Location of Steam Batteries on the Map: Steam Fortress for the achievement “All This Science I Don’t Understand”. Spawn Location 1 1 At the spawn turn to your right. There is a battery high up on top of an outside ledge. 2 From the spawn turn around and walk towards the trader pod. There…
Category: Guide

Fairy in a Jar: 100% Achievement Guide
A little walkthrough and guidance for obtaining 100% achievements in 瓶中精灵 – Fairy in a Jar Introduction This game has 4 different Endings and 3 of them are Bad Endings, so I suggest to play the Good/True Ending (End A) last. Some answers may don’t really matter for an ending. So it’s probably possible…

HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed – Unlockables Guide
Type Defence Corps unlocked P.R.I.M.A.L Earn [color=#808080]GOLD[/color] or above on Toy Palace Wraith Earn GOLD or above on Fort Jeep Cyberfury Earn GOLD or above on Garden of Evil Insectoid Earn GOLD or above on Action Attic Pleb Find this Secret in tutorial Head – Defence Corp Pvt. Nightshade unlocked Tactical Earn PLATINUM or above…

Alt-Frequencies: Achievement Guide
A little guide to get all of the achievements in Alt-Frequencies. (Note: Chapter Select available after one playthrough.) Story Achievements Stay Tuned Complete the tutorial. It’s Monday! Complete chapter one. Students, Experts and Tall Tales Complete chapter two. Police and Politics Complete chapter three. The Raid Complete chapter four part one. The Vote Complete…

Eden Rising: Full Map and Outpost Locations
Full map + Outpost locations Map Brought to you by Dark Emperor / Zombiewookie the full map of eden rising with outpost locations =) Img from https://imgur.com/XafYLbT Legend : A : Metal Bombard B : Null Batons C : Ascendant Armor D : Sulphur seed armor E : Symbiote rods F : Flack Gloves G…

Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest – Speed Runner Achievement
This guide shows a way to get the speed runner achievement The Speed Runner achievement requires you to finish The Oak Shield’s Demand mission in under 90 seconds. The mission is found in the Dawnstone Meadow area. This guide is to help those that are looking for the Speed Runner achievement. I’m sure there are faster ways…

Yakuza Kiwami 2: Advanced Golfing Guide
To Guide YOU through how to get at least 300 points in the Advanced Golfing Minigame and to finish the Albatross Akagi Substory related to the Advanced Golfing Stage. Basics ========================================================================= Disclaimer: I’m not claiming these are the best ways to do it, but I tried to make them Easy as possible. It started…

Stick Fight: The Game – How to Add Emojis
this giude tells u how to add emojis in chat. step 1. click on the following link: https://www.emojicool.com/ step 2. copy an emoji. step 3. open the chat: (click here to view picture) step 4. paste the emoji: (click for image) step 5. hit [ENTER]: (click for photo) Written by JTeslaCoil

A Hat in Time – Death Wish: Alpine Skyline Guide
A comprehensive guide to every Death Wish in the game, including the secret ones. Alpine Skyline Edition Introductions Welcome to my guide, thank you for checking it out. It’s my first one, so please do not hesitate to comment suggestions or the like below. I know there’s several out there already, but I feel…

STEINS GATE ELITE: Achievement Guide
✧ Only important mails/choices will be listed in the guide. Consider all the non-listed ones as not important and either ignore them (right mouse button) or reply them in any way you want. ✧ Skip function can be activated in “Config > Skip Mode > All”, but make sure to leave “Skip Release Phone Trigger” enabled in order…

Trials Rising: Secret Squirrel Locations in Route 66 DLC
Guide for all squirrels in the Route 66 DLC. This guide will have screenshots, steps and a general difficulty about how to get each collectible. This difficulty is only for the collectible, not the track. Side note, I am using the keyboard through-out this entire play through, so it is possible things will be easier…

Never Again: 100% Achievement Guide
All achievements, notes, memories, Inhalers and locations. A map for the mirror world labyrinth and the cave labyrinth with solution. First of all, thank you for your interest! This guide is based on version 3.1.3 The game has 24 achievements, 3 of which are not quite comprehensible. It is about the 3 collection achievements “breathe…