For Magicraft players, this guide will show you how to unlock the Author Killer Achievement, let’s check it out.
How do I get to the secret boss?
1. Beat the first 3 levels of the game to unlock HARD MODE
2. Beat hard mode and proceed further
2. Beat hard mode and proceed further
How do I beat the boss?

^ like this pretty much1. Get a wand with “ON HIT” extra slots
2. Find water stream spell (other fast firing cheap spells might also work)
3. Find a sword spell (unlocks after beating the game)
4. Multishot, mana discount and other things that let you fire faster
5. Spell duration + rotation for the blade makes them clear the entire screen while dealing damage multiple times per blade
6. 2-starring the blade (9 1 level blades) lets you redirect enemy projectiles back while dealing insane damage
doubled cheap water stream -> [ON HIT SLOTS] rotating extra time big blade
That’s all we are sharing today in Magicraft – Author Killer Achievement Guide, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author SPLENDID NAKED OFFICER