A quick snatcher coin location guide plus a secret boss location. First snatcher coin. the first snatcher coin is located in the pink area, on top of a purple holographic wall next to multiple shops. it can be easy to miss if your not looking. Second snatcher coin. the second snatcher coin is located…
Category: Guide

House Flipper: Best Paid Order Guide
This is a small guide to show you what order is the best and worst payed. Introduction Hello! I thought some of you might apppreacite this list-going from the best paid job to the worst paid job. Take note that some of those orders are not worth to keep on repeating doing them as…

Ninjahtic: STAGE 1-6 Map Guide
I originally made this map in a notebook (paper sheets) to guide me in the game, so I decided to digitalize it to share with everyone who whishes to play the game too! stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4 stage 5 stage 6 Written by Cierroth

A Hat in Time: All Sticker Locations
A guide showing the locations of all Nyakuza Metro stickers Sticker Aliases Stickers don’t have a name, and its a bit confusing to describe some of them, as a few are really similar. So im going to assign each a name so you can easily know which is which. There are in total, 55…

Aliens vs. Predator: How to Unlock All Skins
Unlock every skin for marines, xenomorphs and predators, including pre-order ones. How to: 1. Download HexEditor 2. Go to C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Appdata\Local\AliensVsPredator or it could be in your documents folder. 3. There will be a folder with numbers. Open it. 4. Inside, you will see one file with ”.prf” extension. It also will have the…

Swag and Sorcery: Quickly Gold Farm Guide
The Guide is for everyone past the first forest. Easy Safe farm with close to no chance of failing. What you get With this guide you will be able to farm about 30-40k gold every 15 minutes without the risk of death. Getting Tanky First of all you want to get your items that…

MORDHAU: Shield Guide
A guide on learning how to use the shield and play with it well I. Shielding 101- What shield is the best to use? In Mordhau, there are four different shields in the game (Targe, Buckler, Heater and Kite). However, the only two relevant ones are the Heater and the Kite. The targe and…

A Hat in Time: How to Disable Emote Wheel
This guide is for those frustrated by the emote wheel disrupting gameplay after the Nyakuza DLC update. This is just a band-aid fix until a patch comes along and fixes this officially and you don’t have to do this silly stuff just to get basic gameplay working again. Step 1: Go to your Library…

Die Bloody Nazi Die!: Controls and Tips
A basic manual for players with some juicy tips Basic and Advanced controls Die Bloody Nazi Die!’s controls system has been designed with a “bare bone” approach in mind. Using them properly will draw the line between a very short run and a game which will give you a lot of satisfaction. Basic controls:…

Unturned: Colour Code Lists
All Unturned Colour codes: Red <color=#800000> Text </color> Blue <color=#0073e6> Text </color> Green <color=#29a329> Text </color> Yellow <color=#feff00> Text </color> Purple <color=#99004d> Text </color> Orange <color=#ff6600> Text </color> Pink <color=#cc3399> Text </color> If you want youre own colour go on this Website and delete the colour code after colour (<color=#800000>) and do youre colour code…

Victor Vran: Four End Game Builds
Four End Game Builds for you to have fun and experiment with 😛 Introduction So after 300 Hours on the game i decided to make all of my somewhat viable builds public for the community to experiment and have fun with and hopefully improve them :D. This is my gift and my thanks to…

Slipstream: 100% Achievement Guide
A clear and concise guide on how to achieve all the achievements you can achieve in Slipstream, including the five tagged as hidden which do not show up on the in-game trophy shelves. In-Game Achievements These are all the achievements which unlock trophies on the in-game Achievements page. Keep in mind, as the game…