Want to know all the nitty gritty details about Comfort, Sanity and Health? Preliminaries High and Low Stats A stat is high if it is 70 or higher A stat is low if it is 29 or lower These are game constants and are used to determine what color a stat displays as and…
Category: Guide
Warframe: How to Kill the Ropalolyst
This is a step by step guide on how to kill Ropalolyst in Warframe game. 1:Capacitors Go to the capacitors 2:Charging Capacitors Hide behind the capacitors while Rapalolyst uses it’s beam attack. 3:Ropalolyst shields Use operator to shoot down it’s shields (like eidolons) Note: this step can be done before steps 1 & 2 4:Riding…
Borderlands GOTY: Best Side Missions Guide
Don’t want to do EVERY side quest? Use this mission flow to get the best balance of loot, experience, and time spent. Introduction These are the side quests that I think provide the best loot while not putting you too far ahead in levels. Now I think that on at least one playthrough you…
Pocket Rogues: 100% Achievements Guide
-Boss Achievements- While playing normal mode, you will come across these bosses with time. Through Copper Pipes. – Kill the Forgotten Keeper. Ashes and Bones. – Kill the Master of Bones. Blade of Justice. – Kill the Grim Paladin. -Kill Achievements- Put your grinding pants on! First Blood. – Get your first kill! Warm-Up. –…
Cadria Item Shop: Guild and Faction Exclusive Blueprints
I made a list of the current Guild and Faction exclusive Blueprints you can get, as a quick way to look up where you can get X from, without searching through the gallery. =) Guild Weapons: Ranger’s Blade Surviving Knife Chaos Blades Dagger of Time Blade of Fate Witch Blade Cadria Claymore Tripe Axe…
Dead by Daylight: The Spirit Guide
In this guide, you will learn all the basics for playing the killer The Spirit in Dead By Daylight. This guide will also have some more advanced strategy’s along with tips about certain addons, perk builds, play styles, etc. Introduction In this guide you will learn all the basic strategies, her teachable perks, addons,…
DUSK: Episode 3 Secrets Guide
This is a simple photo guide to show the locations of all secrets from DUSK Episode 3. E3M1 – The Iron Cathedral 01/07 From the very beginning of the level, head towards the right side of the cathedral. Squirrelled away in the side are some bags of gems. 02/07 There is a cracked wall…
Paladins: Quick Guide for Loadouts
A short guide for making or picking item loadouts. Intro Welcome Overwatch players! no, wait… er.. paladins players! to my guide. today we’ll be going to show off some good Burn Card loadouts for classes and situations that you may find yourself in. Keep in mind that these aren’t “YOU MUST PLAY IT THIS…
Rivals of Aether: Lone Rival Guide
How to easily obtain the Lone Rival Achievement How to do the thing Select Wrastor (The Purple Bird) and select one of the eyes (I personally always use the eye on the right but either works). Jump up to position yourself above the eye, and Spam Down + Smash. Since this is Wrastor, you…
Star Story: The Horizon Escape – Endings Guide
A little overview which choices you have to make to get to which ending. If you’ve missed one you can just take a peek here and quickly find out which one it is and how to get there. Introduction / FAQ — Why is this here? What is it? — Hello there! Since I’ve…
Killing Floor 2: Steam Batteries Location Guide
Location of Steam Batteries on the Map: Steam Fortress for the achievement “All This Science I Don’t Understand”. Spawn Location 1 1 At the spawn turn to your right. There is a battery high up on top of an outside ledge. 2 From the spawn turn around and walk towards the trader pod. There…
Fairy in a Jar: 100% Achievement Guide
A little walkthrough and guidance for obtaining 100% achievements in 瓶中精灵 – Fairy in a Jar Introduction This game has 4 different Endings and 3 of them are Bad Endings, so I suggest to play the Good/True Ending (End A) last. Some answers may don’t really matter for an ending. So it’s probably possible…