In this guide, you will learn all the basics for playing the killer The Spirit in Dead By Daylight. This guide will also have some more advanced strategy’s along with tips about certain addons, perk builds, play styles, etc.

Spirits Stats/Basics
First I will talk about her basic stats (speed, terror radius, etc)
110 % | 4.4 m/s
Phase Walk Speed
176 % | 7.04 m/s
Terror Radius
24 metres
Because her speed is so low, you will have to rely on her Phase Walk ability in chases, because it is really bad if you are in normal walking mode for the majority of the chase. But her Phase Walk speed (Without addons) Is much higher than her base speed, along with any other killers base speed.
Her terror radius quite smaller than most other killers terror radius, which is a good thing. Most other killers terror radius (Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Doctor, Cannibal, Pig, Clown, Legion, Plague) Are 32 meters. But the other killers (Including Spirit) Have a smaller terror radius.
The good thing about having a smaller terror radius, is you can sneak up on survivors a bit easier and get first hits off a bit easier. But usually, you will/should be in phase walk when getting first hits off survivors depending on the situation.
Height does not really mean much in a killer, except for some parts on certain maps where you can see their heads above certain objects.
So that was the first section about the spirit. This was just basic facts about her, and I did not really talk about her play styles yet. Next I will talk about her power.
Power (Yamaoka’s Haunting)
Power basics/description

FulliconPowers yamaokasHaunting.png
Yamaoka is the name she carries from her ancestors, who unleashed hell on the battlefield. The Spirit draws her power from their wrath, haunting the living as retribution for her suffering.
The Spirit can use her Power, Yamaoka’s Haunting, to enter an ethereal plane and reappear at a new location.
Tap and hold the Power button to charge. The Spirit will depart her physical body, leaving behind a stationary “Husk”.
While Yamaoka’s Haunting is active:
The Spirit may traverse freely to a new location, moving at a faster rate for a short duration (5 seconds). She is still confined to movement within the physical environments and surroundings.
The Spirit leaves the physical plane, losing sight of all Survivors. She can, however, still sense the Scratch Marks they leave in the environment.
The Spirit will produce an audible cue at her current location.
Once the Power has ended, The Spirit retains her speed boost for a brief moment and her Husk fades away.
Using Yamaoka’s Haunting depletes The Spirit’s Power bar. The Power bar will automatically replenish over time (15 seconds). The Power bar must be fully replenished before it can be triggered again.
So all this information was talking about her power without addons, and her power can be changed a lot with good addons.
So if you’re very new to the spirit, a strategy I recommend just to get used to per power and using it is: getting in from of survivors while in Phase Walk and let them walk into you, so you can get a easy hit off. But this is pretty situational. And if you’re in a situation where you’re getting pallet looped (which happens a lot) you can mind game survivors pretty easily. That is why spirit is one of the most powerful killers, her ability to mind game so easily.
Mind gaming is when you confuse the survivors and manipulate them into going to a certain place, or making them think you lost them etc. A easy mind game to do as spirit when getting pallet looped is: going into phase walk on one side of the pallet, or a few meters away from a pallet, and going to where you think the survivor is. Something a lot of survivors will do is stand in the middle of a pallet, so if you try to lunge at them, they will be able to stun you easily, but something you can do to counter that is: try walking right into the pallet while in phase walk as see if you feel like there is an invisible wall. If you are in phase walk and you feel one (you cannot walk in a certain area in the open) there is a survivor there. So if you walk in the middle of the pallet, so sometimes on just one side of the pallet, you can either get a grab if you are able to back up and they throw down the pallet, or you can get a easy hit, but you will still get stunned a lot after doing this. So I recommend using enduring on her. So now that I talked about mind gaming while getting pallet looped, I will talk about mind gaming in other situations.
If you are in a area where you are safe from pallet loops, and the survivor is going in a obvious direction, I am going to go more in depth in the strategy I talked about in the beginning of this section. The strategy is, try walking ahead of the survivor and predicting where they are going to walk, so they will walk into you are you get a easy hit off. But as I said earlier, this is pretty situational. Something that you will need to do is thing for a moment, “If I was the survivor, is there anywhere I can escape from, and can I pallet loop the killer anywhere nearby.” So you can think and predict the survivors next move and try to get a hit off. All this sounds like a really long process, but you should be able to pull this off and end a chase pretty early, depending on the map and where you are. You should also know each map pretty well, because you don’t want to get lost while in a chase.
Another thing I should talk about is, grabbing survivors off generators, or grabbing them from chests, totems, etc. I recommend running a perks that make it so you can see if survivors are working on a generator before they fully repair it. Perks such as, Discordance, tinkerer, surveillance will be good because you can see if they are on a generator before they finish it, so you can go up to the generator while in Phase Walk and grab them off it. Or if there are survivors outside of your terror radius and they do not see you and you see that side of the generator they are on, you can phase walk, and grab them off easily. Or even without perks that show what generators are being worked on without the survivors finishing it, you can still hear them working on it, so you can sometimes get a grab. But you will have to predict what side they are on, or if there are more than one survivors on a generator, less guessing will be involved.
The next thing I will talk about is, windows. It is really easy to predict when survivors are vaulting windows, and you can usually get a easy hit, or a grab if you’re close to them and you’re in phase walk. If you’re in an area where there is a door next to a window, this can be pulled off very easily. If you are in a chase with a survivor and you see that they’re approaching a window and are not too far away, you should probably go into Phase Walk (unless they’re right in front of you and you could get a hit) and you can do 2 things. 1, if there is a door next the window, you could Phase Walk through the door and get a easy hit while they jump off the window, or when they down all the way down. Or 2, you could exit Phase Walk at the perfect timing, to get a window grab. But you need to practice window grabbing and get the timing right. Because if you click too early, you are just going to slash, and if you click too late, you are going to slash at the window and let the survivor gain distance from you. So just practice the timing and try not to click too early.
So that is all I have to say about using her power effectively. I know this was a really long and boring section, but hopefully you guys can find some valuable information and this helped you guys out.
3 Teachable Perks

Spirit Fury
Each Pallet you break magnifies the wrath of The Entity.
After breaking 4/3/2 Pallets, the next time you are stunned by a Pallet, The Entity will instantly break it. You still suffer from the stun effect penalty.
“Fury is her blood.”
Unique to The Spirit until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.
In my opinion, this is a very good killer perk. This perk is kind of meh on spirit because she has her own way to counter pallet looping. But for killers that cannot counter pallet looping very well, this is super powerful. It also goes great with another killer perk, enduring.
Hex: Haunted Ground
Two trapped Hex Totems will spawn in the Trial.
When one of the two trapped Hex Totems is cleansed by a Survivor, all Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 40/50/60 seconds.
The remaining trapped Hex Totem immediately becomes a Dull Totem.
“Her home became profane.”
Unique to The Spirit until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.
This perk is pretty luck based, but if you get lucky and the timing is right, it is like a mini Noed. This perk is luck based because, if you’re on the other side of the map, you will wast a lot of time by going to the side of the map that the totem was cleansed, and then all the survivors are probably hiding by then. But if the timing is right and you are near the survivors, this can be very powerful and on certain killers like the nurse, spirit (any high mobility killer) can down all the survivors in a very short time period, and win the game. So overall it is a very luck based perk, but if the timing is right, it is very powerful.
You become obsessed with one Survivor.
Each time a Generator is completed, the Obsession sees your Aura for 5/4/3 seconds.
Each time a Generator is completed, all Survivors’ locations are revealed to you for 3 seconds.
Once all Generators are completed, the Obsession has the Exposed Status Effect and the Killer can kill the Obsession.
The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
Unique to The Spirit until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.
I honestly don’t have much to say about this perk. It can be really powerful during certain situations, but I am not really a fan of Obsession perks. If you like perks like this and you like obsession perks, I do recommend this. But it is kind of a double edged sword because if the survivors are in a swf, they can just tell their team that the killer is coming for them or just give their team any necessary callouts.
Perk Builds
Tracking build
Barbecue and Chili
Hex: Ruin
When using this perk build, I recommend finding and tracking the side of the map that the survivors are on by using whispers, then seeing if they’re gen rushing and there are 2 or more on a gen by using discordance. Then Phase Walk and grab off the gen if you’re lucky. Next hook them and see if there are any other survivors on the other side of the map with BBQ And Chili. And just rinse and repeat. This build has great generator control/pressure and can slow down the game.
Tracking Build V2
Barbecue And Chili
This build will play pretty similar to the first one. You can find the side of the map that the survivor are on from whispers, then when the survivors get a gen done, you will get all their auras. From there, you should be able to get an easy hit off a survivor, and then Stridor should make the chases really easy.
Slugging Build
Deer Stalker
Knock Out
A Nurses Calling
I am not really a fan of slugging builds because they are really annoying to survivors, and pretty boring to play. But anyway, to play this one, just try to break apart the survivors groups and slug. It will also be hard for survivors to find each other (unless they’re in a swf group) and if they end up finding and healing each other, Nurses Calling can break them apart again if they’re in the radius for the perk to activate. Also, Deerstalker is pretty powerful in slugging builds just so you can make sure the survivors are not crawling off and hiding. And sometimes, if the survivor does not see you, they might crawl to other survivors, which can be helpful to you so you can find more survivors.
Generator Control Spirit
Hex: Ruin
Pop Goes The Weasel
The build will allow you to have good control on the generators and you will get a lot of pressure on the survivors. Ruin will obviously slow the game down, and it can go really well with discordance. Rancor will make it so you might be able to see if any other survivors are gen rushing once a generator is done, and if you can catch some survivors from seeing their auras, pop goes the weasel will be effective.
Toxic Meme Build
No One Escapes Death
Hex: Ruin
Barbecue And Chili
Franklin’s Demise
Though this build is really annoying to play against and kind of boring to play, it is really effective. Franklin’s demise requires no strategy, and is put into effect as you play the game normally, you don’t need to strategize to use this perk. And that perk plus Ruin will slow down the game a lot. You will also be able to pressure the map pretty well with Barbecue and Chili, which is always good. And, well… We all know what goes down in the end game chat when you use Noed.
A comfortable pair of flat sandals that can easily be slipped on and off.
Slightly increases Yamaoka’s Haunting movement speed.
Shiawase Amulet
A Talisman that makes one happy and enthusiastic.
Slightly increases Yamaoka’s Haunting duration.
Origami Crane
One of the one thousand orizuru for your wish to come true.
Slightly increases Yamaoka’s Haunting power recovery.
Gifted Bamboo Comb
A narrow tooth bamboo comb to gently untangle dishevelled hair.
Slightly decreases Yamaoka’s Haunting activation charge time.
White Hair Ribbon
A silken bow to tame wild hair.
Moderately decreases Yamaoka’s Haunting activation charge time.
Rin’s Broken Watch
A wristwatch with a shattered glass. The name “Rin” is scribbled on the wristband.
Moderately increases Yamaoka’s Haunting power recovery.
Muddy Sports Day Cap
A muddy sport cap with a High School logo. Identified with a sewn name tag to “Rin”.
Moderately increases Yamaoka’s Haunting movement speed.
Kaiun Talisman
A Talisman to get luck on your side.
Moderately increases Yamaoka’s Haunting duration.
Juniper Bonsai
Dark blue-green foliage bonsai tree. Once the symbol of Yamaoka family tradition.
Slightly increases the frequency of the passive phasing.
Rusty Flute
A rusty transverse flute with a haunting sound.
Considerably increases Yamaoka’s Haunting power recovery.
Katsumori Talisman
A Talisman that brings swift success.
Considerably increases Yamaoka’s Haunting duration.
Katana Tsuba
The handguard of an ancestral blade. Crafted for the Yamaoka family.
Slightly increases Yamaoka’s Haunting reappearance duration.
Slightly increases Yamaoka’s Haunting reappearance movement speed.
Dirty Uwabaki
A handy pair of indoor shoes.
Considerably increases Yamaoka’s Haunting movement speed.
Bloody Hair Brooch
A hair brooch crusted with dried blood.
Considerably decreases Yamaoka’s Haunting activation charge time.
Yakuyoke Amulet
Very Rare
A powerful Talisman to protect your endeavours from being hindered by suspicious circumstances.
Moderately increases Yamaoka’s Haunting duration.
Moderately increases Yamaoka’s Haunting movement speed.
Moderately increases Yamaoka’s Haunting power recovery.
Wakizashi Saya
Very Rare
The scabbard of an ancestral blade. Once crafted for the Yamaoka family.
Moderately increases Yamaoka’s Haunting reappearance duration.
Moderately increases Yamaoka’s Haunting reappearance movement speed.
Prayer Beads Bracelet
Very Rare
A powerful bracelet that reads a sacred mantra.
Removes phasing sound emission while using Yamaoka’s Haunting.
Dried Cherry Blossom
Very Rare
A crumbling, dried cherry flower. Once the symbol of mortality.
Slightly increases the passive phasing duration.
Slightly increases the frequency of passive phasing.
Mother-Daughter Ring
Ultra Rare
A silver ring engraved with “for my precious daughter”.
Tremendously increases Yamaoka’s Haunting movement speed.
Scratch Marks no longer visible while using Yamaoka’s Haunting.
Father’s Glasses
Ultra Rare
A pair of dad glasses that belonged to an overworked salary man.
Survivor blood trails are visible while using Yamaoka’s Haunting.
Above, you could read the addon name and what it does, but here, I am only going to list the green, purple and red addons (Rare, Very Rare, Ultra Rare).
Katsumori Talisman
Katana Tsuba
Dirty Uwabaki
There are not really any bad rare addons, these ones are just slightly better than the rest. You can decide what you like most from all the green addons, this was just my opinion.
Very Rare-
Wakizashi Saya
Yakuyoke Amulet
Prayer Beads Bracelet
In my opinion, the Prayer Beads Bracelet is probably the best Very Rare Spirit addon. It can be so scary to go against as well, and can make survivors really salty, which is always funny to see. I also really like the Yakuyoke Amulet because it just overall makes your power better and does not really help with one thing about your power. It is just well rounded. And for the Wakizashi Saya, you get a INSANE post Phase Shift lunge range. You can pull off insane lunges and get hits on survivors that you would never expect to hit.
Ultra rare-
Fathers Glasses
Mother-Daughter Ring
neither of the ultra rare addons are bad. Fathers glasses is very powerful with Bloodhound or Sloppy Butcher because you cannot see new bloodstains without this addon, but with addon, you are able so see fresh bloodstains and Sloppy Butcher and Bloodhound will make it much easier to find and down hit survivors.
The Mother-Daughter Ring is kind of like a double edged sword. It is really important to see survivors scratch marks during a chase, but having a much faster movement speed sort of makes up for it.
I like Fathers Glasses a bit more when I run it with Bloodhound or sloppy Butcher, but overall I like the Very Rare addons more.
That will conclude my addons section of this guide.
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very interesting