Between Royalist and Wulframite run, it is obvious that Royalist is the preferable choice: many notable characters we’ve interacted with in previous parts will side with the Griffin Throne (Caz, Kat, Welles, Reyes, etc.), they have a much clearer plan to improve the kingdom, the army is loyal to the monarch, and many more reasons.
However, siding with the Griffin Throne means you’ll be broke unless you double cross your sugar daddy. In the beginning, I figured the optimal route would be to go Admiralty and no saboteur, but that option still leave you in debt and not a lot of money. Then I read Vernon Roche’s suggestion and tried it out and succeeded. Thus, I’ll show you the guide for saboteur instead, which gives you lots of money, and a rather powerful position in the end anyway.
Of course, there are many way and to play (and/or roleplay) this game, but I want to point out one, among many, ways to play to get to the (IMO) optimal outcome.
1/ I won’t include inconsequential decisions in this guide (personalities will affect sometimes, but it’s only for flavor most of the time). If you don’t see my choice in the list of choices, it means that list has inconsequential choices.
2/ I will shorten the terms for convenience:
Cazarosta->caz, Elson->els,Cunaris->cun,Lefebvre->lef
3/ I’ll use “/” to separate between choices.
4/ For estate random events, generally go for choices that favor your fief.
a/ For the merchant vs tenant event, you should generally side with your tenant early in the game and the merchant later in the game.
b/ For the elf tourist event, just apologize and pay them 100$. We need the rep.
Choices – part 1
-> Wulfram’s words must be answered, and I will answer them.
“My apologies, Your Grace, but I am already spoken for this evening.”
I’d rather like to catch up with Blaylock and Sandoral.
(Perhaps I ought to speak with Lord Marcus.
I ought to speak with Palliser.)
– Among the guests, increasing opinion of Palliser or Marcus is probably the best. Takara will side with Wulfram and Hugh already has a high opinion of us. I’d go with Palliser.
Palliser’s sentiment is noble, and I am sure his intentions are good. I approve.
It seems like a good idea, but such endeavours are never as easy as they seem.
– You need at least 35 ideal for this.
I shall try to inspire them, convince them that we are bound for greater things.
– You can opt for the last option instead for more cynicism, but it costs 40$
…the talks came to nothing. There was no engagement.
“Times are hard for all; I cannot afford to lower rents anytime soon.”
I mean to attend to the matter of my family’s debts.
-> I must try to renegotiate the interest on my loans.
The village could use some improvements.
-> Let’s see to refurbishing the village shrine.
– A school is another good choice, but I’m pretty sure shrine is the best one among them.
I should use this time to record my recollections of my time at war.
“You would be most welcome to stay here a while.”
The realm needs me; I must go to Aetoria and make my voice heard.
There’s opportunity to be had in the capital, and I mean to seize it.
I appoint Loch as my estate manager.
Perhaps I may talk these men down?
-> “You could choose to work for me.”
-> These men must hang, and I will ensure that they do.
– Life is full of difficult choices. Some of the baneless may die, but it is a sacrifice the bane-blooded is willing to take.
Take a closer look at townhouses around Victory Square.
-> I will settle for the new build, it is more my style.
I should send some money home, to help improve my fief.
-> Send 2000$
I mean to attend to the matter of my family’s debts.
-> I’ll draw upon my connections to arrange a new loan on more favourable terms.
-> I will see what friends in the capital are willing to assist me.
– Now is a good time to loan based on reputation. You can recover it later.
The Shipowners’ Club sounds like my sort of place. I should look into it.
-> I shall apply to join the Shipowners Club without further delay.
-> Choose all of the first 4 options.
– You can go visit in person if you like, to meet your broker, my favorite character by far.
“I fear Her Highness is right. We must consider the repercussions of even our personal decisions.”
-> “I accept, Your Highness.”
“It is good to see you as well, my lady.”
-> “Will I see you on the Army Reform Commission?”
-> “Good day then, my lady.”
– Getting back some lost opinion when you refuse to take her side in Guns.
Wulfram goes too far! I vote against!
Presenting myself as the King’s ally now may prove profitable in future. Against!
– We should still get some opinion from Wulfram since we plan to be saboteur later.
I must see what benefit I might secure for my home region.
I would like to consider making some investments.
-> I am investing 5000 crown.
I mean to attend to the matter of my family’s debts.
-> I’ll draw upon my connections to arrange a new loan on more favourable terms.
-> Perhaps the Shipowners can offer me some assistance here.
“He speaks well of us; that must mean something?”
-> “Shall I call upon you sometime?”
– We’re in Chap 4 now.
“Very well, I shall make a donation.”
-> Donate 400$
– The less you donate the stronger Wulfram’s position will be since the people will suffer, hence more resentment towards the king.
I should send some money home, to help improve my fief.
-> Send 1000$
I mean to attend to the matter of my family’s debts.
-> I’ll draw upon my connections to arrange a new loan on more favourable terms.
-> I’ll call upon my connections at Grenadier Square.
I would like to consider making some investments.
-> I am investing 5000 crown.
– Reload the chapter if at the end of the chapter your investment is less than 14000$. You should get this after 2 or 3 tries unless you’re unlucky.
I would like to make some calls upon my friends and acquaintances.
-> I reacquaint myself with Lady Katarina.
-> “Do you still serve Royal Intelligence, then?”
-> “Then what is to become of…us?”
-> It doesn’t matter! I’ll fight for my beloved’s hand, impossibility or not!
OR Leoniscourt is too rich a prize to give up, even at such odds.
– Best warcrime waifu.
I must turn my attention to the Army Reform Commission.
-> We’ll learn the most from the experiences of the junior officers. I vote with Palliser.
I mean to see about enhancing my reputation and influence.
-> I should work towards increasing my stature within the Shipowners Club.
I mean to see about enhancing my reputation and influence.
-> I work towards swaying my fellow club members towards the King’s faction.
I vote for the Duke of Wulfram’s budget.
If the Kian are willing to assist us, then that is only for the good.
I should send some money home, to help improve my fief.
-> Send 500$
I would like to consider making some investments.
-> I am investing 1000 crown.
The Club sounds like a good way to spend a winter.
-> “I would be happy to join you, sir.”
-> “We are men of means, surely we can do better than that?”
-> I play as hard as I can, and I play to win.
-> I play aggressively in the hopes of securing a fortune.
I should send some money home, to help improve my fief.
-> Send 1000$
I mean to attend to the matter of my family’s debts.
-> I shall require a great deal of money; 5000 crown, at least.
I would like to consider making some investments.
-> I am investing 5000 crown.
I must stay in Aetoria. I have obligations here I must fulfil.
Leaving Aetoria means leaving my power and influence behind. I’ll not do it.
“You have been a good friend, and I should hope to see you again one day.”
“Very well. Let us set our efforts to this scheme.”
-> “Tell only those with Cortes seats, to maximise the chance of success.”
-> “What do you think, Master Blanco? Could we sell ten thousand Crown worth of shares?”
– Time to make some money!
I’d better stop Castermaine before he scuttles the idea of standard officer training altogether.
It is my duty to speak in support of the Kian treaty.
I vote in favour of the treaty and the King’s budget.
“If those are the only choices allowed, I must regretfully declare myself the Crown’s enemy.”
– Now is Chap 6. As long as you join Wulfram’s faction, you no longer have to worry about interest. You can now borrow money as much as you like. Start borrowing 5000$ each turn from the bank. Restart the chapter if your investment profit this turn is less than 5%.
I mean to attend to the matter of my family’s debts.
-> I shall require a great deal of money; 5000 crown, at least.
– Continue borrowing money each turn like this.
I should send some money home, to help improve my fief.
-> Send 3500$
I would like to consider making some investments.
-> I need to pull everything out, right now.
– Pull out now, or you’ll be hit hard next turn.
– You now have enough money to pay off all of your debt. You can do so… or destroy your debt later.
Yes, I think I will make a donation.
-> Donate either 50/150/400/1000/2000$. The more you donate the more rep gain you’ll get. I recommend donating 2000$ since you’ll be swimming in money and need rep soon
They will not drive me out of the Cortes!
-> I must restrain myself and avoid making myself too obvious a target.
– You will decide to betray him in chap 9. For now, keep your head down.
Choices – part 2
Before all else, soldiers must have discipline!
No compromise: this Commission cannot hamstring itself for the sake of politickal expediency.
“You seem very sure of this, Your Grace.”
-> “I mean to keep the peace, Your Grace, regardless of the circumstances.”
– During dinner with Wulfram, choices 2 and 5 will have 3 options, choose the middle one for both.
We should keep our distance and observe, but no more unless necessary.
-> So long as the crowd remains peaceful, we can leave them be.
“I cannot apologise for my actions. I did what I thought right.”
I would like to consider making some investments.
-> I am investing 5000 crown.
Borrow 5000$ as well, of course.
“I mean to take this seriously. Seal off the streets, find me some witnesses.”
-> Arrest someone who resembles the description, someone who won’t be missed. He’ll do.
– Life is full of difficult choices. Some of the baneless may die, but it is a sacrifice the bane-blooded is willing to take.
It would be best if I stayed out of this debate.
(Optional): We cannot afford to discount the advantages new weapon designs provide.
-> The Commission should recommend full and immediate adoption.
– By debating for the rifle, you’llt gain Garing opinion but lose rep, and allow the Cavalry school to dominate the Infantry school. I prefer to allow some reforms from the Infantry school.
First Squadron is the softest of the lot, I’ll pitch in there.
Wulfram’s supporters have the right to protest and petition; they deserve our protection.
– Cunaris won’t like this, but we must do it.
“Saints above, Sir Caius. It is good to see you again.”
-> On the contrary, it is her devotion to duty which attracts me, among other things.
“Twenty or so men will serve my purposes well enough. First Squadron may take the rest.”
-> My command will shoulder the burden of the worst, so First Squadron won’t have to.
I would like to consider making some investments.
-> I am investing 5000 crown.
Borrow 5000$ as well, of course. By this point, you should have the maximum number of tents (250) if you’re not unlucky.

“In my position, compromises must occasionally be made.”
I’ll agree to Wulfram’s request, but only to harm his schemes from the inside.
– Kill switch: ON
I need a diversion; some games of Tassenswerd at the Shipping Exchange will suffice.
-> I will raise my own wagers—but no more than I can afford.
-> “I’d rather not deal in such matters.”
– I won’t say no to free 750$
I might still use my connections at the club to strengthen my position.
-> I mean to use my status within the Shipowners to advance the goals of my faction.
I take a personal hand in the regiment’s drill, to prepare them for what is to come.
-> Drill first and second squadrons.
If I am to rely upon the men, I must ensure that they are loyal to me.
-> I can use my pull at Grenadier Square to do the men a few favours.
– You can bribe them instead, but it will cost you 1200/2400/3600$, which I think is not worth it.
First Squadron will go to Captain Blaylock.
– We mentored him back in Guns just for this reason. He’ll make first squadron a lot more powerful.
I must prepare for the day Wulfram realises I am his enemy: embody the Houseguard.
I should follow Garret’s ‘advice’ and find out where my family’s debt is being kept.
– Money money money!
“If you gain Leoniscourt, your sister loses it.”
– Final Battle begins
I should inspect the men one last time, just in case.
-> Order the advance. It’s time we got moving.
I’ll take advantage of the chaos in the streets to deal with my debt permanently.
-> Set the building on fire, but make sure those inside can get out.
-> We’ve not the time for further diversions. We must press on!
Perhaps I can convince Lord Meran to remove his forces from the city altogether?
If Crittenden has taken the docks, perhaps I might find some way to obstruct his efforts?
I shall intervene in negotiations—and make very certain that they fail.
Send First Squadron at the mob and Second Squadron at the Cuirassiers.
-> “Saints above, am I glad to see you.”
-> “How do we fare elsewhere in the city?”
-> “I will do my utmost, sir.”
“No. We’re not savages. Let us endeavour to be civil here.”
-> “Send in the militias.”
-> Call the militias forward and send them in.
-> We should shoot to disable one of Crittenden’s ships, without harming her crew.
– Royal forces: 87, Wulfram forces: 25. I can do much better than this but it requires me going admiralty route and not saboteur (105 vs 0 IIRC), but we’ll be very poor.
“And I am very pleased to see you as well, my lady.”– Final dragoons stats:

– Final Personal stats:
1/ This playthrough relies quite a bit of luck to get your investments to be profitable. But having lots of money and no debt will really simplify future financial managements. Also, you will still be the Earl of Castermaine with this route, which was really hard. I failed 2 times before succeeding.
2/ Some drawbacks of this route: Lower Royal Influence, lower reputation, lower grenadier influence, lower Kian envoy opinion, lower Lefebvre opinion, smaller gap between royal’s and wulfram’s final forces. For Admiralty no saboteur run, I managed to get around 105 vs 0 force strength, but I did not borrow any money so I was poor and my fief was less developed.
That’s all we are sharing today in Lords of Infinity Optimal Character Guide (Royalist), if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author manhphamnguyen2810