War Selection is a pseudo-historical classic RTS with a Armageddon mode, where game fraction is chosen on-the-go. Up to 62 players in one match fight on a random map. here is the hot keys guide in the game. Alt – Countries territory view. Q – Allows to send troops and attack enemies while moving to selected…
Category: Guide

Until I Have You: Ultimate Boss Guide
So i created this guide to help other players beat Bosses + There they can found some tips which can help. ❗This guide contain spoilers❗ 1. Ichi Let’s start with the first boss. 📌 Here’s your launch and defense spot that protects you from shoots. Every time you hit a boss you have to go back…

Dragon Star Varnir: How to Fix Sound Balance
This game suffers from terrible sound balance that needs to be corrected by the player for the game to be enjoyed to its fullest. This guide simply contains the sound settings that I found to be good enough to play through the whole game with so that players will have a rough starting point for…

Sea Salt: Unit Unlocks Guide
This is my attempt at cataloging all units and where to find them . Ruins The Worm Unlocked as part of the tutorial The Cultist Defeat the Admiral Karlshaven The Madman East route West construction block, bottom right of the room you’ll find two pitchfork enemies, destroy the hidden barricades at the waters edge….

Lilitales Guide: Everything You Should Know
Lilitales is a first person dungeon crawler/visual novel. It is not an RPGMaker game. It runs on another engine entirely. It’s a quality H game with top tier production quality and writing, and it might be KaguraGames’ best game yet. if you are new to this game. here is all you should know about this…

Lilitales: All Maps & Gallery Guide
Lilitales. This is a dungeon crawler game made by indie/doujin circle TUNNEL No.73 and published by Kagura Games. If you’ve paid attention to Kagura Games so far, maybe you already experienced this dev’s another game, Lilipalace. But this new title, Lilitales include much better battle systems and hot events than its previous work, Lilipalace. It…

My Friend Pedro: All Locations Guide
The locations of modifiers with pictures. Just don’t insert weird yellow objects in your head. Just a reminder on what is where. Old Town 7 – Infinite Ammo District Null 1 – One shot enemies. District Null 4 – Player size District Null 6 – Player Bullet Speed District Null 8 – Cinematic Camera…

Serafina’s Crown: Walkthrough for 100% Achievement and Ending Guide
Walkthrough for 100% achievements and how to reach various endings. Any Playthrough There are several achievements that can be done in any playthrough, but I sorted most of them into the sections where it’s most convenient to get them. The only remaining ones are these two: Landslide Victory Win a debate with opponent’s score…

Destiny 2: Full Raid Guide (Garden of Salvation)
The new raid’s been out for a while, and it’s a pretty tough one mechanically. This guide was written to help new teams have an easier time with it! The Vault of Grass, sometimes called Garden of Salvation, is a new raid that’s been added in Shadowkeep. The whole thing is just a glorified…

A NIGHTMARE’S TRIP: How to Get “The Electric Acquaintance” Achievement
This is a guide on how to get “The Electric Acquaintance” Achievement so you don’t have to be one achievement short of completion. Here is how I got the achievement. Basically, you gotta be mean or shut down the conversation for being friends with the other characters that you meet in the game. –…

Pine: Ancient Stables Walkthrough
This guide is part of my Pine walkthrough. I will show you how to go through the Ancient Stables step by step. Obviously this guide contains SPOILERS to the game, so be aware. Open the Ancient Stables vault So first of all there is no given order in which you should do the three…

Disco Elysium: How to Fix the Game NOT Save
Disco Elysium is a groundbreaking open world role playing game. this game will take your nearly 50-60 hours to gothrough and it will auto save in the progress. however. if you can not save the game when you are playing. we will guide you how to fix this issue. How to Fix the Game…