentinel Mode: The Metal Unit splits off from Joanna, following as an AI companion.
Metal Bike: Joanna rides on a metal bike, increasing movement speed. Crouch is disabled while on the bike.
Completing Hardcore gives you an achievement.
Completing all the challenges unlocks a new skin.
Crafting Recipes
Here’s a list of the crafting recipes and the materials they require. You can safely store items for crafting purposes in your storage area in Joanna’s Room. Armory items cannot be used for crafting. You’ll need to find materials as you play and store them for later. For most recipe items it is possible to randomly synthesize them, but depending on your luck you may just want to craft a missing item instead.
Melee Weapon
Barben Sword: #1004, #2038
Butcher: #1005, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
Orochimaru: #1005, #6027 Heart of Flame
Light Sword: #2038, #6030 Alien Part (rare), #6025, #6029
Dragon Spear: #1036, #6026, #6030 Alien Part (rare), #2038
Frozen Starlight: #1022, #6028
Blazing Starlight: #1022, #6027
Dragon Katana: #1029, #6029, #6025
Biohazard: #1002, #2038, #2038, #2038
Eros: #1011, #6024
Wildcat: #1015, #4011
Master Sword: #1007, #1003, #1012, #1016
Light Saber: #1007, #6030 Alien Part (rare), #6019, #6029
Executioner: #1012, #6030 Alien Part (rare), #6019, #6029
*Dragon Katana: #1029 Broken Dragon Katana, #6025, #6029
*See Perfect Cherry Blossom section of the guide to find out how to get this recipe/item.
Ranged Weapon
M.A.C: #2002, #2031
M. Wolf: #2007, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
M.Dragon: #2008, #6030 Alien Part (rare), #6024
Coldsnap Revolver: #2002, #3013
Lightning Storm: #2042, #3026
Cannonball: #2038, #2038
YZI X: #2052, #2021, #6025, #6029
Bloody Combat Crossbow: #2052, #2301, #2016, #6024
Astra: #2036, #2301, #2016, #6027 Heart of Flame
Master Gun: #2050, #2015, #6029, #6019
Dragon Rake: #3000, #6026, #3034
Otherworldly SMG: #2019, #2012, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
Otherworldly Magnum: #2019, #2006, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
Sub Weapon
Lotus: #3018, #6031
Dragon Figurine: #6026, #3033, #6024
Mysterious Ice: #3001, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
White Phosphorus Grenade: #3007, #3007
Ice Grenade: #3007, #6031
Tactical Rocket: #3020, #3019
Aurora: #3007, #3032, #3015, #3034
Ultimate Skill
Giant Blade: #1004, #1013
Tempest: #4009, #6031
Crimson Wind: #4009, #4010
Blizzard: #3013, #3014
Giant Particle Cannon: #4008, #6025, #6036
Dragon Helmet: #4003, #6029
Dragon Heart: #6026, #3034
Panel Missile: #5008, #6031
Opal Core: #2038, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
Emerald Core: #5025, #5026, #5027, #6029
Ruby Core: #5025, #5026, #5027, #6029
Topaz Core: #5025, #5026, #5027, #6027
Dragon Pauldron: #6026, #3025, #6011
Titanium Armor: #2038, #2038
Gold Armor: #6005, #6035, #6035, #6035
Jard’s Lightning Armor: #6001, #6031
Dragon Claw: #6013, #6026
Dusk Beads: #6027, #6028, #6029
Pebble (rare): #2031, #2031
Alien Part (rare): #6031, #6031
Heart of Flame: #6024, #2038, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
Heart of the Glacier: #6025, #2038, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
Lightning Core Device: #6026, #2038, #6030 Alien Part (rare)
Inside the Ancient Pyramid

Kill the Eye of the Ancient at the end of the temple area to get CC, pieces of the Guardian Set and an achievement.
Perfect Cherry Blossom
This achievement requires you to find the secret area Forestria map that contains cherry blossoms, a merchant, Light Katana and an interaction object with a message. The message reads: “Don’t say anything. Forget about all sounds. Maybe then you will find the real treasure if you’re not looking for it.”
You need to hit the three statues in the map in order: Top right, bottom left, middle. After hitting them, a treasure will be revealed in the top left section of the map.
This contains the Broken Dragon Katana. Master the weapon. You’ll then need to craft the Dragon Katana. It requires #1029 Broken Dragon Katana, #6025, #6029. After you make the weapon, you’ll get the achievement.
Practice Makes Perfect

Achievements Lists
Story related:
Red Flavor
Potion Used!
Hard to Swallow
Complete chapter 1.
Dragged Along
Complete chapter 2.
Complete chapter 3.
Hot Lead
Complete chapter 4.
Complete chapter 5.
End of story related achievements. These next ones should come from normal play without much effort.
Risk and Reward
Complete a dungeon.
Craft an item.
J0 Ann-A
Mix two potions.
Atelier Joanna
Upgrade an item by synthesis.
Am I a munchkin now?
Obtained a legendary item!
Ready? Get sets!
Activate a new item set.
A good day to die
Experience your first death.
Deal with it
Trade with a travelling merchant.
Ask and you shall receive
Obtain a cosmetic skin.
Practice makes perfect
Attack the training dummy.
The tougher achievements. Two require multiple playthroughs. One requires a no-death playthrough using the Hardcore Challenge (requires you to beat the game to unlock).
Perfect Cherry Blossom
Obtain and repair the Legendary weapon of Forestia.
Inside the Ancient Pyramid
Complete the pyramid level.
Showing off
Obtain enough items to get a sweet trophy in your room.
A new Master
Obtain enough Mastery Points to unlock Legendary items in the armory.
Fully loaded
Obtain all upgrades.
Gold Hoarder
Hold 5654+ gold. Not a world record.
Push It To the Limit
Complete a run in New Game +2
About time
Complete a hardcore run of the game.