This guide is designed to help you if you struggle with the overall progression. General tips In order to avoid skipping anything, you may want to talk several times to each animal you will meet. Many of them have quests for you, and their rewards are sometimes required to help you progressing through the…
Category: Guide

A Short Hike: 100% Achievements Guide
Here is the guide to help you obtain all achievements in A Short Hike. 1. Story-related achievements Hawk Peak Reach the Peak of the mountain. In order to do so, the game recommends you have at least 7 golden feathers before trying to reach the top. Each one of them will increase your stamina….

London Detective Mysteria: Soundtrack Guide
Welcome to SteamAH. Here is London Detective Mysteria soundtrack guide. you can buy the original soundtrack from the Steam. and the soundtrack can be played in the Steam Music Player once the game is installed and the soundtrack is scanned by Steam: Settings -> Music -> Music Library -> Scan Now. You can then see the…

London Detective Mysteria: 100% Achievements Guide
Notes ✧ All choices are timed. ✧ All endings are required to unlock the true route, even the ones that won’t unlock any achievements. ✧ You can’t save during choices, save always before them. Shortcuts ✧ Press F6 to return to previous choice and F7 to jump to the next one. ✧ Press F8 to enable auto-skip. Note: Regular skip…

Acting Lessons: Full Rena Route Guide
Full Rena route: The first choice that kinda matters: – …going to the gym (Unlocks Athletic trait) The next choice that matters: Hanging out with Liam makes it easier to get the full route,m but isn‘t necessary. Just reject Melissa, if you go with Megan. During lunch with Leah tell her: – I‘m interested in…

Don’t Escape Trilogy: Walkthrough and Achievements
A series of walk-throughs, detailing how to beat each game and get every achievement. Introduction Welcome to my guide. This guide will be a walk-through of all three games, and will have some extra stuff like how to get achievements and stuff. The walkthroughs will give you a way to get the best ending…

Yet Another Hero Story: Missable Steam Achievements
This will help with some missables Missables Most of the Achievements are not missable. Intro Ready to fly! is unlocked at the beginning of the game. MISSABLE: After your catapult is complete, aim too high for Good Thinking #1 and Good Thinking #2 Chapter 1 Making Gold, Sword Bearer, and Made Something Special are all unlocked while completing…

New Frontier: Map Locations Guide
Here is the hunting spot and mine spot guide with map location in New Frontier. map Hunting spot Mine Spot Written by DelFarBlack

Last Tale: All Bosses Guide
This is a guide on how to easily beat every boss. Normal Bosses (Easy) Knifey Goblin – Focus on dodging using the X key teleport. Fire only a few shots. The best way to dodge while having enough time to recover energy is to teleport right when he is leaving the corner or is…

A Short Hike: All Feather Locations
There are a total of twenty feathers scattered around the map of A Short Hike. Though finding them is easy at first, finding the last few can be a bit of a struggle. Below I list all gold and silver feather locations. NOTE: All cardinal directions are given based off the map and the in-game compass…

Kindergarten 2: Monstermon Cards Guide
Welcome to SteamAH, here is the guide on how to collect all 50 Monstermon cards in the game. Blue Cards #1 – CELESTIAL SLUG During “The Hitman’s Potty Guard” storyline, go to gym instead of science. Help Carla snatch the ball from Jerome then return to Monty, who is laid helpless in the playground and…

PAYDAY 2: Gage packages location
Here is picture guide on finding gage packages on Breakin’ Feds heist. About this guide It’s probably not worth risking getting busted while sneaking around trying to find Gage packages on this heist, but if you’re one of that players that just got to find ’em all, this guide is for you. I try…