This guide offers a list of various squad composition templates using fireteams and roles for a infantry squad. It explains the basic and the fundamentals of designing a squad composition for a infantry squad by going over in detail the strengths and weaknesses for both soldier roles as well as the different types of fireteam…
Category: Guide

Ash of Gods: Redemption – All Character Lists
Info: Every character’s bio except for 2 are unlocked. Male Characters: Female Characters: Written by HotStuff

Car Demolition Clicker: Quickest Way to Get 100% Achievement
In this guide I will telling you the quickest way that I found to make money and progress extremely quickly Side note – I have not unlocked ALL achievement and complete the game but at the rate I am going I doubt it will take me very long Small Info Like I said in…

Jets’n’Guns Gold: All Ships Guide
Ships 1 – 4 Grooman G-3 Goblin Front Weapon Slots: 2 Rear Weapon Slots: 0 Missile Slots: 0 Bomb Slots: 1 Hull Integrity (base)/(max.): 1,500 / 2,100 (+2 x 300) Engine (base)/(max.): 300 / 300 Heat Capacity (base)/(max): 1,500 / 2,000 (+1 x 500) Heat Sink (base)/(max.): 300 / 550 (+1 x 250) Agility (base)/(max):…

Forgotton Anne: 100% Achievement
All achievements in Forgotton Anne, in the order you get them Introduction This is a guide to all achievements in Forgotton Anne. Achievements are listed chronologically for when you can expect to get them. The game is broken into chapters, which are not marked as you play, but once you complete the game, a chapter select…

Tower Unite: Hidden Developer HQ Locations
This is the path to find the hidden Developer HQ for the achievement on Plaza. Path to HQ First, you are going to go up the escalator from the spawn to the lobby area of the tower. Once in the lobby area you will see a right wall and left wall (kind of like…

Song Animals: Basic Walkthrough
The basic gameplay is to eat mushrooms with your starting animal and use the mushroom notes to sing along with the boulder. Songs are marked with ♫. Just keep going right. All achievements are storyline. ———– Click on “Song Animals” to start the game. Eat Mushroom #1. Click on the boulder and then click on…

VehiCraft: Ultimate Guide for Beginner
This is the official simple getting started guide to get you started on how to play the game. Desciption This is just a guide to help get you started on playing the game without going too much in depth. After reading this guide, you can experience what is the vehicle combat like and what…

Team Fortress 2: Advanced Engineering
Dealing with Spies In pubs, Spies are usually easy to spot and therefore, easy to kill. When Spy manages to kill an Engineer and sap his nest, he often has the similar mindset and movement like other Spy players. Learning this mindset (and Spy’s behaviour) is important when playing Engineer. For example, there are a…

Thief Simulator: 100% Achievement With Screenshots
Story Debt free man Complete story tasks Wealth redistribution 1 Wealth redistribution 2 Wealth redistribution 3 Essentially plot achievements, just steal everything that is more expensive. Nice throw man Одно из самых бесполезных умений. Нужно найти кирпич около домов и разбить им окно. Collectables Too much television is bad for you Fresh air Plumbing expert…

Delver Guide: Character Stats, Items, Taking Orb and Escaping
character stats max up: 1) Health (level up health when possible) 2) Defense (if health is not possible) 3) Speed (if none of the above is showing up) items try collecting these things before going to the Orb (buy, find, loot, etc) sorted buy importance, first = most important: Invisibility scroll, 2 needed Additional information:…

Quake 4: Secret & Hidden Locations and Loot
This little guide will show you the location of some secrets and loot that you can find scattered through the Quake 4 levels. Hidden Loot Level 2; Air Defense Trenches #1 Secret: At the beginning of the level, go up in the elevator and turn to the left. Jump over the metal fence and you…