Mostly this is a spoilers filled description of getting through Chapter 3. You do not need this guide, or any guide, to get through. However, it is written as “in order” as possible, in case you are at point and questioning things. It also points out that you do not need to carry the kitchen…
Category: Guide

POSTAL 4: No Regerts – Secret Prison Armory Codes
This is a short Guide about the codes of the 3 different Armory of the Prison/Penitentiary. THIS IS NOT AN “IN DEPHT” OR “FULL-GAME” GUIDE, JUST A SHORT ARMORY CODE GUIDE Also I am currently working on a speedrunning guide, as I am trying to find the best way to go Any% for the actual beta…

MO:Astray – Location of All Infected People
Sosuke Akashi 1-2 Jolio Burton 1-2 Tristan Percy 1-2 Lily Gardner 1-2 Chloe Nolan 1-2 Dalton Lauter 1-2 Miguel Gerard 1-2 Adolf Miller 1-2 Sam Paul 1-2 Rina Aida 1-2 Hikosaku Yumishita 1-3 Dheeraj Kaoor 1-3 Tsukino Mukaizawa 1-3 Toivo Nieminen 1-3 Roy Tojo 1-5 TX-09 1-5 TX-02 1-5 TX-03 1-5 TX-04(resurrected) 1-6 Ian Zhou…

Stigmatized Property: Hints for Those Who Might be Stuck
The game is pretty straightforward, but I want to give some hints because I was stuck for a little while toward the end. The Path to the Apartment When you start, visit all of the shrines. Pray to all of them. There are a few in the pathways, one behind a vending machine and…

Dungeon Warfare 2: Beginners’ Guide
Dungeon Warfare 2 is a pretty extensive Tower Defense game with a TON of options, maps, rewards, runes, skills and more. It can be daunting when first encountering this labrynth of endless options. This guide will hopefully shed some light in the dark recesses and present a basic understanding of the game, how to progress…

Mutiny Island: Basic Walkthrough
This guide covers a very basic start-to-finish run of Mutiny Island. (SPOILERS) A Basic Run Surviving a Mutiny: You’ve been left to rot on Mutiny Island by your former first mate Morgan and his crew of traitors. The first thing you’ll want to do is search the immediate vicinity for basic supplies and craft…

Ultimate Fishing Simulator: Amazon River DLC Guide
This is a short guide listing locations and equipment/bait combos for catching each species from the Amazon River DLC. This guide is a work in progress – I have currently caught eight of the new fish introduced. Each section will cover one fish, the range of sizes of hooks I used, baits, locations, and any…

Breeders of the Nephelym: Alpha – How to Earn Orgasium
This Breeders of the Nephelym guide is about the in-game currency called Orgasium, how to earn it and how to spend it. About Orgasium The currency in this game is called orgasium, represented by the crystal that can be seen at the bottom right corner of the game. You begin a new game with 1700…

Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient – Walkthrough With All Collectibles
A guide to complete the game while also getting every collectible and every achievement. Introduction Hello there ^^ Welcome to my Corpse Party 2 guide. Following this walkthrough will grant you all collectibles and achievements in Chapter 1. I hope I don’t miss anything and if I do, please let me know and I…

GRANDIA HD Remaster: All Mana Egg Locations
Where to find the mana eggs. This is not a How-to-obtain-Guide. It’s a list to check up. Mana eggs Locations: – Loot from the Squidking (ghost ship), after the fight in inventory or stash. – Merril Road – underneath the church (sewers) in new parm. – West Rangle-Mountains – East Rangle-Mountains – Part 2…

Broforce: Bros Tier List Guide
This isn’t a meme this is something I’ve intended to actually be of help to anyone trying to do IronBro mode. I don’t profess to be an expert, this is just my personal opinion based on my own experience. You might disagree with me. That’s fine. I’m just trying to outline the pros and cons…

Wurm Unlimited: How to Create a Hamachi Server
Before reading, make sure Hamachi is working properly. ALL THAT IS NEEDED In the launcher, select Manage Local Server Select second tab Local Server Change the external IP, or rather Server External IP Adress, to PROFIT! You can run all the hamachi and go play! By the way, players copy your Hamachi IPv4…